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Stream’s online help files contain instructions for embedding Stream videos into Microsoft Teams, 大声抱怨说, SharePoint在线, OneNote, 影响, 和嵌入端点. 请注意,流目前不能向公众提供视频, 因此,如果你在博客或网站中嵌入视频, 观众在观看之前将被强制使用他们的流账户登录. 没有流帐户,没有观看.

本质上, 这意味着你不能使用流媒体向公众提供视频, forcing companies that need this capability to find another enterprise video platform to do so. 我们询问了我们的联系人, 和 he replied that “both Guest 和 Anonymous Playback are slated for later this year.”

Other noteworthy Office 365 integrations include the ability to upload recorded PowerPoint presentations directly into Stream 和 to embed Stream videos into PowerPoint. 在我们的审查中, Microsoft was beta-testing an integration with Microsoft Forms that allowed creators to insert interactive polls 和 quizzes directly in their videos, providing an audit trail for determining if an employee watched a particular video 和 learned the requisite 信息 from it.


Once the video is uploaded or the live stream concluded, Azure’s voice-to-text feature goes to work. 在测试视频中, 这个函数被证明是非常精确的, 文本很好地集成到桌面播放器中,如图所示 图7. You can scroll the text with the video or use the search function to quickly locate where a particular word was mentioned in the video. 在图7中, I’ve searched for all the mentions of the word “Pearl” in the video 和 can go directly to each mention by clicking the text in the Transcript window.

图7. Stream’s browser- based player, showing the auto-generated transcription on the right

Note that all of the text in the figure was original text as converted by Azure 和 is completely accurate, 虽然这个视频有相当高质量的音频, 这显然是关键. 如果你是视频的主人, you can correct any mistakes by clicking the line of text 和 choosing an Edit function that appears beneath the Transcript window when not in search mode. 进行修改,然后单击Done保存编辑. 请注意,不像一些竞争产品, 流不转录帧中的文本(如PowerPoint幻灯片), 只有音频.

超越在单个文件中搜索, 你可以搜索所有你可以访问的视频中的文本, 哪一个真正打开了每个视频中包含的制度知识. 整体, 而Stream并不是唯一具有自动转录功能的企业解决方案, 这个功能实现得非常好,并且增加了很多价值.

看看其他与游戏相关的功能, 在图7中, I’ve clicked the Settings icon on the bottom right of the player 和 the Quality control, 它可以让我选择梯子的横档还是自动, 这是默认值. 不同的控件

设置窗口可以让您改变播放速度从 .5x to 2x 和 adjust the color, size, 和 backgrounds for captions 和 subtitles. 带两个箭头的水平线打开进入剧场模式, 哪一个在浏览器中最大化窗口大小, 而带有两个箭头的对角线则是熟悉的全屏设置. CC按钮启用和禁用封闭字幕, 哪个是叠加在视频上的文字记录.

The three buttons on the lower left just above the comments section let you share the video, 把它添加到你的观察列表中, 喜欢它. The final three-dot control enables authorized users to see which channels 和 groups have access to the video, 将视频添加到群组或频道, 编辑上传文件时选择的选项, 并删除或下载原始视频. 流目前没有视频编辑功能, so you can’t perform operations— like trimming the heads 和 tails—that you can perform on other enterprise solutions 和, 当然, YouTube. 这是现场活动的主要赤字, 的, 通常, you’ll want to trim the first few minutes of recorded video 和 perhaps some at the end. 你现在唯一的选择就是下载视频, 剪掉头和尾, 然后重新上传, 这显然很笨拙.


图8 的片段显示了People视图 钢铁之泪, 左边是脸,右边是时间线. You get there by clicking People just beneath the timecode on the lower left of the player. 时间轴上的凸起表示该角色何时出现在视频中, 你可以点击任何轨道上的任何地方来移动到视频中的那个点.

图8. Here’s the People view, where you can track various people 和 their appearance in the video.

流试图识别视频中的关键人物, apparently prioritizing by size in the video 和 the duration of the appearance. So, People视图最初可能不包括Stream检测到的每个人, although you can add people that Stream detected but didn’t display to the timeline by clicking a “Show more people” option beneath the timeline (not shown in the figure because it disappears after it’s clicked). 在图8中, 当我们第一次点击“人物”时,出现了前三名演员, 当我们第一次点击“显示更多的人”时,又增加了两个. 最后,当我们再次按下选项时,底部的两个出现了. There’s also an Edit function beneath this display that lets you cull nonessential participants whose faces may have been captured.

Note that you can’t name any of the people identified in the video; you just choose by the picture. The ability to search by name would have been a convenient way to search for different speakers in the video library.

微软为iOS和Android提供应用程序, 我在iPhone X和三星Galaxy Tab a上进行了测试, 分别. 应用程序的功能与基于浏览器的播放器相当一致, but lacks People 和 Transcription views 和 the ability to choose a quality level. 启用字幕, 你也可以下载视频进行离线播放, 对于通勤者或需要赶上的旅行者来说,这是一个极好的功能. Commuters will also like the ability to keep listening to a video even if they switch apps 和 have Stream play in the background or if they power off their screen. Each app can also float the video window above the app so you can watch the current video while searching for other content.


在流, video playback analytics are limited to the number of viewers who started the videos 和 the number of comments 和 likes. So, there’s no drop-off data to let you know how long viewers are watching a particular video, 在YouTube等免费工具上早就可以看到了吗. We’re told that you get “rich analytics” if you use third-party eCDN tools like 蜂巢Kollective to distribute video inside the firewall 和 that you can build your own analytics via data sent to Office 365 audit logs. But if you’re looking for a complete set of out-of-the-box analytics, Stream will disappoint.

整体, if you’re basing much of your employees’ communications 和 interactions around Office 365 applications, you need an enterprise video solution that works in conjunction with these applications. 尽管Stream有很多功能缺口, 微软表示计划解决其中的大部分问题, 它对Office 365的集成非常广泛,而且只会随着时间的推移而改进. This should put Stream on the short list of all Office 365 users seeking an enterprise video solution.

[本文发表在2019年6月号的。 流媒体杂志 作为“评论:微软流”."]

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从Office 365视频大楼, Stream是微软对端到端企业视频平台的尝试. Anyone can try it for free now, but the company will start charging later this year.