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视频无处不在. 从医疗保健到 电子商务, an increasing number of organizations are leveraging its power to innovate, 吸引客户, 发展他们的业务.

今天, 超过三分之二 of all consumer internet traffic is video — and that number is set to increase to 82% by 2020. Because humans are a visual species, video streaming creates more memorable and engaging experiences. 从产品教程到实时社交广播, the power of video in marketing and entertainment is well documented. 80% of people would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% 比起其他社交帖子,更喜欢视频直播.

But video streaming goes beyond just marketing and entertainment. For many new companies, streaming is foundational to the very services they offer. 以全球最大的电子商务网站淘宝为例. The Alibaba-owned platform fuses online retail with live streaming to close the gap between customer and product. 被称为 商务生活, this trend promises to revolutionize the retail industry and consumer shopping habits. 

然后是物联网视频流, which includes everything from pet monitors and doorbell cams to streaming surgical equipment and disaster response drones. The number of 设备 connected to the internet will be 到2022年将超过全球人口的三倍, and the chances are that a sizeable percentage of those connected 设备 will incorporate streaming technology.

Without a doubt, video streaming is finding its way into every industry and use case. And yet, most organizations lack the practical know-how to implement this technology. Streaming expertise is now a growing commodity, with demand outpacing supply.


Even though anyone with a smartphone can capture video and stream the content to billions of users on the internet, 在后台发生的事情是相当复杂的. 数据必须是 编码, 打包,而且经常 代码转换 可以传送到地球上的任何屏幕上. Making live video work across platforms and at scale takes skill and experience.

The right architecture and configurations also vary depending on what an organization is trying to achieve. 例如, 音乐活动 要求 最好的音频 可能的. 安全摄像头? 没有那么多. 虽然视频聊天不需要4K格式, maximizing quality is crucial for many high-profile broadcasts.

当考虑像Facebook Live这样的免费平台时, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, 抽搐, 和其他人, businesses will quickly find that these come with security concerns and limited functionality. 盈利也很困难, as these platforms lend themselves to marketing efforts rather than building live-streaming solutions.

Streaming to social media is also an isolated scenario, with substantial infrastructure behind it. 为不同的用例启用相同的功能, 技术, 设备, 网络连接, 付费流媒体平台是必需的.

Several vendors that frequent 流媒体's list of 在线视频领域最重要的公司 (包括 Wowza媒体系统, 微软, 谷歌, and more) offer streaming infrastructure solutions for product and app builders looking to implement live streaming. 但直到最近, a stark void in the industry persisted: the need for streaming professional services.


Many organizations are intimidated and don’t know where to begin when it comes to implementing streaming technology. For anyone looking to leverage this technology without in-house video expertise, professional services can eliminate any stumbling blocks. Working with streaming experts also help accelerate time to value, 加快部署速度, 使商业成功.

Streaming vendors offering professional services can make recommendations based on industry best practices to help with everything from configuring servers to architecting streaming systems. 更重要的是, these vendors can customize workflow solutions to an organization’s unique resources and use cases.

Service-oriented vendors are also able to prepare their customers for growth by offering consulting services, 课堂培训, 现场活动支持. This provides organizations with the confidence needed to tackle whatever comes their way by leveraging an extension of their in-house team.  


In today’s business landscape, it’s all about customer success. That’s why an increasing number of streaming companies are becoming more solutions-oriented by offering professional services. 在Wowza, we leverage more than a decade of video-streaming knowledge — encompassing everything from configuring servers to architecting unique streaming systems — to help organizations realize business success quickly.

我们最近与Dote合作, 移动电子商务应用, 来开发他们的购物派对直播功能. As Dote worked to make the app more robust and sophisticated, our team of engineers addressed any challenges that arose. 

多特产品经理玛丽亚·路易莎·罗兹解释道, “我们意识到视频需要很多知识, and we had a small team of engineers without streaming expertise. We were developing a complex environment with multiple risks due to interactivity and dual streams. This made for a very unique configuration that required the help of Wowza专业服务.” 

“We wouldn’t have met our launch date without enlisting the help of Wowza专业服务,罗兹说。. “正是出于这个原因,我们开始与Wowza合作. They sped up the process significantly and tackled roadblocks that we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to solve.” 

无论是员工培训, 产品集成, 架构建议, 甚至是应用程序开发, Wowza专业服务 can tame the complexities of live video for each customer's use case.

Our goal is simple: make everyone successful at what they do. We designed Wowza专业服务 to make streaming technology accessible to anyone who can benefit from it. 请致电(3030)569-6632或 预约电话 了解更多.

