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How to Succeed with REMI and Cloud Production

Learn more about REMI and cloud production at Streaming Media West 2022.

Corey Behnke: 你能谈谈你最近为你的公司或客户使用远程混合工作流的成功案例吗?

Ben Ratner: 所以,我不知道你们中是否有人必须处理COVID的事情,但它造成了一些问题. We couldn't all broadcast from CNN in New York. So, before I got to CNN, 我的老板在人们家里用物理电脑建立了这个很棒的工作流程, so they didn't have to go into the office for anything. And then over the course of the last six months, we had a hurricane hit New York and we had a snowstorm hit New York, 它摧毁了我们的主要系统,然后是州内两个不同地区的冗余系统. So we had to take those systems, which were already remote, but not cloud, and we had to shift them to the cloud very quickly. A, so we could just get them up and running without having to acquire new computers or anything; and B, 因为很难买到新电脑,因为芯片也短缺. 因此,我们能够非常迅速地将我们的生产从远程本地转移到云上. And those shows never missed a beat.

Jon Finegold: So, lots of interesting stories, 但回想一下疫情爆发的早期,我认为我们在signant最引以为傲的一件事是,当体育直播开始回归时,存在着巨大的不确定性,没有人知道现场会有多少人, 规则不断变化,在不同的地方也不同. 当然,当有人生病的时候,你就得换人. So we had a team come together with a variety of media tech partners. Of course, Signiant plays the role of just helping file-based content kind of before, during, and after moving stuff to and from the venue and the truck. 他们要如何重建正常的环境让制片人大喊大叫,弄清楚发生了什么什么时候发生了什么, and where's this highlight clip and all that kind of stuff?

And so what we did is decided to use Slack as kind of the anchor tool. 显然,它是每个人都熟悉的实时通信工具,它使人们能够保持通信. 但作为媒体技术供应商,我们所做的就是将我们的产品与slack整合在一起. 所以你不仅可以交流,还可以看到到底发生了什么. 所以我们有像Telestream和EVS这样的公司和一些不同的图像公司,当然还有signant移动文件. 所以所有参与的编辑和制作人都可以看到文件传输的过程中到底发生了什么以及它将在什么时候着陆——“好的, this thing's gonna land in 18 seconds. 它会在这个地方,这是名字,砰,准备好了,把它播出."

所以这是一个很酷的整合,在不到24小时的时间里,每个人都在努力, 使用现代api将所有这些不同的工具结合在一起,并使用Slack作为锚点. 但我认为,就这些整合的走向而言,这是一种预兆. 但它确实使这个团队能够让人们在任何地方使用他们熟悉的工具,并在指尖上获得他们需要的所有信息.

Mike Savello: So, obviously, we don't do productions ourselves. We're a manufacturer, but but we have a customer called Live Sports LLC. They do a lot of tennis tournaments, 所以他们与ATP和所有其他职业网球巡回赛都有联系,他们每年在任何时候都要举办40多场比赛. And these events are between seven and 10 days in length. 在任何给定的时间,它们都可能同时发生两到三个事件. 实际上有一个周末,他们同时有六件事发生. 他们能够做到这一点的唯一方法就是把他们的产品放到云端,因为他们需要这么多的虚拟化百家乐软件, 或者有太多的生产百家乐软件,他们无法在一个物理位置完成.

所以他们使用亚马逊的云服务在AWS上建立了自己的VPC. They are using Vizrt Vectar. 他们正在使用LiveU的Cloud Connect将内容放到云端,并连接到Viz Vectar解决方案, Viz Vectar Plus in the cloud. 他们正在使用一种叫做哈里森混合总线的东西,用于他们的音频工程,以及云中的音频混合, which I wasn't familiar with, but it's a pretty cool tool from what I understand. And so their graphics person, their switching person, 他们的音频工程师在每次活动中都在三个不同的地点. And they can hire one per event, honestly. So they're all spread throughout the country.

And then they're also actually at each tennis tournament; they set up PTZ cameras so they don't even have camera operators on site. 他们还通过我们的LiveU技术远程控制所有这些设备, 因为我们有一个IP回传通道,可以让你将PTZ设备连接到它们,并拥有完整的远程. So all their camera operators are also spread throughout the country. So it's a completely virtualized environment, 我认为这是你在混合工作流程中使用REMI所能做的最远的限制.

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