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Where Does Your Media Fit Into Web3?

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When I attended the NAB Show at the end of April this year, 我想知道不同的供应商和内容创作者是如何看待Web3的, metaverse, 和非功能性测试. Maybe it's just the people I spoke to, 但没有人谈论Web3或它对流媒体市场的影响. 从这个意义上说, you shouldn't feel too out of the loop, as many consider it to be a sidebar to the 世界 of cryptocurrency.

在过去一年的大部分时间里,我一直在探索Web3和非功能性测试中的技术栈, and if you're looking to expand any marketplace for video, you might want to consider Web3 和非功能性测试 at your next road map discussion. Rather than focusing your conversations on current Web3 technology trends, 看看你如何通过你的产品来发展你的社区——你真正的利益相关者. My colleague Tim Brady, VP of solutions at Next League, recently 写了一篇文章 that outlines the need to define community first as it applies to your services. 对于任何想要更好地了解Web3和本专栏后面提到的细节的人来说,这是一个很好的起点.

我目前最感兴趣的是Web3和非功能性测试重新定义在线内容的DRM的潜力. The Web2 landscape has matured and evolved over decades, 和DRM策略现在已经确立,并在一长串智能手机上得到支持, 个人电脑, 奥特设备, 和智能电视. Regardless of the DRM strategy, the vast majority of media content—such as TV shows, 电影, 频道订阅存在于你购买它的围墙花园中. 这种方法非常符合web2——DRM的梦想和承诺是,内容被专门设计为在许可证持有者的严格控制下由集中服务保存。. 我们都知道,使用种子技术和类似工具,内容不断泄露到未经授权的分发渠道. 对于那些愿意冒险获取和分发内容的人来说,绕过DRM在技术上仍然不是很困难. For legitimate consumers, your license is not without restriction; it exists within a domain controlled by the entity that you originally bought it from. You can't take your online license and resell it to someone, but you can buy a Blu-ray disc and sell it a year later at a garage sale. (Note that I'm not saying that's necessarily legal, but it has been a common practice with physical media for years.)

我将以最后一个例子作为讨论版税结构的起点. 我敢肯定,大多数内容授权商都希望在车库拍卖中获得你的蓝光光盘收益的一部分. 被许可方是否愿意进入Web3领域,尝试销售内容的新模式,从而可能为他们的口袋带来更多收入? If the model resembled an NFT, could we store encrypted media off-chain, manage rights to that media with blockchain, and enforce royalty fees for every transfer of ownership back to the licensee? 当然,在音乐行业中已经有NFT模型在尝试测试这样的新模型. 对所涉及的技术栈进行深入的回顾超出了本专栏的范围, 我们也不需要了解不同的市场是如何以不同的速度发展,从而为内容分发添加基于社区的模式,并向内容创作者强制支付长期版税. 也有可能限制对内容的访问,使其更具排他性,或扩大访问,使其更具包容性——没有既定的规则.

在大流行开始的时候,我以前的一些同事发展了 氛围, a well-designed custom conferencing platform licensed by big brands. 今年,它将重心转向与品牌社区协同工作的NFT市场. One of the first 氛围-powered marketplaces just launched for 哑光的项目 在纽约市. 市场在 非功能性测试.不光滑的.世界 operates on an experience model. 每个星期六, NFT的所有者可以访问各种dj和艺术家在锐舞音乐会表演的直播流, and each owner can invite up to four guests. 虽然氛围和哑光的项目提供的实时协作环境服务有初始版税共享, the NFT is an open edition, meaning that there is no limit on the number of NFTs minted.

With an open edition, no scarcity is created. 因此, if and when resales of the NFT occur, 任何后续的出售都可能以低于原价的价格进行,但仍将向内容平台和创作者支付版税. 当然, 这种所有权和版税制度可以用Web2技术重新创建——任何服务都可以提供终身会员资格,并赋予所有者相同的特权. Web2 technologies could also develop a marketplace for reselling memberships, but it's all centralized to the original vendor, and the transparency to the community is not there. 在公共区块链上自由买卖非功能性测试的感觉对早期采用者来说很有分量, even if the rewards of that NFT are offered in a Web2 domain (e.g., a Web­RTC live stream delivered by a centralized service).

If this example intrigues you, 然后我鼓励你为Web3和NFT主题创建警报(# Web3和# NFT是一个很好的开始),看看你的任何竞争对手正在扩大他们的影响力到新的和现有的社区. Early adopters suffer more growing pains, but if they play it right, they will be ahead of everyone else as the technology stacks mature.

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