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deadmau5 Talks Audio vs. Video Quality for Live Streaming

It stands to reason that electronic music icon deadmau5 会在直播中优先考虑音频而不是视频,但事情没那么简单. 这在很大程度上取决于他的听众如何在网上消费音乐, prevailing trends in device usage, and more.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, Chair, Streaming Media Conferences, and CMO, id3as首先,他提到了流媒体行业的“编码大师”之一, Ben Waggoner, “过去,他在我们的活动上做演讲时,总是这样开场, “流媒体是一种艺术,它把令人惊叹的视频和音频放在一起,让它们看起来和听起来更糟糕!“无论你做什么,都会有一些牺牲.” He asks deadmau5, who is also an equity partner in Stream Voodoo, “你如何决定你愿意为特定的事件或特定的流做出什么样的牺牲? 你是一个音乐家,音频质量总是比视频更重要吗?”

Deadmau5说,当他制作音乐时,他会情不自禁地想到最高质量的输出. “I make music [with] this kind of attitude that, ‘Oh yeah, 我真的觉得每个人都光着脚坐在客厅里 McIntosh AMP and the $5,000 DAC, and they've got this beautiful ATC set up, just, ‘Zen-ing’ out listening to music, 这就是它被制作出来的方式和被听到的方式.’” But he notes that even in major music venues, 由于各种因素,他不能指望为与会者提供高质量的音频体验, including crowd noise and possibly his own inebriation. “I might have had six beers too many,” he says. But he also says, "I go to a venue and then throw up like this massive K2 array and just blast at 130 DB...it sounds [terrible]. And that's not because of the sound company. It's not because of the product. It's not because of me. It's just it's the venue. You’re party facilitating at that point, you know?”

但总的来说,deadmau5说:“我想向全世界提供精确的质量吗? Not really, you know what I mean? 如果它是来自受控工作室环境的受控流,那么音频质量将非常重要, 我直接把它唱出来,就像我想让别人听到的那样.但他指出,他的大多数听众都在已经高度编码的平台上消费他的音乐 Spotify and YouTube. 他说:“我的粉丝群更有可能在YouTube上上传一首歌,而不是听它。. “纯粹主义者会说,‘好吧,我有无损音频. And it's like, it's not, you know what I mean?”

舒马赫-拉斯穆森同意,为了更好地为车迷服务,有必要做出一些妥协. “You know, I admire the hell out of Neil Young,” he says. “But to go to the extreme of saying, “我要拒绝让那些听我音乐的人听我认为音质不能接受的音乐,’ that's not really a viable solution either.”

Deadmau5比较了不同药物导致的不同中毒状态,以此作为改变音频输出技术毫无意义的例子, 如果听众已经在以一种折衷的方式消费音乐. “Drunk is drunk. Stoned is stoned. Okay?” he says. “I had a really funny conversation. This is kind of off the menu in some states, but I was at a friend's house, and I don't smoke weed at all. I can't, because if I do, I'm out. 要么我得去医院,要么警察就会出现尽管这是合法的. Or my mom's gonna walk in dressed as a cop. You know what I mean? I just cannot handle weed. I have all these friends that are like, ‘Oh, well, you’ve got to try indica, you have to try sativa, you have to try this. You’ve got to do this different thing. It's like, ‘Yo! Drunk is drunk.’ How many people have gone up to you to say, ‘Okay, listen, I got super blackout wasted last night, I'm never doing that again.’他们说,‘天哪,你得把葡萄酒换成啤酒了.’ No dude! I'm still gonna get wasted. I might get in a fight."

“所以我不认为改变品牌会给你带来这种不同的预期产出,除非你是一名侍酒师,” he says. “在音频和流媒体领域,我们有侍酒师. I've got my 192 kHz 24-bit. 我能听到——不是因为我是里克·鲁宾,而是因为我有一双85美元的眼镜,上面有000个监视器,它们足够透明,可以显示出这种差异. So there's so many 从传递到接收的因素让人们知道它是什么样的, ‘Oh wow, the quality of this is really good.’ Right? 然后你出去,你看到这个孩子在即兴演奏他最喜欢的歌 iPhone speakers, 可能和里克·鲁宾一样拥有他生命中的大部分时间, you know, ‘Zen-ing’ out in his bare feet!”

了解更多关于直播音频和视频质量的信息 Streaming Media East 2023.

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