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NAB 2019的五个要点:塑造南厅的趋势

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NAB 2019已经过去了,我们现在把注意力转向 Streaming Media East (coming up in just three weeks!), but before Las Vegas completely fades out of view, 有一些趋势和结论值得我们反思.

It's Still Big, But Not as Big as Before

根据NAB的数据,展会吸引了91,460名观众,其中包括24,000多名来自美国以外的观众.S. That's down about 1,500 from 2018, 但相比之下,它仍然是世界上最大的视频盛会, IBC in Amsterdam pulled in just over 55,000 visitors last year. 但是南厅——几乎所有与流媒体相关的参展商都聚集在这里felt 比以往任何时候都要繁忙,展厅之间的走廊几乎和消费电子展一样挤满了人. By the way, 整个拉斯维加斯会议中心在最后一天变成了一个鬼城, 所以,如果你想与供应商共度美好时光,那就计划明年周三去那里吧. Yes, that's right: Wednesday. 2020年的展馆将于周日至周三开放, rather than the traditional Monday through Thursday.

BlogBroadcasters Are Finally Embracing the Cloud

对于我们这些在线视频行业的人来说,这听起来很奇怪, 但是,无论是出于对离开内部舒适区的抵制,还是出于对安全的担忧, 传统的广播公司在向云技术转型方面一直相对缓慢. The cloud’s time has clearly come, 它的影响在视频生态系统中无处不在:制作人和编辑都在使用它 Avid’s NEXIS Cloudspaces 在微软Azure上),广播公司正在将请求从CDN源转移到 Akamai’s Cloud wrapper, and service providers are using offerings like Synamedia’s Infinite Platform 完全在云端、本地或使用混合方法构建OTT服务. 云计算甚至对本地服务的构建方式产生了影响, said Dan Murray from Tektronix, which introduced Sentry CX, a cloud-native video monitoring solution. "Even if they're installing workflows on-prem, they're doing so with a cloud mentality," taking a containerized approach.

It's All About Partnerships

"Patrnerships" has been a buzzword for years, 但NAB的展位上却前所未有地充斥着合作伙伴的标志. 公司开始意识到,如果他们只是把一个项目外包出去, 这将花费比他们想要的更长的时间,而且很可能无法满足他们的需求, said Verizon Digital Media Services' Mary Kay Evans. "And if you build it yourself, 你每天必须交付的创新速度是疯狂的," she said. “如果有人走在你前面,你为什么要浪费时间呢? 选择合适的合作伙伴才是真正重要的, 我会用“积分”这个词.“如果没有整合,这些技术就无法无缝地工作." Judging from the press releases and booth logos, the big winner this year is Microsoft Azure, 它宣布与从VDMS到Akamai到Telestream到, you get the idea. (是的,其中许多公司还与谷歌云和亚马逊网络服务合作. 也许明年我们会看到新闻发布会吹捧“与合作伙伴无关”的解决方案.)

A Wider View of Security

随着OTT用户的增长,他们中间的盗版数量也在增加. At this year's NAB, security was a top concern, 既然DRM已经成为一种必然,服务提供商和OTT平台正在寻找其他方式来保护他们的内容. Akamai doubled down on its security offerings, which now include VPN and DNS proxy detection, standard and enhanced TLS, and token authentication. “我觉得这是我第一次看到人们对安全问题反应强烈,因为他们在赔钱," said Akamai senior PR manager Chris Nicholson. “我最近看到一项估计,由于内容盗版,潜在收入将损失520亿美元, 从窃取文件到盗版流媒体,再到非法重播,无所不包." SHIFT, IBM Security, Eurofins Digital Testing, and NAGRA all had well-attended exhibits under the Media & Entertainment Services Alliance umbrella at NAB, 在视频生态系统的不同阶段,每个人都关注安全问题.

Selling Solutions, Not Products

不像在中央和北馆的参展商有产品,与会者可以得到他们的手, 南厅的许多展位都是围绕软件和服务搭建的,这些软件和服务并不完全是有形的. This year, 越来越多的公司专注于他们的产品如何解决问题,而不是简单地解释他们是做什么的. 这似乎是显而易见的,但即使是行业资深人士也需要时间 Primestream (正在庆祝其成立20周年)来接受它. Primestream is working on a new website, 首先要问游客他们在哪个市场, 而不是希望他们能找出他们想要研究的产品. “我们的想法是,100%的人都知道他们所处的市场, so they'll click on their market,Primestream营销总监罗伯特·利斯曼说. "We won't even have a product section. 我们不希望他们不得不对他们要找的东西进行逆向工程." What a novel idea.

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