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[This sponsored interview was recorded at 流媒体 West 2016. Learn more about 镜像.]

蒂姆Siglin: 这是2016年在亨廷顿海滩举行的流媒体西部直播. 我是蒂姆·西格林, 我是《百家乐app下载》杂志的特约编辑,今天请到的是古斯塔夫·维克, 谁是首席执行官 镜像. 古斯塔夫,我记得几年前,可能是1998年,我和你们公司的一个人做过一个播客. You've been around for a long time. When were you originally founded?

古斯塔夫·维克: We started in 1997, so we've been around for 19 years.

蒂姆Siglin: 因为你出现的时间几乎和流媒体出现的时间一样长, what are some of the trends that you've seen?

古斯塔夫·维克: 我认为,这些年来,视频消费方面的变化发生了巨大变化.

蒂姆Siglin: Probably when you started in the early days, audio streaming was big. Is audio streaming still big these days?

古斯塔夫·维克: 是的,是这样. I have, as part of our business has actually been growing. We have customers who are in the verticals, 就像广播, 就无线电而言, religious broadcasters like Air1 or Clove radio. The bigger question is, "What is audio going to be in the future?"

蒂姆Siglin: 确定.

古斯塔夫·维克: 有些人认为音频不会继续增长,而是会下降,特别是随着自动驾驶汽车的出现和未来消费更多视频的能力.

蒂姆Siglin: 你们做过任何Reg FD类型的音频流媒体吗?还是主要是VOD资产?

古斯塔夫·维克: We do both live and video on demand, 但更多的是, 我更愿意称其为娱乐消费.

蒂姆Siglin: So, you've been around this whole period of time. You said audio is growing. What other things have you been doing recently? What are you announcing?

古斯塔夫·维克: Well, the first thing ... 我们不再认为自己是一个CDN,而是一个动态的交付网络.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

古斯塔夫·维克: 不同之处在于,我们已经开发了一个云应用逻辑,它位于我们网络的边缘,允许我们使用全球同步分布式数据库在边缘做出实时决策. 公司喜欢广告服务网络或需要高度可扩展的人, 实时全局低延迟解决方案可以使用我们的应用程序来部署更接近最终用户的决策.

蒂姆Siglin: 因为你把它放到离边缘更近的地方,延迟明显更低.

古斯塔夫·维克: 因此,他们不仅可以收集决策数据,还可以查看cookie, making decision making, obviously the typical device recognition issues and so on, but all with extremely low latency.

蒂姆Siglin: Is there a product or service name for this?

古斯塔夫·维克: It's called ECF, so it's our cloud application logic.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,非常好. What other things do you sort of see as trends in the industry?

古斯塔夫·维克: 越来越多的高质量的视频资产和整个社交网络的事件,包括像Snapchat这样的人, definitely is changing how the video is consumed.

蒂姆Siglin: An app is sort of a VOD model. That's what they've gone with. You had Vine, which Twitter of course has dropped. 当然,你有Facebook Live,它是直播的,然后它变成了视频点播资产. 您是否看到了更多直播内容或更大的VOD内容库的趋势?

古斯塔夫·维克: 生活就在那里, but I think the question is, 谁拥有有价值的内容,可以流媒体给大量的人看?

蒂姆Siglin: 显然,更大的VOD库对边缘缓存模型有好处,所以这意味着无论资产的数量如何,你仍然可以保持低延迟.

古斯塔夫·维克: 如果你想到,就像在OTT中,每个人都可以决定什么时候开始他们的观看习惯. It's not a broadcast where you have 10,000 to 1 or whatever the number is, now you're 1 to 1 or 2 to 1. It creates a different level of complexity.

蒂姆Siglin: 你, from your caching standpoint, 我觉得你也可以处理更多的长尾内容, 因此,允许一个库继续增长,而不是在边缘削减它,只保留最新的视频?

古斯塔夫·维克: The caching model is built on people, having content that people are really interested in, so it’s a consumption decision. 如果人们想要看到内容,那么内容就会存在于尽可能远的边缘. Content that is not interested, take my Facebook page. How many people want to look at that? It's all about the desirable ...

蒂姆Siglin: The popularity and desirability of the content. 好的,很好.

古斯塔夫·维克: You could have celebrities and their content. 有很多人想看它,所以它会被缓存 ...

蒂姆Siglin: 总结一下, 你们还推出了什么其他流媒体听众和观众感兴趣的产品吗?

古斯塔夫·维克: We introduced a new product. It's called Ad Block Override. 我们所要做的是重新获得发行商因广告拦截器的普及而损失的收益. We try to monitor--one, we abide by the IAB's guidelines on how to deal with ad blockers, 但我们正试图帮助发布商通过提供不同的选择来改变哪些广告或屏蔽哪些内容,从而使他们的内容货币化, what messages to give in terms of, "Please white-list our site, 等."

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的,准确. This will be server-side override or server-side ad insertion?

古斯塔夫·维克: 是的,但它将使用我们的应用程序逻辑位于网络的边缘. For some clients this could be very significant.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,很好. 古斯塔夫,再次感谢你和我们在一起,这里是2016年西部流媒体直播.

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