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2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: 谐波


One of the greatest challenges that content providers face today is the cost-effective delivery of an ever-increasing amount of multiscreen content. At 谐波, we are deeply invested in nurturing new delivery technologies that promise to bring simplicity, 效率, 和高视频质量的多屏幕工作流.

One such technology is the new HTTP streaming standard MPEG DASH. DASH offers a single delivery format for high-quality streaming of multimedia content over the Internet, and we believe it will be crucial in helping content providers bridge the gap from traditional broadcast to next-generation multiscreen services. 谐波 helped accelerate adoption of the standard by supporting the first live, public MPEG-DASH trial at the 2012 London Olympic Games with European broadcaster VRT, and powered the first commercial DASH deployment alongside Nagra and Abertis Telecom. 鉴于阿伯蒂斯新服务的成功, we expect the number of DASH-based OTT multiscreen service deployments to dramatically increase in 2013.

在地平线上, the upcoming HEVC standard promises to lower bandwidth requirements by as much as 50 percent. This could potentially allow increased OTT offerings with flat bandwidth requirements, with great implications for the economics of multiscreen services.

We believe 2013 will see further growth and widespread adoption of multiscreen technologies, as these and other technologies allow operators to more cost-effectively roll out new OTT and multi-platform services.


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2013 Online Video Industry Fortunes: An Introduction

Leading Executives of the Online Video Industry give their prediction for what's to come in 2013

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: AllDigital

保罗·萨默斯主席 & CEO of AllDigital, provides a look to what we can expect in 2013 for the online video industry.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Digital Rapids

布里克·埃克斯滕,总统 & CEO of Digital Rapids, predicts what to expect for the online video industry in 2013.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Digitalsmiths

本·温伯格,联合创始人 & CEO, Digitalsmiths, on record for where to look for online video revenue in 2013

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: 基本技术

基斯Wymbs, 市场营销副总裁, 基本技术, 2013年说, software-based multiscreen video processing infrastructure will dominate the video compression market.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Haivision

梅森的机会, Executive Vice President Internet Media Division of Haivision, says creating valuable user experiences will be the focus of 2013.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Ignite Technologies

吉姆·雅尼基,总裁 & Ignite Technologies首席执行官, says business video in 2013 will grow tremendously as it becomes easier to use.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Limelight Networks

Jason Thibeault, Senior Director of Solutions Marking (Digital Media) & Product Manager, Limelight Networks, says workflow consolidation will be huge in 2013.


塞缪尔•沃瑟曼, LiveU首席执行官, says capturing and transmitting live video in the field is 2013's biggest promise.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: MediaPlatform

Greg Pulier, President and Founder of MediaPlatform, says corporate YouTubes will boom in 2013.


杰里米·希尔芬迪, Adobe视频货币化副总裁, gives his prediction for what's coming down the pipe in 2013.


菲利普·纳尔逊, Senior Vice President of Artist and Media Relations at NewTek, says portable devices are the wave of the future.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Sonic Foundry

Rob lipp, Sonic Foundry执行副总裁, says libraries of flat video will go interactive in 2013.


Scott Gaskill, President of Sovee, says we'll see a need for multi-language videos in 2013.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: TalkPoint

Nick Balletta, CEO of TalkPoint, says technology will meet ADHD in 2013.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Telestream

Dan Castles, CEO of Telestream, says a one-size-fits-all workflow no longer works.


Nicol Verheem, CEO of Teradek, says 2013 will be an amazing year for the video industry.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Ustream

布拉德Hunstable, Ustream的首席执行官和创始人, says content production and distribution costs will drop in 2013.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Verimatrix

史蒂夫基督教, Verimatrix的营销副总裁, 称2013年ott视频将会增长.

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Wowza Media Systems

大卫Stubenvoll, Wowza的首席执行官兼联合创始人, says the quality of live and on-demand video will evolve in 2013.


Shawn Shadfar, CEO of omNovia, says 2013 will be the year of webcasting.


埃里克•伯恩斯, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer for Panopto, says corporate YouTubes will hit a tipping point in 2013.


Tom Wilde, CEO of Ramp, says 2013 will be the year of the second screen.
