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派拉蒙's Adtech Challenges for 在线直播 at Scale

大规模直播面临的最大的广告技术挑战是什么? Jarred Wilichinsky, SVP Global Video Monetization and Operations, 派拉蒙, speaks with Nadine Krefetz, Consultant, 现实的软件, Contributing Editor, 流媒体, 关于一些必须处理的技术问题,以便在直播活动期间有效地投放广告.

“这不是 超级碗 because you're not essentially serving one ad to a lot of people, but you're serving a lot of different ads to a lot of people,克雷费兹说 to Wilichinsky about the 派拉蒙 到场的操作. “What's the acceptable latency for you?”

“If it's a live event?威利金斯基说. “与动态决策一样,延迟是数字领域的头号敌人之一. So there are methods to mitigate that. 我认为预抓取是一个很重要的术语,特别是在有规模的情况下. There are different ends of the spectrum.Wilichinsky强调,在给系统更多的适应和准备时间时,必须仔细考虑观看者的数量. “You spread out the load a little bit in that form of matter,” he says. “总的来说,广告技术在传播的时候比浓缩的效果要好得多.”

“So you're load testing it?克雷费兹说. “You also said occasionally things break. What breaks the most often?”

“Everything breaks,威利金斯基说 with a laugh. “I mean latency is always a never-ending challenge. Especially on live high concurrent stuff. You get into blank VAST tags. 你知道, 直到今天,人们仍然认为FLV是数字广告中可以接受的一种视频格式. Flash went away how many years ago? 它仍然会出现. VPAID is still showing up in places. And those things cause problems. Audio levels - they're too loud, they're too soft. 你知道, we have to think about how do we normalize audio at scale? We review ads before they go live. We check their specs. We do that and we do that at scale.”


威利金斯基说:“我们利用技术,并有合适的合作伙伴来检查它的核心规格. “你的比特率,你的文件大小,你的音频水平,你的帧率和释放帧. 你知道, those core elements.” But he also notes that their operations team still directly watches ads. 他说:“我们仍然要确保没有诅咒或任何不合适的东西。. “尽管我们是数字化的,但整个标准和实践都很重要. You don't want to serve an inappropriate ad in certain types of content.”

Learn more about adtech at 流媒体 West 2022.

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SMNYC 2024:派拉蒙的史蒂夫·埃利斯谈论优质内容、广告和度量

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林在2024年纽约流媒体大会上采访了派拉蒙广告首席运营官史蒂夫·埃利斯. 埃利斯讨论了广告支持流媒体的增长,以及派拉蒙作为这一领域先驱的角色, 他还强调了整集节目在有效接触和吸引观众方面的重要性. 他和Siglin还谈到了新的尼尔森测量方法,该方法显示了所有付费出版商和YouTube的总受众范围, 他还强调了有效广告的必要性,这些广告必须与提高意识的目标相一致, 考虑, and last-click attribution.


In the ever-evolving landscape of streaming media, 派拉蒙第一季度财报电话会议揭示了一幅充满机遇和挑战的复杂图景. Amidst shifts in leadership and speculation around strategic mergers, 派拉蒙 stands at a crucial juncture. 丹口高曼, Founder and CEO of Ateliere, 作者讨论了他们最近的举动无疑会对全球流媒体行业产生重大影响.

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