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How business makes streaming 快er and cheaper with CDN and HESP support


亚历克斯·彼得森 explores how HESP integration helps G-Core实验室 ensure a high video streaming transmission rate for e-sports and gaming, efficient scalability for e-learning and telemedicine and high quality and minimum latencies for online streams, 媒体和电视广播公司.

HESP (High Efficiency Stream Protocol) is a brand new adaptive video streaming protocol. It allows delivery of content with latencies of up to 2 seconds without compromising video quality and broadcasting stability. 不像其他的解决方案, 该协议对流式传输所需的带宽较少, which allows businesses to save a lot of money on delivery of content to a large audience.

Since HESP is based on HTTP, it is suitable for video transmission over CDNs. G-Core实验室 was among the world’s first companies to have embedded this protocol in its CDN. 在全球五大洲拥有120个网点,000个点对点合作伙伴, this allows a service provider to deliver videos to millions of viewers, 到任何设备, 在世界上任何地方,甚至不影响8K视频质量. 所有这些都是以最低的流媒体成本实现的.

Let us explain how the new protocol will change the power balance in digital markets where the key success factor is media content delivery: in e-sports and gaming, OTT及电视广播, 电子学习,远程医疗和在线赌场.


The basic protocols, which are currently used in streaming, are HLS, MPEG-DASH, RTMP, and WebRTC. 与HESP不同,它们有一些严重的缺陷:

  • WebRTC和RTMP provide low latency but come at a high cost for businesses in streaming to a wide audience due to weak scalability.
  • HLS和MPEG-DASH allow you to cost efficiently stream content to a large number of users, 但是涉及到4到30秒甚至更多的延迟, which is critical for interactive events and real-time communications.

HESP combines all the strengths of these protocols and ditches any weaknesses:

  • 它允许传输延迟为0的视频.4 ~ 2秒;
  • 流式传输需要更少的带宽;
  • 它可以通过CDN传递给数百万的观众, 到任何设备, 在世界上任何地方,甚至不影响8K视频质量;
  • It guarantees the minimum streaming cost compared to the alternative WebRTC.

Thus, CDN with HESP minimizes streaming latencies and optimizes streaming costs. This is particularly important for certain types of online businesses.

1. 电子竞技和游戏:速度和可扩展性

今年5月下旬,2021年自由火世界大赛 创造新的世界纪录 一个流媒体的观看人数达到了5人.400万人. A positive user experience is essential to keep that many viewers because no matter how exciting the game is, users will migrate to a different content provider if they encounter latency issues. 这就是HESP脱颖而出的原因, as compared to HLS和MPEG-DASH it ensures 快er delivery of videos to end users.

The content delivery network with integrated HESP provided G-Core实验室 allows easy streaming to thousands and millions of viewers all over the world with latencies of 2 seconds, 哪种协议比其他协议更快. CDN的高性能来自英特尔技术, 2021年4月, the provider was one of the first companies in the world to begin integration of the 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable (Ice Lake) into the server infrastructure of its services.

2. 电子学习和远程医疗:成本效益

MedTech and e-learning projects often employ expensive third-party solutions to organize streams with students and patients. HESP更容易做到这一点:与CDN和 跨平台HTML5播放器 G-Core实验室, organizations can easily build their own solutions to host online lessons and video consultations with minimum latencies. 由于CDN与HESP的集成, 流媒体质量仍然很高, while streaming costs are cut 2 to 5 times compared to other protocols.

3. 体育和媒体:带宽要求低

Do you know the story of the composer who gave a concert in London and after crossing the English Channel on a high-speed jet managed to land and enjoy his live performance? 这是一个可以确定的故事!

与HESP, streaming sports events will become as close to real time as possible. That said, videos will be delivered over the Internet 快er than over TV. 对于其所有其他特殊方面,该协议要求 带宽减少10%到20% than alternative solutions, such as LL-HLS, Chunked CMAF, and WebRTC.

4. 拍卖 在线赌场:自适应比特率

HESP not only allows videos to be delivered 快 and cost effectively, but also transmits them in high quality for a viewer to take a closer look at all things on screen. This is particularly important for online casinos and betting businesses, 这些功能在哪里可以成为竞争优势.

Thanks to the compatibility of the new protocol with adaptive bitrate technology, streams are available without buffering on any devices and regardless of the users’ Internet connection quality.

5. OTT和电视广播:最小化延迟和降低流媒体成本

过于长 消灭时间 对于想要切换频道的观众来说是否很烦人. 与HESP, this figure is on average 20 times 快er than industry-standard low-latency streaming approaches. With a 消灭时间 of less than 100 ms, channels can be switched instantly.

HESP combines IPTV and OTT solutions to create fully-featured high-quality streaming. 按照这个协议, publishers can cost efficiently stream content to audiences in the millions with minimum latencies.


G-Core实验室 CDN与HESP允许您使用新的, 快, scalable and cost-efficient method to transmit 8K videos over all distances. 它有很好的覆盖和连通性, 因为它包括120个网点,遍布五大洲和六大洲,000个点对点合作伙伴.

为了流与HESP, you will have to set up CDN and implement two more elements into the standard process of creating, 处理和传送内容:

If you already use solutions G-Core实验室 and want to stream with HESP, 请联系公司支持. 这种方式, you will have the best streaming quality for your users no matter where they are in the world.



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Aleksei Petrovskikh of G-Core实验室 talks about the platform, its capabilities, and market trends.
