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Best Practices for Server-Side Ad Insertion

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Read the complete transcript of this clip:

盖尔·Magnusson: What are some of the best server-side ad insertion practices? 这是多个系统之间复杂的相互作用,不能出错是很重要的, 因为——至少在线性的情况下——一旦你的广告没有了, 他们走了. You'll never see that inventory again.

迈克尔·布沙尔: 我们遇到了这个问题,因为我们在不同的设备上有很多不同的受众,不同的广告商想在我们的网络上做广告,所以我们不能只采取SSAI方法. 根据具体情况,我们实际上同时支持客户端和服务器端. 实际上,我们有一些流可以交替地做这两件事,这变得非常有趣. And if you tie that into something live like a news broadcast ... You've all seen live news broadcasts just appear. They don't listen for the ad pod to finish, so it's truly live. 所以我们的广告,无论是服务器端还是客户端,都必须适应这种情况. 在早期,与达伦和他的团队合作是一个很大的挑战.

Nadine Krefetz: Were you building it? 你买了吗??

迈克尔·布沙尔: We thought we could buy it because ... Everyone's showing ads. 你看超级碗,你会看到广告,但事实证明这并不是真正的现场直播. They understand their pod size. 另一件让我惊讶的事情是,对于某些广告商和某些程序化广告,由于我们得到的分析结果, they pay a higher CPM for client-side. 所以我们很自豪能够推出这个全是服务器端广告的新平台, and we have to turn half of it off because of the revenue. 非常意外的. 我们今天还在运行其中一些,因为我们有更高的CPM. 所以这要看情况.

Nadine Krefetz: 金钱万能. Magnus, how about you? What are your comments on this area?

马格努斯Svensson: 我通常会说,对于服务器端广告插入准备是关键. 你需要准备好输入的内容和标记之类的东西. 你需要准备好石板和填充物,以防万一. 你需要对广告进行适当的编码,这样广告本身的质量就不会出现问题. If you're going live, I would say, be prepared for high peaks. Everybody's asking for ads at the same time. 所以使用预加载, 标头竞价, 这些使曲线变平的技术非常流行. 做好准备,因为如果是现场直播,很多观众会同时发布广告. It will be high peaks for the system. 所以有了准备,你应该做最终能得到质量的事情.

达伦Lepke: 确实,服务器端广告插入和在线广告生态系统非常非常复杂. That leads to a couple different challenges. I think when we talk about CPMs, today server-side ad insertion supports VAST advertising and VAST protocols; client-side still supports VPAID and some of the interactivity there--that's where you see some of the higher CPMs. 但我认为,随着有关VAST 4的一些进展和协议.0, some of the open measurement standards, some of the things that are coming online there, 我认为我们开始看到这些cpm的再平衡, 因为你开始从服务器端获得更多的分析.

So that's certainly something to think about. 最终, 你必须了解程序化广告系统的库存平衡, or in a presold ad system. 如果你只做付费广告,而不做大规模广告,那么这将是一个挑战. So you have to look to your ad partner there as well.

现在, the second part of complexity you want to think about is, in the television ecosystem, it's very controlled in terms of how ad breaks are scheduled, the exact durations of ads inside of an ad pod on the internet. 尤其是当你在进行公开交流或程序性交流时, if you request 30 seconds of ads, you don't always get exactly 30 seconds back. 有时是28, 有时是32, and you have to have a flexible system that can say, "I'm going to allow my ad break to go 30 seconds," and maybe my live stream is a little bit further behind live. So you can kind of flex your ad pods. You may make a decision to say, "I'm going to chop the last ad. Right when we get to the 30-second break, I'm going to cut out of the ad no matter what, 然后回去继续生活." And that may affect your completion rates and your revenue. And then you may also decide, "If I get 32 seconds worth of ads, I'm just not going to show the last ad. 或者我只做20秒的广告然后展示10秒的石板."

So, it's a little more complicated. 我认为,随着时间的推移,随着行业满足SSAI的一些要求,这将变得不那么复杂. 最终,它是关于计划和理解什么对你来说是最重要的. Are you optimizing for revenue? Are you optimizing for latency? Are you optimizing for production? 这些这些都是你在寻找SSAI的最佳实践时必须考虑的事情.

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