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Telestream首席技术官Simon Clarke谈论人工智能、云、无线广播和有利轨迹

在最近的一次采访中, Simon Clarke,首席技术官 of Telestream,讨论了两个关键产品, Wirecast有利的. 庆祝Wirecast成立20周年, Clarke reflected on its evolution from a nascent streaming tool to a robust application used by a diverse range of streaming producers, 包括教育工作者, 商业人士, 还有礼拜场所.

讨论突出了几个关键领域: Wirecast's development trajectory, the introduction of AI-driven features, 有利的's transition to 基于云计算的工作流,以及未来旨在改善用户体验和功能的增强功能. Clarke’s insights reveal how Telestream is adapting to industry changes 和 user needs, 注重创新和实际应用.

本文将探讨与Clarke讨论的主要话题, 概述了Wirecast的重要里程碑, 人工智能和机器学习对Telestream产品的影响, 云集成的作用, 并计划对Wirecast和有利的进行改进.


正如克拉克所说, Wirecast was initially designed to facilitate the creation of live shows by integrating multiple cameras, 图形, 预先录制的视频. 根据克拉克的说法,这个产品超前于它的时代 2004年推出在Windows Media和RealNetworks时代. Early challenges included dealing with buggy 图形 drivers 和 the lack of general-purpose GPUs, 这使得软件难以有效运行.

多年来,Wirecast经历了几次关键的演变. 到2010年,该产品已经过渡到主要支持RTMP和H.264,它成为了流媒体的主要格式. Notable feature expansions included screen recording capabilities 和 the ability to integrate social media feeds into live productions.

COVID-19大流行对Wirecast的使用产生了显着影响. 随着远程工作和虚拟通信变得必不可少, 对流媒体解决方案的需求急剧增加. 克拉克指出,虽然使用量的激增已经稳定下来, 主要用户群包括教育, 礼拜场所, 业务应用程序保持一致.

Wirecast's 功能 has exp和ed to include features like multi-camera inputs, 会议功能, 以及同时流媒体到多个目的地的能力. Clarke explained that many users leverage Wirecast’s robust title engine 和 virtual camera driver, which allows the output of Wirecast to be used as an input for other programs like Zoom 和 Microsoft Teams.

此外, Wirecast包括一个叫做交会(Rendezvous)的功能, which facilitates remote conferencing by integrating guests into a Wirecast presentation via WebRTC. Clarke mentioned that while Zoom 和 Microsoft Teams have become dominant in the remote conferencing, Wirecast与Zoom的集成, 在16版引入, 都很受欢迎. 这种集成允许用户将Zoom客人直接带入Wirecast, 提供先进的混音功能不提供单独的Zoom.


Clarke讨论了如何将AI整合到平台中, 专注于让用户受益的实际应用. 一个重要的人工智能集成是Wirecast 16中介绍的虚拟助手. 这个助理, 可从帮助菜单访问, 为用户提供常见问题和疑问的即时支持. Clarke explained that the assistant leverages a generative AI system built around Wirecast-specific content 和 streaming knowledge. Users can ask questions such as troubleshooting connectivity issues with YouTube or addressing streaming problems, 和 the assistant provides relevant 和 helpful answers based on internal knowledge.

另一个人工智能驱动的Wirecast功能是虚拟PTZ(平移倾斜缩放), which uses machine learning to detect 和 track individuals within the video frame, 这样摄像机就可以跟随他们的移动. Clarke noted that this is particularly useful in high-resolution settings as it ensures that the subject remains in focus without requiring manual camera adjustments.

Wirecast还包括一个基于人工智能的背景删除功能, 类似于Skype和Zoom等平台. This allows users to replace their background with virtual ones without needing a greenscreen.

展望未来,Clarke透露,Telestream正在探索整合 AI-driven字幕 在Wirecast中,将它们实时连接到直播流. 虽然正在考虑各种技术,包括 OpenAI的低语, the focus is on finding a balance between high-quality results 和 efficient resource usage.


有利的, Telestream的旗舰媒体供应链工作流解决方案, 也看到了人工智能的重大进步和整合. 顺便说一下背景, 有利的设计用于处理各种媒体处理任务, 使它成为许多媒体机构的基石产品. It enables users to create complex workflows through a user-friendly interface known as the Workflow Designer. This interface allows non-programmers to build intricate decision-tree workflows by placing 和 connecting action blocks on a canvas.

Telestream最近将生成式AI集成到 工作流设计器,这是它在NAB上展示的一个特性.  新的人工智能功能充当了操作员的副驾驶, 允许他们使用自然语言提示创建工作流. 用户可以用简单的语言描述所需的工作流程, 人工智能自动生成相应的工作流程. This 功能 aims to help both novice 和 experienced users create 和 optimize workflows more efficiently.

有利的还利用人工智能来增强现有的工作流程. Clarke highlighted a feature that provides natural-language descriptions of workflows, 使用户更容易理解和管理复杂的工作流, 尤其是那些由他人或前雇员创造的. This feature also facilitates searching for specific workflows 和 identifying duplicates, 进一步精简业务.

另一个重要的演变是有利的向云计算的过渡. Initially an on-premises solution, 有利的 now supports various cloud integration models. Users can send parts of their workflows to the cloud for processing or host entire workflows in the cloud. Clarke描述了两个主要模型:从地面到云的编排, 哪些任务被转移到云端, 完全托管的工作流完全在云中运行. 这些模型为用户提供了灵活性, allowing them to leverage the cloud’s scalability 和 cost-efficiency while maintaining control over their media processing.

Clarke also discussed the integration of AI into 有利的 for codec development 和 content adaptive encoding. 虽然Telestream不是编解码器供应商,但它可以工作 与领先的编解码器开发人员合作,整合人工智能驱动的改进. For instance, AI can enhance rate distortion performance in widely used codecs like H.在不影响质量的情况下提供更好的压缩效率. Clarke指出,性能和速度是关键考虑因素, 因为任何基于人工智能的改进都不能显著增加处理时间.


Clarke shared insights into some of the future developments planned for Wirecast 和 有利的, 专注于提高可用性, 功能, 以及与新兴技术的整合.


One key focus for Wirecast is the introduction of next-generation ingress protocols. Clarke mentioned that the industry has relied on RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) for a long time, but there is a growing anticipation for new protocols that offer lower latency 和 better overall performance. The adoption of these next-gen protocols will help improve the streaming experience by reducing delays 和 enhancing the quality of live broadcasts.

One significant upcoming feature is cloud redistribution or the ability for users to send a single stream to the cloud, 在哪里它可以被重新分配到多个目的地. 这简化了流处理过程, 因为用户不再需要从本地设置管理多个流.


有利的的主要开发领域之一是改进部署模型, specifically making 有利的 more versatile 和 easier to deploy in various environments. 这包括增强云集成功能, allowing users to seamlessly transition between on-premises 和 基于云计算的工作流.

AI 和 machine learning will continue to play a significant role in 有利的’s future. 克拉克讨论了人工智能驱动的生活质量改善的潜力, 例如用于工作流监控的预测分析. 通过利用机器学习算法, 有利的可以为用户提供工作流性能的实时洞察, 在潜在的瓶颈或问题影响操作之前识别它们. This proactive approach will help users maintain optimal workflow efficiency 和 reduce downtime.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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