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即使作为全球领先的颠覆者 溢价体育 权利取得及 内容交付, DAZN 必须在更广泛的范围内与客户服务的实际现实相抗衡 体育流 市场, and advertising and 货币化 strategy is inevitably more complicated than youi might expect, 说 DAZN全球CRO和美国总裁沃克·雅各布斯. 自定义,粉丝基础建设,以及更多因素 货币化 等式,正如雅各布斯所说 Reality Software的Nadine Krefetz说 这是他们在2024年纽约流媒体大会上坦诚的炉边聊天.


Krefetz问 if most of DAZN's ad revenue comes from the traditional sources--15- and 30-second ads--and how much more non-traditional or innovative ad formats come into play with premium 体育流 in 2024.

“现实是, 我们是一个更广阔市场的参与者, 这就是市场交易的货币,雅各布斯说. 这就是游戏的名称, 如果你是一个数字颠覆者, there's a really significant pot of money over here that's traded in the form of 30s, and the 市场 wants to equivalize the 市场 in order to shift budgets. 我不知道10年后它会不会是这个样子, but that's the starting point right now because that's the 市场 reality. 所以我们可以坐在这里谈谈, 我的天哪, we should be doing more branded integrations and we should be doing nontraditional, and we should be thinking of innovative new currencies and new measurements and all that stuff.但在一天结束的时候, 我们是在为顾客提供服务, 客户正在定义他们想要如何投资, 而我们在这里就是为他们服务的."

这是除了观众期望之外的另一个关键因素, 沃克解释说, 是体育直播的结构僵化吗, 这在很大程度上取决于DAZN提供的比赛流程. 

“我们购买的大部分版权都是预先格式化的,”沃克说. “这是一场现场比赛. 自然会有广告打断它. The consumer isn't like, 'Oh my God, I'm missing the game, because you're showing commercials.游戏停止了. And so what we're bidding on when we buy the rights is a pre-formatted game designed for 30s. 为了改变这一点, it's not just our desire to change it; the entire 市场, including the rights holder and how they're selling their rights and what they're allowing their broadcast partners to do, 以及营销人员想要如何投资. All of those things would have to change for us to get away from just trading in 30s."


话虽如此, Jacobs说, DAZN does find ways to vary the fan experience and bring them closer the game than traditional linear broadcasts typically allow. 这也意味着为品牌提供新的机会.

他解释说:“围绕新形式、新观众,有很多创新. “我们有一款产品叫做 FanZone that is not dissimilar from Twitch in that it's a fan-based community with live chat and integrations and polling and contest. 这是一种非常有趣的观看体育直播的方式."

在德国和其他一些法规允许的国家, 雅各布斯继续, DAZN提供的产品叫做 DAZN打赌, which gives fans in-game opportunities "to wager on what's going to happen next in the game. 这对于用户粘性和喜欢这种体验的消费者来说是极好的."


关于更基本的访问水平, and how fans can opt in to see the sports they want to watch in an increasingly fragmented and labyrinthine sports viewing environment, Krefetz问, “这是订阅服务吗?? 免费服务? 人们是怎么得到它的?"

在美国.S.雅各布斯回答说:“这是一项订阅服务. “这是29美元.99美元一个月,第一个月免费. 价格因国家而异.(截至2022年底,DAZN在225个国家播出.)

"But more and more and more of our programming is windowed in front of the paywall," he continues. "So what we're trying to do is understand that different cohorts of consumers have a different threshold. 例如,我们在德国一直非常积极. 我们在德国市场上拥有一些最好的版权, 包括欧洲冠军联赛, 包括外滩, 联赛. Every single match day for the entire season, at least one match is in front of the paywall. 所以你可以在DAZN上观看各种活动. 现在, 如果你是一个超级球迷,想看拜仁慕尼黑的每一场比赛, 这有不同的定价门槛. But it's still more economical to subscribe to our service than it is to be buying tickets and going to games."



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, and lively debate at 流媒体连接.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

奥特曼梭伦’s 大卫Dellea Discusses the 2024 Olympics and New Global Sports Survey Insights

Boston-based consulting firm 奥特曼梭伦 recently released "Going for Gold: The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games, 媒体, 数字原生粉丝," which used their annual Global Sports Survey findings to understand how broadcasters are adapting their 2024 Summer Olympics coverage to appeal to a digitally native fan base. 大卫Dellea, 合作伙伴, 奥特曼梭伦, talks with 流媒体's Tyler Nesler in-depth about the findings of this survey, and he provides his professional insights and expertise into the rapidly evolving sports 媒体 business.


Delivering premium content to broad audiences means acclimating to the viewing habits of different consumer demographics, which can make serving younger viewers with typically longform content like live sports challenging for sports streamers like DAZN. 这段视频来自2024年纽约流媒体, DAZN全球CRO和美国总裁沃克·雅各布斯 discusses the engagement curves of social and CTV viewers and how DAZN has learned to lean into them.


展望CTV的未来,百事公司媒体策略主管 & Katie Haniffy看到了可购买的广告, 加大对流媒体平台直播活动的投资, and maintaining cultural relevance as key elements of new initiatives to leverage the emerging possibilities of CTV advertising and build fan bases, 正如她在与OMD U的炉边聊天片段中解释的那样.S. 视频投资主管 & 激活苏珊娜·欧文在纽约流媒体.

How Google Leverages First-Party and 合作伙伴 Data to Improve Consumer Experiences

像谷歌这样的“数据机器”, the problem is never having too little customer data—it's all about managing the data overload to pinpoint the right data to leverage to build customized, 有针对性的, 个性化的体验,满足用户并保持他们的参与. 越来越多地, according to Google TV Product Manager UX Rob Caruso in this interview with Media Universe Cartographer Evan Shapiro at 纽约流媒体, it's working with partners to identify the right mix of first-party and partner data to take personalization to the next level.


The first measure of 体育流 success is replicating the cable/broadcast experience, but AWS' Julie Neenan Souza insists that sports streamers should be aiming higher when it comes to leveraging streaming's core strengths, 从互动性到投注到个性化再到实时电子商务. Meanwhile ViewLift's Chance 梅森 contends that the key to next-level 体育流 delivery is streaming infrastructure companies like AWS embracing their emerging role as D2C 媒体 companies and partnering with sports leagues and sports rights holders at that level. Souza, 梅森, and 奥特曼梭伦's Matt del Percio discuss these and other emerging opportunities for 体育流 in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


直播内容以体育为主导, and fan appetite—much like bidding for rights—shows no sign of slowing down as the calendar turns to 2024.
