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10 Insider Tips for Getting the Most out of Sony Vegas Pro 11

你升级到 Sony Vegas Pro 11? Use these tips to get the most out of the new features.

1.    To deliver a high-quality video file for posting on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, 或者你自己的网站, 渲染到 MainConcept AVC 格式化和使用 互联网高清1080p template. 这提供了高质量的视频, and if you have an OpenCL-enabled graphics card in your render computer, the render will draw on the card's GPU to render significantly faster than other formats.

2.    要为Web流呈现文件,请呈现到 MainConcept AVC 格式化并选择 启用渐进式下载 复选框 in the Video tab of the Custom Settings dialog box. This results in a file that users can seek through even 之前 the entire file has finished downloading from the streaming server.

3.    在“呈现为”对话框中,选择 将此渲染模板添加到您的收藏夹中 按钮,用于您经常使用的每个模板. 的n, when you want to find those templates in the future, select the 只显示收藏夹 复选框. This sorts your list of file formats and templates down to just those you've marked as favorites. Instead of looking through dozens of formats and scores of templates, you now only need to browse through your few favorites to find the one you want.

4.    If you have several events on your timeline that are related (for example, 作为序列的一部分), you'll probably want to be able to control their position on the timeline as a related pack of events. 的 分组 函数在这方面很有用. 然而, if you know that you may also need to tweak the placement or trimming of individual events within the related pack (e.g., making minor adjustments to the position of a sound effect event), grouping can be too restrictive. 在这种情况下,使用new 同步连接 特性来创建事件之间的关系. 同步连接 works much like 分组 in that you can move the entire pack by moving the control event, but offers more flexibility to adjust individual members of the pack without adjusting the others.

5.    视频滤波器的新OFX实现, 转换, 媒体生成器, provides you with greater control over parameter animation. To animate any parameter in these plug-ins, 单击 individual 动画 按钮,用于该参数. If you've animated several plug-ins in the same chain or several parameters of the same plug-in, 单击 曲线 button to view and work on the resulting automation envelopes separately. Click the tag for the effect and parameter you want to adjust in order to sort the envelope view and make it very easy to find the envelope you need for the parameter you're adjusting.

6.    To quickly add animated text to your project, 单击 媒体发电机 选项卡并选择new 标题 & 文本 列表中的生成器. Point to the various presets to find the animation you like, and drag that preset into your timeline. If you decide you want a different animation, choose the new one from the 动画 下拉列表中 视频媒体生成器 窗口.

7.    当使用新的标题 & 文本生成器, use the text box that appears in the Video Preview 窗口 to adjust the size and position of your text. This makes it extremely easy to place your text into your video in a way that is most appropriate relative to the content of your video. If the position box does not appear in the Video Preview 窗口, 单击 生成的媒体 button for the event that holds your text on the timeline. This opens the 视频媒体生成器s 窗口 with the text controls in it, and also opens the position box in the Video Preview 窗口.

8.    If you experience an edge violation in your 3D video clips, the viewer's brain will have trouble making sense out of the placement of objects in the foreground of your scene. 为避免此问题,请使用 浮动窗口 controls in the Stereoscopic 3D Adjust filter to mask the appropriate video stream, thus eliminating the conflicting visual signals caused by the edge violation.

9.    When you use the Cookie Cutter filter or the Iris or Cross Effect 转换 on 3D footage, the cutout created by these plug-ins can conflict with the 3D placement of objects in your video. 要纠正这种冲突,请使用new 立体3D深度控制 to move the cutout behind or in front of screen depth so that it works more effectively with other objects in the video.

10.  You can specify whether you want Vegas Pro to process event video effects in your project either 之前 or 后 any cropping adjustments to the event. Depending on the effect you're using and the pan/crop adjustments you're making, this can have a big impact on the final appearance of your video. Event pan/cropping is simply a part of the video event FX chain and you can place it anywhere within that chain. 如果你想平移/裁剪 之前 any video effects, you don't need to change anything -- this is the "Pre-Effect模式并且是默认状态. 如果你想平移/裁剪 效果被应用(后期效果模式),拖动锅/作物" button from the beginning of the effects chain and drop it 后 the button for the effect. You can set pan/cropping into post-effects mode for some effects in the chain while it remains in pre-effects mode for others.

This article was contributed by Gary Rebholz, product training manager at Sony Creative Software.

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