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3 Essential Tips for Running Video Campaigns on Social Platforms

建立受众需要时间. Running video campaigns on social platforms has become one of the best ways to reach customers, 而Facebook是最受欢迎的孩子, 其他平台也可以成为很好的战略补充. 以下是多平台策略的成功之道.

  1. 了解环境:差异是至关重要的

在选择发布到哪个社交平台时, 同样的营销理念也适用于展示, 印刷和电视仍然是正确的.

“如果你的目标用户是该社交网络的用户, 那么投资视频就有意义了,Lea Kozin说, vice president of marketing and partner outreach for 360 and VR content agency Holor. "I see way too many brands trying to be everywhere at the same time even though a lot of social media marketers have been advocating against that for years. 这是无效的,而且会给人留下不真诚的印象."

The volume of video content produced means both organic and paid placement spots need to be fine-tuned to grab eyeballs. 其中一个关键的部分是真诚或真实.

B47为亚马逊制作了一系列Facebook视频广告. The ads used limited text and were stylistically similar to a TV ad.

“以一种真诚的方式表现出来,人们就会想要提升你,凯文·莫德补充道, 视频制作公司B47工作室的CEO.

当社交广告与受众建立联系时, 人们会分享它们, 发表评论, 并采取行动, 所有这些对品牌和营销人员来说都是好消息.

“当我们为(初创企业)Penta做东西的时候.科技, 列表似乎很有效,莫德说。, meaning videos like "Top 10 Things to Make You 更多的 Tech-Savvy" or "7 Must-Have Ideas for Christmas Presents."

Writing engaging titles like "Hysterical incident of the man at the red light,上传高质量的缩略图, 注意YouTube热门关键词, 创建详细的元数据帮助B47增加了眼球. 即便如此,它也进展缓慢.

"Now, we're still building an audience even though we haven't published content since June. 这需要很长时间才能学会,”莫德指出.


"Most people we are talking to lately want a longer message," Maude says. “(他们)会看90到160秒的任何地方." His team then creates 10-second teaser videos for platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram that point to the larger video campaign, 把预告片分几周播出.

长度在网上是一个主观的衡量标准, and the definition of short and long video content can be a moving target. Snapchat and Instagram sell ads that are up to 10 seconds long. Snapchat has what it calls long-form which can be up to 10 minutes. 如果品牌有一个吸引人的故事,观众想看, 长篇也可以很好, 尤其是在Facebook和YouTube上, Add3的社交广告客户总监. "But if you are trying to reach new customers, shorter works better," he says.

至于球员的规模, Facebook and Twitter offer a 1200 x 628 landscape option while Instagram is square and Snapchat is a vertical full screen, 指出Okroy. Different measurements should translate into different content. Kozin建议不要到处进行相同的创意.

“即使你只调整了一点创意, 或者最后的行动呼吁, 或者AD的运行长度, 试着微分它,她建议道。.

  1. 在哪里发布:选择最佳目的地

"In our agency 85 to 90 percent of our dollars are in Facebook and Instagram, 在Facebook上占有最大份额,奥克罗伊说。. "You get better engagement, better click-through rates, better visibility and shareability."

Snapchat is tailored to big brands and entertainment companies, Okroy says. Facebook and Instagram can be bought together, but he doesn't recommend it.

Snapchat offers 10-second vertical ads or horizontal ads up to 10 minutes in length.

"There's a button you can click that will serve an ad to both Facebook and Instagram, but we advise against that because they're totally different platforms, 尽管他们的目标和数据是一样的. Instagram is more of a passive visual medium where Facebook is a bit more lean-forward."

YouTube怎么样?? 这不是网络视频之王吗? It might get the most viewers, but it's not the favorite of video marketers. 对于使用它的品牌,  creating descriptive titles and tagging videos with key words will help SEO rankings. Inserting cards—ads within videos that direct viewers to a specific URL—can cross-pollinate and drive traffic from one platform to another and build an audience, Kozin说. For visual brands she recommends creating 360-degree video content because it drives more than 25 times the engagement of standard video.

Twitter also gets mixed reactions from video marketing professionals. Twitter最近广告销售缓慢, Kozin suggests it could be a good place to stand out since there's not a lot of video competition.

以下是各平台的快速细分:Facebook有规模 79%的美国网民 都在上面,它提供了定位的人口统计数据. Instagram is a more lean-back environment that has the advantage of using parent company Facebook's ad-科技. Snapchat和Instagram专注于千禧一代. Snapchat and Twitter-owned live broadcasting app Periscope are starting to roll-out more advertising opportunities. YouTube is a pure video platform where viewers go for 信息 or entertainment, 社会互动也减少了. The clean graphic design of some platforms is an appealing contrast to Facebook's clutter.

  1. 滚动型人格

"80-90 percent of traffic on Facebook and Instagram is on mobile," Okroy says. "So you have to think when you're scrolling through, can you get someone to stop?"


"The constant with video is you really live and die by the first five seconds,Kozin说. "Get to your point quickly and make it very engaging right off the bat. 如果你的产品是B2C,或者是年轻化, you want to take advantage of the more creative tools in the App Store that are low-cost or even free.她建议 神奇的视频 by PicsArt and Apple iMovie, as well as the creative tools built into Snapchat.

One big mistake is using lots of text to get around the audio-off playback on some platforms. Facebook鼓励营销人员 减少屏幕上的文字他说,这样做会带来更高的观点.

最后, one last bit of critical and often forgotten advice: "Make sure your landing page works, 针对移动设备进行了优化, 你的网站已经开始运行了,Kozin说. There's no worse way to lose the audience than sending them on a wild goose chase.

明白了吗? Here's a ten-second wrap up: Define the desired demographic; find which mobile platforms they use; and create fine-tuned sincere video messaging with clear imagery, 小文本, 也许是声音. Drive viewers between platforms to boost views; and use metadata, 标题和自定义缩略图,以帮助发现. Create a variety of content, delivered in installments, and then see what works best. 记住,建立一个受众需要时间.


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