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给网络视频配字幕有很多原因. 可访问性遵从性可能是最常见的一种, 尤其是那些受《百家乐软件》或类似州法律约束的学校和组织. Broadcasters are subject to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules, 根据2010年的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》,这些法案现在涵盖了广播节目的互联网传输.

超出合规, captioning is a great way to open up programs to viewers who speak (and read) multiple languages. 的re are a host of other ways that captions can add value to existing video.


不到10年前, 对于许多有一些字幕需求的制作人来说,开始自己动手(DIY)是合理的. 在线视频平台远没有那么成熟, so most workflows were strictly tailored for one streaming server and player. 字幕也更加依赖于玩家. So adding captioning to the mix didn't seem as onerous, even if it was a lot of work.

沉默的今天,DIY路线一开始可能看起来很经济, 但当涉及到规模时,可能存在隐性成本, 可持续性, 和准确性.

“我们遇到了一些试图自己这么做的大学,其中一些坚持了下来,Kevin Erler说, 在线字幕公司总裁 自动同步技术. “大多数人发现这比他们预期的要难."

Josh Miller,字幕供应商的销售和开发副总裁 3播放媒体, 一些企业客户表示,他们曾尝试自己配字幕,“以为自己只有几段视频。, (但后来)这是他们工作中更重要的一部分." Those companies discover that "quality and turnaround become serious issues."

对于其他组织来说,DIY路线根本不实用. “我很确定我没有技术诀窍, 也没有时间,杰夫·布朗森说, communications coordinator for the State of Oregon's Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services program. “我们在这个地区有一些非常有能力的供应商. So for me it was a matter of farming it out to people who really know what they're doing, 用专业的方式来做."

为在线视频提供字幕服务的公司越来越多,这使得外包成为一个切实可行的选择. 另外, 大多数主要的在线视频平台和内容分发网络(cdn)都支持开箱即用的字幕, often including APIs that captioning vendors can leverage to further simplify workflows.

的refore we see an expanding number of organizations across the enterprise, 政府, 教育外包他们的字幕需求. 在本文中,我将概述您应该了解的有关标题的事项,这些事项将有助于您选择供应商并与之合作.


给视频加上字幕有很多好处,如果你关注的是合规性,这些好处并不总是显而易见的. 例如, 视频字幕为他们打开了更广泛的观众,他们可能不认为自己是聋人, 但他们有听力障碍.

"I've seen estimates that 20 percent of web users have hearing loss," Brownson says. “随着越来越多的网站使用视频作为传播手段,对字幕的需求也在增长."

字幕也让其他观众看得更方便. Erler解释说,英语作为第二语言的观众“通常在他们注意到语言的细微差别之前就能理解书面文字."

Brownson says, "的re are advantages for hearing users, who can re-read


SEO也不应该被忽视. 根据米勒的说法, "Having text associated with the video goes with the model of the 实习生et being text based.“特别是在YouTube等平台上, captions serve as a transcript that opens much more of a video's content to search.

Miller says the question the consider is this: "How can we add value by adding captions? It's a tool and enabler for content consumption, for the hearing impaired and everyone."

Carol Studenmund,创始人 LNS字幕 她的客户体验到了这种增值. "We'll start working with a city 政府 and it's all about compliance. 然后他们开始得到我们

文件,”她解释道. “他们喜欢打开档案,发现每次在市议会上提到‘过河’的时候. 标题是用来回顾发生了什么."


字幕供应商应该引导您了解为您的应用程序提供最合适的服务所需的信息. 但就像选择任何服务一样,你对自己的需求了解得越多,你的情况就越好.

斯图登蒙德说:“客户应该知道他们为什么要配字幕. “知道观众是谁是件好事.例如:, 米勒说,他想知道客户是否有员工需要住宿,或者这是否是合规问题.

根据Erler, 其他常见的需求包括提供视频搜索或为语言翻译创建文本.


好的字幕要从好的文字记录开始, 哪个也可以用于翻译和多语言支持. 所以你需要决定你是提供自己的转录还是让供应商转录你的视频.

A caption transcript starts with a verbatim text of the speech in the video. 的n that must be time-synchronized so that the player displays the captions at the proper moment, 与原声相符.

如果转录已经是你工作流程的一部分, 大多数字幕供应商将能够使用客户端提供的纯文本文本,并将其与视频同步. 否则,大多数制片人可能需要抄本. Given that this is the most labor-intensive part of the captioning process, 大多数生产商最好把它留给专业人士.

有一个常见的误解是,语音识别软件可以用来创建字幕文本. 这种观点之所以流行,部分原因是YouTube为一些视频提供了自动字幕.

然而, 任何看过令人困惑的机器生成的字幕,或者收到无意中搞笑的谷歌语音文本或不恰当的Siri回答的人都应该明白,为什么语音识别本身不足以创建文本.

“质量重要吗?? Is it because you want to enable search and navigation with a really sophisticated audience? 内容是你的品牌吗??米勒问道. “如果是这样,你不会希望在你的标题中出现太多错误。.


知道视频需要多快地添加字幕是很重要的. 一些制作人,尤其是那些处理合规问题的制作人,在没有字幕之前不能或不会发布视频, 而其他人则有更多的灵活性. 专业的转录员可以比普通的本科生更快地生成准确的转录, 实习生, 或编辑器.

生产商应决定是否需要当日周转,或是否可以接受等待1个或更多工作日. 也, not all vendors offer live captioning, so that's an important upfront question.

虽然语音到文本的识别本身还不够, 一些公司正在使用这项技术, 由人类辅助和检查, 加快点播视频的字幕. 自动同步采用这种方法. “我们一直试图在两者之间找到平衡, 必要时使用人类技能, 在其他地方使用自动化,Erler说。.

3Play使用了类似的策略. 根据米勒的说法, "We use speech technology, [putting] it through speech recognition first. 我们有自己的编辑平台,有人会修改草稿." At the same time, "We take the stance that you will never be able to remove the human."

扎根于直播和广播字幕的公司, 如LNS字幕, 只使用人类转录员. 对于需要快速的客户, 当天转机, 该公司提供“现场”转录服务, 一个训练有素的编者把视频当成直播然后调整转录的时间以确保它正确同步. 如果事件也可用于现场观看或收听, a transcriptionist may be able to tune in to the stream to further expedite turnaround.


根据米勒的说法, “大多数网络视频, 当你添加字幕时,10次中有9次你添加了一个与视频文件相关联的单独的字幕文件." At its most basic, a client sends video files to the vendor, which sends back a caption file. 然而, a vendor can also take over most or all of the publishing workflow too.

让这个过程起作用, Erler says it's important to know as much as possible about your video files. “你现在有什么?? 你的内容是什么格式的?下一个问题是,“它要去哪里?? 你打算在哪里出版?"

米勒说:“我们想了解你们的出版流程. It's important for a vendor to know if you're using an online video platform, CDN, 或者YouTube这样的网站, 是哪一个呢. This will allow the company to pick the right integration strategy and workflow.

A third-party video platform isn't required; vendors should be able to work with self-hosted videos too. 即使它只是一个QuickTime文件,米勒指出, 有很多方法可以为这些视频添加字幕.“3Play和Automatic Sync都提供了自己的api,以便与客户自己的系统进行自定义集成.

然而,使用视频平台也有好处. "A lot of platforms out there offer APIs that we can integrate with,Erler说。. “像创作或Brightcove这样的平台允许你进入自己的平台,并勾选你想要的标题."

Miller says 3Play's web-based system also offers integration with video platforms. "It enables the ability to send files back and forth (for captioning) with just a couple of clicks."

了解要添加字幕的视频的数量和频率将有助于供应商定制服务. Quite simply, "We can turn it around really fast if we know you're coming," Studenmund advises.

“这是一次性的还是持续的需求?Erler说. "If it's the latter, we can automate the workflow and take away some overhead."


It's also good to tell a captioning vendor if your videos cover specialized or technical topics. "You can get specially trained transcribers in some fields," Erler notes. "的 medical field generates a lot of specifically trained transcribers, 我们的员工中有很多这样的人. 但是没有物理方面的转录员培训课程."

"It's good to have lists of names, technical jargon, acronyms," Studenmund says. “如果我们能重新填充字典,准确率就会大大提高."

Miller says that 3Play "even enable(s) people to upload a PDF of vocabulary with their video files."


准确、清晰的英文字幕使其更容易翻译成其他语言. 一些字幕公司可能有经验丰富的翻译人员, 而其他许多人则将这项服务外包, 但要确保搜索结果能被整合为字幕或副标题.


很明显:为了获得准确的字幕,音频质量很重要. Erler说道:“我们可以在各种情况下听到音频. 注意麦克风的位置,并采取措施减少环境噪声,这在速度和准确性方面都有好处.

Of course, that will only improve the overall quality of your video too. "If our transcription experts can't make it out, your listeners won't either," he observes.

也, 如果你的视频在后期添加了音乐或声音效果, Erler建议制作一个“预混音原声带”,只包含要配字幕的主要音轨.


最后,米勒说:“与制作成本相比,(字幕)的额外成本微不足道." He says the big question asks, "How do you make it as easy as possible while maintaining quality?“你想选择一家能满足你需求的公司,让你的字幕工作流程尽可能简单,并达到你所需要的准确性.

思考未来, 话务量观察, "Chances are you're going to end up switching platforms or finding new needs. 你想要一个能和你一起移动的供应商.他的建议是, “确保你的供应商对输出类型有广泛的支持, [因为]有几十种(如果不是数百种)文件格式."


在线和. Offline: "Online" captions are produced live, in real time, by specially trained transcriptions. If you've ever watched the captions for a live newscast or basketball game on television, 你已经看到了“在线”字幕的作用. Speed is the priority, so they tend to be less accurate than "offline" captions.

“离线”字幕是在后期制作中创建的, 转录员在哪里为点播视频创建并对齐合适的标题文件. With this approach accuracy is the priority, and it's easier to achieve.

关闭, 开放, and Burned In: "关闭" captions are well-known because they are common in broadcast television. 的y're called "closed" because the viewer can choose to turn them on or off. 这也适用于在线封闭字幕.

默认情况下总是显示“打开”标题. 然而, 卡罗尔·斯图登蒙德说, LNS总裁, “并非所有设备都支持开放字幕." So if open captions are required she instead recommends using "burned in" subtitles, 哪些是在后期制作中叠加在视频上的.


而本文的重点是选择字幕供应商, 对于那些想要走DIY路线的人来说,这里有很多百家乐软件. 的 描述和标题媒体节目 (DCMP)是由美国.S. Department of Education in order to ensure equal access to education for students who are blind, 视力受损的, 充耳不闻, 听力困难, 或充耳不闻-blind. DCMP已经起草了清晰和明确的指导方针和说明,以创建良好的成绩单和标题, 所有这些都可以在其网站(dcmp)上获得.org).

本文发表在 2014流媒体百家乐软件手册 as "选择字幕服务."

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