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了解更多关于OTT的信息 流媒体西部2020.


达伦Lepke: 我们的挑战通常就是客户的挑战. When I think about the things that Michael and Geir are going through with the loss of live sporting events due to the pandemic, and 当然 the kind of changes in behavior of consumers maybe shifting more towards SVOD services for the remainder of the year, 我们最大的挑战将是, how do we support our customers when live sports and other live events return--whatever we call this new normal? I'm 100% confident that we will get back to a normal state. We've already seen some green shoots of sports leagues, restarting in Europe. There are some big announcements coming around NBA, NFL, and MLB here in North America.

Our challenge is to maintain the current level of service for our customers, 因为, 在一般情况下, 一切顺利. 流量增加了,视频流量增加了. And then, when live events return, we don't expect everything else to decline. 我们认为这将是对正在发生的事情的补充. For us, that means preparing to be running multiple live events during one day. We're expecting peak traffic across the internet to continue. So we'll continue to invest in our network capacity and network quality, 并最终确保当事情发生时, that everybody has the opportunity to capture on the consumer interests around live sports and ultimately translate that into subscription or advertising dollars.

Nadine Krefetz: 这当然很重要. 事实上, 我们甚至还没有涉及到盈利方面, but I think I'm going to jump over to Geir--your challenges, 他们是相似还是不同?

盖尔·Magnusson: 它们非常相似. We're a sports-first, "come for the sports, stay for the entertainment" offering. 所以停止运动对我们来说很有趣. We have seen an increase in consumption 因为 people are home now and, 他们需要消费新闻, 当然, 注意发生了什么. And then also with the entertainment offerings, they're just using it to spend time. Going forward, I think we're going to see sports come back. 我们开始看到了. 德甲已经开始了. 我非常乐观. 它会回来的. It may be different, 当然 weird to watch a soccer game in an empty stadium. 但我们会解决的. As a business we're constantly focused making a better consumer experience. 然后我们最近成为了一家上市公司. That brings a set of challenges that as a private company, 这也是我们关注的焦点, 不断增长的用户增长, 增加我们的利润和通常的东西.

Nadine Krefetz: 现在, 事实上, 因为体育正在进入网络, is there anything special that you're thinking about since you're the new content in that you are getting refreshed?

盖尔·Magnusson: 所以让我振作起来的是, 因为 of the growth of OTT in the last couple of months, we're starting to see some of the national distribution infrastructure getting a bit stretched. As we get even more content with more simultaneous viewership--which is what happens with sports--we're paying very close attention to this to make sure that we can deliver that good experience that people are looking for.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


As streaming at scale enjoys greater reach remote ISPs around the globe, 最后一英里的挑战不断增加. 体系结构, 监管, 其他问题也很多, as experts from CBS/Paramount and EdgeNext discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


With so many moving parts in the streaming workflow, are best practices even possible? Five industry leaders share their insights into how to make all of the pieces fit


fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, 辛克莱的迈克尔·布沙尔, Reality Software的Nadine Krefetz说, Eyevinn的Magnus Svensson, and Verizon's Darren Lepke discuss SSAI best practices in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


Verizon's Darren Lepke and 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz discuss the importance of efficiency, 成本, 指标, and ad partnerships in OTT integration in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


The semi-captive audience created by the pandemic presents OTT publishers with unique opportunities, 如果他们能抓住他们.


FandangoNOW的Rema Morgan-Aluko报道, fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, 辛克莱的迈克尔·布沙尔, and Eyevinn的Magnus Svensson discuss best practices for integrating OTT components and platforms in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


Streaming usage is way up, and it's not going back down anytime soon. 通过专注于分析, 带宽, 和压缩, OTT services can deliver high-quality experiences at scale.

如何改进OTT搜索 & 发现

How can OTT services make it easier for consumers to find the content they want? 更多的聚合? 其它的建议? Sherry Brennan and Randa Minkarah discuss at 流媒体 East 2020.


Intertrust's Ali Hodjat discusses where OTT piracy is happening now, 反盗版公司是如何应对的, and what remains to be done to root out the problem in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

COVID - OTT增长是否可持续?

Resonance AI's Randa Minkarah and strategic consultant Sherry Brennan speculate on OTT's next new normal in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


Strategic Consultant Sherry Brennan forecasts the near future of OTT services and how consumers will use them in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

COVID - OTT激增如何影响性能

Intertrust's Ali Hodjat discusses how surging traffic and heightened content protection have affected OTT performance over the last three months in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect.


Critical survey data on OTT consumption from Altman Vilandrie's Matt Rivet, with additional analysis from strategic consultant Sherry Brennan at 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
