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为专业的现场制作和流媒体组装工具包, whether you're working in a fixed in-studio location or taking your show on the road, 通常是指照明, shooting, switching, mixing, titling, encoding, and streaming with a patchwork of gear from multiple vendors that needs to work seamlessly to achieve your goals or your clients' (or preferably both). 如果你从一个地方旅行到另一个地方, 这使得可移植性变得非常重要, 这是一种可以简化操作的设备, or cleverly combines multiple production tasks will serve you especially well. 

The inaugural 百家乐软件app最新版下载 25 highlights companies that make gear that not only demonstrates promise or prowess in a single stage in the process, 但很适合一个工具包,使您的现场生产工作流程的工作.

考虑到这一切, we charged our expert panel of 百家乐软件app最新版下载 contributing editors with the solemn task of identifying the 25 companies who, 比他们许多有价值的竞争对手都要多, are driving innovation and shaping successful workflows among professional online video producers today. I’m thrilled to report that our gang of four (plus me) proved more than equal to the task.


安东尼Burokas, Founder/Owner, Frisco Studios; and Contributing Editor, 百家乐软件app最新版下载

Shawn Lam, President, SLV Live; and Contributing Editor, 百家乐软件app最新版下载

史蒂夫Nathans-Kelly, Editor, 百家乐软件app最新版下载 and Video Publishing Director, Information Today, Inc.

Jan Ozer,Principal, Streaming Learning Center; and Contributing Editor, 百家乐软件app最新版下载

保罗Schmutzler, Print and 视频制作 Specialist; and Contributing Editor, 百家乐软件app最新版下载

If you’re keen to know who’s moving and shaking live production and delivery today—from the mobile producers to the majors, 而大多数介于两者之间的人——不用再看了.

Brought to you for the very first time in 2019 as the content-creation-crew complement to the 流媒体 50, we, 的编辑 流媒体,呈现百家乐软件app最新版下载25.



One of the hallmarks of live production—live-switched and streamed production in particular—is that your flashiest gear like a camera or lens is only a single tool in the toolkit that supports your live production workflow. 从工业标准I/O到编码器到转换器, A/V recorders, and more, AJA的专长是批评, 尖端的齿轮,使专业的生产工作流程工作. 它还生产了一些很酷的相机.


杰罗姆·杨,创始人 & CEO

Atomos’ genre-defining line of monitor-recorders—invariably tagged with cool and memorable names like Ninja and Shogun and Sumo, 刀锋、地狱和火焰都在做高清, HDR, 4K直播制作人的形象要好几年. From high-quality monitoring to solid-state recording in pristine formats like ProRes, DNx的紧凑设计, Atomos的产品线几乎可以使任何专业工作流程受益.


Uli behringer,创始人 & CEO

Behringer’s X-series line of digital audio mixers got high marks from several members of our panel, who praised in particular their ability to auto-mix live mics—a critical feature for small crews always working with multiple moving parts, and livestreaming producers well aware that subpar audio (much more than video) is something online viewers won’t tolerate.



One of the hottest technologies in live production and streaming today is NDI. One innovative company that has pursued NDI with dogged determination is Birddog, 凭借其越来越多的基于ip的视频设备, 包括PTZ摄像机, 紧凑的NDI编码器, PTZ keyboard, and more.


Grant petty,创始人 & CEO

黑魔法设计是什么,如果不是多才多艺, 拥有众多行业领先的生产转换设备, 4K cameras, 广播电视转换器, 多视图监控, and monitor/recorder that can find homes in almost any viable workflow. But several of these products in their studio configurations also deliver a degree of integration unmatched in the industry.



iOS-based, live-switched streaming is looking more and more like the beast that swallowed mobile live production, thanks to companies like Cinamaker developing innovative and feature-rich tools that boast the same sort of benefits as more traditional tools in smaller, 更具成本效益的配置. 让我们希望这个行业能够意识到范式的转变, 因为它可能正在发生.



Datavideo’s range of solutions nearly span the gamut of live production gear, but it’s primarily the company’s innovative line of switchers and mixers that land it on this list, 尤其是SE-500这样的中档机型, 哪些是成功的专业制作人的必备装备.



杀害多人者设计’s MD-HX scaler/converter is the kind of gear you have no idea how desperately you need until you arrive at a shoot to find you can’t do anything without it. 远远超过一个简单的SDI/HDMI转换器, the MD-HX provides critical scaling capability in a compact design that bridges resolution and frame-rates differences with aplomb. The MD-HX is far from the only device that does all this, but it’s the one you need.


迈克·桑德勒,创始人 & CEO

Epiphan视频 has been bringing engineering ingenuity to the streaming industry for several years now with its cool, compact designs and rich feature sets packed into cost-effective solutions like the Pearl, Pearl Mini, 和Webcaster X2.


埃默里·威尔斯,联合创始人 & CEO

虽然视频编辑可能看起来像一个单独的活动, 协作是大多数商业视频工作的关键, whether it be multiple editors working in teams from disparate locations or editors sending cuts to clients for review. Frame.io was a pioneer in enabling postproduction collaboration and continues to innovate; as 保罗Schmutzler wrote in a Frame.我的评论是:“它让我的生活轻松了很多.”


Avi cohen,联合创始人 & COO

LiveU’s portable uplink technology has been critical in making anywhere, 随时流媒体, enabling mobile pro producers and citizen journalists to get their videos out using a range of field units and the popular LiveU Solo. A new multi-year partnership with Sinclair Broadcasting will push LiveU deeper into the newsgathering space that’s become its key demographic.

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对于默片导演来说,向有声电影转型并不容易, and it isn't easy these days for video producers to get the hang of live streaming.
