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虽然“云”的定义范围很广, cloud usage for streaming ultimately results in several improvements to technological capacity and more efficient use of production funds.  

埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森主席 流媒体会议和CMO, id3as, asks four industry figures just how they define the cloud in their terms and the ways that they best utilize it for their respective organizations.

Rick Clarkson,首席产品官 Signiant说, that they break the cloud down into two different categories: public and private. In terms of the public cloud, he 说, “We are really thinking about AWS, Azure, 谷歌. So that's who we feel are the big public cloud vendors. 然后是私有云. There are dozens of private clouds that can be hosted on your own premise. 它们可以托管在一个托管位置, the way we look at private clouds is they're really using very similar cloud technology that the publics are using. The real difference is you have to manage them yourself. 所以你需要有你的员工, 你需要有你的IT团队, 你需要备份东西……东西是为规模而建的. So it's really customer decision in terms of what they want to use. 其中一些可能是出于安全原因. Some of them 可以 be interested in more of a fixed price versus something that's a scalable price.”

Michael Koetter,数字媒体系统高级副总裁 华纳兄弟. 发现说,, “One of the key differentiators with cloud versus any other virtualized infrastructure that we work on is the automation and the dynamic nature of it to be able to spin up, 自旋向下. We have a lot of fixed install VM environments where we 可以 probably achieve some of that same kind of software-defined environment. But that environment is something that we're on the hook for – we paid for it. And so I think that the consumption nature of the cloud is kind of the really defining factor for us and why we're in it.”

“I would agree definitely,” Jef Kethley, Executive Director/President, LiveSports,有限责任公司说,. “The amount of times that we've had larger events that we are supporting – multiple 变焦 meetings…just recently we had over a hundred different meetings running. 我不能去 百思买 或者打电话 戴尔 然后说,‘下星期我需要一百台电脑.’ I 可以 如果是云呢. 这对我们来说是件美好的事.”

老科里·史密斯. 先进生产技术总监 CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙说,, “One of the things that we're primarily focusing on 正确的 now is actually using cloud and the idea of hybrid to actually extend our physical footprint and our production studios today, 因为我们不打算发展更多的房地产, 正确的? We're not going to turn around a budget next year and build 15 more production control rooms. That's just not something that I think a lot of people are doing from a budgetary perspective anymore. So cloud has really allowed us to change the focus of where we spend our money, how we focus those dollars in a much more optimized and efficient manner to get the best kind of product we can to air.”

了解更多关于云生产的信息 流媒体西部2022.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

vMix Cloud and Other Indispensable Cloud Production Tools

LiveX's Corey Behnke and Social180Group's John Porterfield discuss the essential cloud-based tools in their live production workflows from the 在线直播 Summit at 流媒体西部2022.


What role does data play in decisions about cloud workflows? Where does that data come from and what does that data tell us? Three industry experts talk about how shifting data to the cloud has ultimately streamlined workflows and costs compared to maintaining and moving data within on-prem networks.


Jef Kethley of LiveSports talks about how his organization develops solid resiliency models in varying production environments through the use of multiple data centers and cost-effective cloud production.


Effectively evaluating cloud broadcast services entails several essential considerations. CNN/华纳兄弟的本·拉特纳. 发现, 简·马赫是和声乐团的, Megan Wagoner of Vimond discuss their experiences and offer advice on how to find the perfect cloud broadcast service for your needs

Biggest Challenges of Moving from On-Prem to 云视频 Workflows

Some streaming pros say cloud production has made 5-10 years of progress in the two years since the pandemic shook live production to its core, but when will cloud offer the sort of no-latency communication, 预览, replay producers expect and rely on in on-prem workflows? And will it require a paradigm shift in the way producers think about hardware purchases and usage? Live X的科里·本克, CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, Signiant's Jon Finegold discuss the challenges of cloud migration and the current state of cloud in this clip from 流媒体 East 2022.

云对. On-Prem:为工作选择合适的工具

Migrating video infrastructure to the cloud is no simple undertaking for government organizations, 学校, 以及其他制度环境, even though cloud infrastucture is becoming more mainstream, 这并不总是正确的. DiscoverVideo CEO Rich Mavrogeanes discusses some examples of government clients and institutions that have gone in different directions on cloud, vs. 以及他们为什么做出这样的选择.
