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Video: BlueFrame's Turnkey Cloud Serve Targets Sports, Worship, Enterprise

蒂姆:欢迎回到流媒体东2017. 你可以听到弗兰克·辛纳屈的背景音乐. If you come down you'll get a chance to actually hear him sing today, 只有一个晚上, 又来纽约了, 按他的方式做事. With us, we have a non-New Yorker, somebody from Detroit, if I remember correctly.




蒂姆:你在微软和Wowza工作过, 今年早些时候你决定离开Wowza, 你穿了件完全不同的衬衫. 首先, 告诉我们你是谁, 因为观众可能不知道, and 然后 tell us what the company does that you've joined here recently.

克里斯:没问题. 我叫克里斯·诺尔顿, 我从1999年开始就在流媒体行业工作, 首先在NetApp, 就像你说的, 然后在微软工作了10年,然后在Wowza工作. 现在我在一家名为BlueFrame Technology的公司工作.


克里斯:它提供了一个更容易使用的, 具有成本效益的, turnkey solution that allows anyone to have multiple cameras and push those out to any screen, 包括我们为你打造的OTT应用, 所以你不需要任何技术技能来使用我们的东西. 你只要把几个摄像头连到笔记本电脑上, 不管是Mac还是Windows, and switch between them with a bunch of great transitions and graphics that we'll provide, 无论是运动,企业还是教堂. 然后, 它会传到所有的屏幕上, 包括我们将构建和提交的OTT应用程序, 并定制您的标志和颜色.



蒂姆:有没有记录的功能? I know houses of worship like to do it live and 然后 do recording.

克里斯:对,这是个好问题. Not only do we take care of the switching and 然后 encoding and 然后 the delivery, 我们也存档所有东西, 所以你可以在网上找到存档版本, 我们有完整的内容管理服务. You can, in advance, set up a live broadcast and specify that in the content management system. When somebody 然后 opens up the app which is called Production Truck, 他们实际上得到, 基于他们的权限, a list of broadcasts that they are allowed to actually push to, 所以他们根本不用考虑, “我怎么把它连接到某处的服务器?"

他们只是选择 ... 就像你给的例子一样, 他们选择周日早上9点的礼拜, 它会自动连接它们, and 然后 that broadcast will be archives and in the content management system, 如果它以一种特殊的方式建立, it'll be automatically available on their website in the OTT app immediately after the broadcast is done.

提姆:好, 所以他们结束了, they don't have to do any transcoding or anything like that after the fact. 这都是 ...


提姆:好吧. 整部戏都是服务剧?

克里斯:嗯,这是软件部分. Production Truck is a piece of software which you purchase.


克里斯:是的. 这是年费订阅. There are two versions, a standard version and a pro version. 专业版给你四个来源, 社交媒体整合, so you can actually put social media right in your feed and you can also take instant replays and push those right into social media, so, 的, 一种双向的社交媒体互动. The standard version just has fewer sources and doesn't have instant replay or social media.


Chris: The cloud service that does the transcoding and delivery and archiving and content management, 起价为每月100美元.

蒂姆:有趣的. 弗兰克在这里很活跃. 几分钟后我们得去见他.


Tim: Before we do that, though, what attracted you to the company? 显然,当Wowza还处于早期阶段时,你就加入了Wowza. 他们已经存在一段时间了. 你和公司一起工作, 公司发展迅速, 真的好, 现在你又回到, 我猜这是一家初创公司, 也.

克里斯:对,没错. 我是这家初创公司的第八名员工.


克里斯:相当小. It was pretty interesting to me to go and find a new startup, because I like the idea of being close to the ground floor on starting these things up. 他们的产品很棒. 它已经运行得很好了. 他们有数百名顾客. 他们有成千上万的广播节目. It was already a proven technology and everybody I saw who interacted with the product and with the two co-founders, 这是一次非常积极的经历. 对我来说, 这是一个非常值得去的好地方, where I'd have a good experience and where I could contribute with all that 17 years of experience to help them grow it to the next stage.



蒂姆:肯塔基州的列克星敦. 有趣的. They're not Silicon Gulch or Silicon Valley, they're in the heartland, so to speak.


Tim: Where has their traction been so far, in terms of market verticals?

克里斯:是的, 到目前为止,大部分都是在体育领域, Division II and Division III college and minor league sports. 那些还没有和ESPN签约的人, 说, 但我想要一个存在, they want a channel on Roku and Kindle and Kindle Fire and Apple TV.

蒂姆:是的, so, essentially you're allowing them to go reach to their audience that would be fairly scattered if it's, 说, alumni of these schools that are in multiple locations and like that.


Tim: Is that something that you think can eventually help those schools move into getting contracts with ESPN or something like that, 因为他们有这样的能力, 的, 用Blue Frame试水, 或者假设是, even as they grow in audience numbers they would stay with Blue Frame to provide the service for them?

克里斯:对,这是个好问题. We do see more and more schools looking to have that kind of reach out to their alumni and fan base, whether it be just to keep interest in the school or whether to build donations or what have you. 随着越来越多的人这样做, 他们还, 然后, 从协会级别或会议级别, 希望有发现内容的能力, 不只是一所学校, 但是在很多学校里, 所以如果你对大学排球感兴趣, now you have one place you can go and discover all the games across the conference, 不只是一所学校.

蒂姆:这样就可以开会议了吗, and/or BlueFrame to package up a women's volleyball channel or something like that that 然后 could be sold to more traditional media?

克里斯:有可能,对. 我肯定在体育运动中看到了这种趋势, and the fact that they can do that now at a very low cost and package it up, 让它更引人注目. 我们认为, 在路上, as more and more niche channels come up where people want the collegiate volleyball channel, we'll have lots and lots of content that are customers will be able to provide and contribute to that and build their own exposure at no cost to them.

Tim: What's interesting is if you think about something like football in those D II, D III学校, 然后是军乐队, 也. The marching band comes out at halftime, so you may have the marching band channel.


蒂姆:那真是太迷人了. 你现在在BlueFrame的正式头衔是什么?




蒂姆:对,这是一家初创公司. Here we've had Chris Knowlton, partner and chief strategy officer at BlueFrame Technology. 我是蒂姆·西格林, Reel Solver的媒体策略负责人, 公司, 也是流媒体的特约编辑.com. 感谢大家参加这次采访, and we look forward to hearing really good things for us over the course of the next couple years.



现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

BlueFrame Debuts 免费的 OTT Platform for College Sports Streaming

College sports organizations can stream to fans on four connected TV platforms free for one year, 之后每月的费用也很低.


BuyDRM founder Christopher Levy and 流媒体's Tim Siglin discuss the history of BuyDRM, DRM技术的发展, 以及对加密和数字版权管理的误解.

Video: Apps Are the New Middleware, and OTT is the New Broadcast

霜 & Sullivan's Avni Rambhia and 流媒体's Tim Siglin discuss DRM, 应用程序, 用户体验, 新兴的编解码器, 许可, HDR, and more in this in-depth interview from 流媒体 East 2017.
