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Biographical Information



杰森·汤普森(杰森·汤普森)获得了去年的精灵奖最佳纪录片奖, which recognize film-making on the Web. He spent five years working for British television, 为巴布亚新几内亚和印度的第四频道制作纪录片. He lives in San Francisco.

Articles for 杰森·汤普森

Would You Get Mad If I Killed You?

娱乐订阅服务《百家乐app下载》和《百家乐软件app最新版下载》吸引了成千上万的用户注册. 巨大的吸引力? Both get up close and personal. 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森在他的每月娱乐订阅服务专栏中带我们进入娱乐订阅服务的私密世界 流媒体 杂志.

应用星球 (Part II)

沃达丰和其他欧美电信公司已经为3G网络许可证支付了数十亿美元. Now they need killer apps to match. 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森告诉我们,许多公司正在利用社会学来帮助他们理解用户行为.


沃达丰和其他欧美电信公司已经为3G网络许可证支付了数十亿美元. Now they need killer apps to match. 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森告诉我们,许多公司正在利用社会学来帮助他们理解用户行为.

War and Peace: Digital Media's Diverse Role

U.S. and NATO military forces deploy troops in the Middle East, streaming technology is emerging as a tool in the war effort. 与此同时, 电影制作人和广告公司正在利用数字媒体传播和平与非暴力的信息. 特约撰稿人 杰森·汤普森 takes a closer look.

Comic Book Authors Go Back to the Drawing Board


Free Speech Feels the Pressure

最早致力于提供免费论坛的流媒体网站之一宣布将转向付费模式. 这发生在公众关于自由与安全的辩论日益激烈的时候.


就在恐怖分子袭击世贸中心和五角大楼的第二天, 以及Akamai联合创始人丹尼尔·卢因和其他科技经济工作者的去世, 特约撰稿人 杰森·汤普森 considers the tragedy’s emotional, psychological and physical effects on the streaming industry.


Mergers and acquisitions point to a continued market slide, 但流媒体最终无处不在的前景看起来不错. 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森探讨了这种明显的二分法,并建议人们看到未来事物的真实形态, we should adopt a longer-term view.

The Eyeball: Playing in “Living Structures”

在他的 流媒体 杂志, 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森解释说,虽然“互联网”这个词在好莱坞可能是禁忌, 大型工作室的导演可以从媒体的互动力量中学到一些东西.

Beeb选择了Real IQ

英国广播公司(BBC)技术, the BBC’s technical infrastructure provider, 是部署Real Networks Real System IQ媒体交付架构.

Hollywood Studios to Launch On-Demand Movie Service



英国广播公司(BBC)技术, the BBC’s technical infrastructure provider, 是部署Real Networks Real System IQ媒体交付架构.

Digital Cinema Gets "Aggressively Boring" at Beamfest

电影导演在数字媒体中创新“新-新事物”——PDA电影——从电影的起源开始引领他们的创意. 与此同时, as the industry rallies behind another content platform, the viability of entertainment content remains an open question.

Thinking Around the Box


Bandwidth Buyers Beware

特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森为我们带来了Al Sacui的故事,他说一家网络托管公司多收了他16美元,000美元的带宽费. This story highlights debates about Web commerce regulation, and the need for vigilance when sourcing services online.

Digital Rights and Wrongs

Spatafore现在在新闻组中警告人们,如果他们继续非法下载电影,他们可能会受到联邦调查局的访问. 但很少有人在意.


Prosecuted for enabling illegal downloads of "The Phantom Menace," Jason Spatafore says he’s a scapegoat. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)坚称,它已经遏制了对电影业的真正威胁. 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森(杰森·汤普森)调查了这个案件,它引发了有关版权在数字时代所扮演角色的重大问题.

In Fear of A Napster Planet


Audible Gives Away Rios


The Eyeball: To Hell, Back, and Beyond

In his monthly column for 流媒体 杂志, 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森告诉我们,尽管业界努力揭开网络的神秘面纱, the thrill of the surf is alive and well. Streaming content sites should harness it.

Napster Users Flock to Gnutella Network

File sharing goes underground as Napster blocks copyright songs.


Despite NASA’s internal communication problems, 该机构在通信技术方面发挥了先锋作用, 并且正在开发突破性的技术,有望扩展数字媒体网络的疆域.



美国宇航局的火星气候轨道飞行器任务成为通信中断的受害者, 但基于这一经验,一种以流媒体技术形式出现的解决方案应运而生. 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森告诉我们NASA是如何推动流媒体的前沿的.


随着该机构继续将流媒体整合到各种业务中, 互联网带宽仍然限制了流媒体应用的范围. 但NGI将使流式传输在更高的带宽上成为可能, including high-definition video (HD), with applications in remote project surveillance, 远程医疗, and agency-wide collaboration.

NSPCC Launches Online Appeal with Hollywood Actress

Emily Watson leads streaming campaign for UK children’s charity.

Moulin Rouge Premieres on Palm

Generic Media launches PDA movie trailer at Cannes.

Stan Lee Media Saved from Bankruptcy


Cannes Launches Online Film Festival

The 2001 Cannes Film Festival will include an online film space, showing world premieres of interactive digital movies.

DoubleClick to Enhance E-mail Marketing with Rich Media

Ad firm to send streaming e-mails.

NASA Traffic Soars with Shuttle Launch

Users flock to site for updates.

Webcam Use Soars in Building Trade

Construction industry gets broadband as market slows down.

The Eyeball: Choose Your Own Adventure

在他的 the March issue of 流媒体 杂志, 特约撰稿人杰森·汤普森将带我们看看一些尖端的内容创作者是如何满足互动的本能欲望的.

MTVi to Launch Paying Music Download Service

Latest in a the growing list of pay music services.




L.A. 企业家从重返空间站的网络直播中寻求内容现金.



电影博物馆 & Television to Digitize Archive

而原创互联网内容市场仍然面临着巨大的障碍, 邪典电视节目和小众电影吸引了一批忠实的网络粉丝.

White House to Stream Video for National Security Staff

VBrick technology to provide multicast desktop video.

Napster Offers Record Industry $1bn Through Subscription Model

Offer extended in attempt to resolve copyright infringement lawsuit.


The non-profit thrives on what's missing in most commercial streaming content: energy and innovation. 特约撰稿人 杰森·汤普森 takes a look at this anomaly.

Miramax releases online feature film


Talkway Closes $10m Funding Round

视频服务提供商Talkway Communications已获得1000万美元的a轮融资.

100年媒体 Launches Integrated Authoring Tool, Competes with Adobe.

100年媒体, the software and services company, 已经推出了具有编辑功能的集成web创作工具.

No More Encores for

Company unable to find sufficient financing.

Sputnik7 to Acquire Epitonic


Anxiously Awaiting the Next Renaissance

网络作为创新电影制作人和动画制作者的出口的潜力似乎是无限的, 但流媒体行业的动荡可能会让艺术驱动的内容靠边站,让位于维持现状的节目. Streamingmedia.com专栏作家杰森·汤普森通过电影制作人的视角审视了艺术在流媒体中的地位.