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VP/Publisher, 流媒体

自2003年Information Today, Inc .成立以来,Joel一直在流媒体工作. bought the property from Penton Media. 在此之前,他是Streaming 杂志的早期创始人和副出版人. 乔尔是90年代在线视频行业的先驱,为许多广播电台和网络带来了直播和点播流媒体.


The 流媒体 100 at IBC 2023

With IBC taking place September 15-18, 就在人们热切期待的今年流媒体100强发布之前, which recognizes the 100 companies that matter most in this industry, 我有机会给一些当之无愧的获奖者一个惊喜, live and in person on the show floor.

Executive Predictions 2022: What's Shiny?

The streaming media industry will thrive in 2022, responding to myriad technical issues and business opportunities. 流媒体的研究报告可以帮助你走在潮流的前面.

That Jungle Shirt Guy: Remembering Les Zoltan

More than a longtime customer and colleague, 今年年初,莱斯因新冠肺炎并发症去世,享年73岁.




The events of this year caught all of us by surprise. The companies that last will innovate or die.

Dawn Patrol: Remembering 罗伯特•克鲁格

罗伯特•克鲁格, who passed away suddenly from a heart attack, was an early streaming media innovator, and he brought that creativity and passion to everything he did.

New: 流媒体 Connect


Seeing 2020: Online Video Executive Predictions

Annual industry predictions from leaders in the space.

Who Is the 流媒体 Reader?

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your interests. 作为回报, 我们会给你100美元的流媒体西部注册折扣,你可以赢得100美元的亚马逊礼品卡.

How to Succeed in the Online Video Space

There is no shortage of companies fading into the night, setting false expectations with poor business models, and no real goalpost other than getting acquired. Those are problems that have plagued our industry since it began.

2019 Online Video Industry Executive Predictions





在我们的2018流媒体50强精英榜单上,“流宇宙”的英雄们在年度VIEW FROM the TOP中分享了他们的见解.

The Dystopian Era of Streaming Video: How to Survive and Thrive

昨天科幻小说对未来的设想已经实现,现在真正的工作开始了. 视频提供商需要比那些大公司更聪明,否则他们会发现自己在寻找残羹剩饭.

2018 Online Video Industry Predictions


The 2017年从高处俯瞰 - How To Succeed in the Online Video Space

2017年从高处俯瞰, 介绍入选“2017流媒体100强:2017年在线视频最重要的100家公司”的行业领导者

NAB 2017: Survival Strategies & 鸡尾酒


How the 原始资料 Shaped the History of the Online Video Industry

今年是《百家乐app下载》出版14周年, 这份年度指南已经成为在线视频经济各个部分的圣经.

2017 Online Video Industry Predictions: An Introduction

We'll see more of the same in 2017, 这是一件好事——我们这个行业的人正在用一种算法改变世界, 一个像素, 一次一项专利.


2016年从高处俯瞰, 介绍入选2016年流媒体100强:2016年在线视频最重要的100家公司的行业领导者

Facebook Live数据

Do you stream with Facebook Live? 告诉我们-我们正在收集杀手级数据,并将与您分享.

Receptions and Parties at NAB 2016

Looking for a place to network and refresh at NAB? Check out our annual list of streaming companies holding receptions.

Insert Coin to Play: OTT Is Booming, But It's a Seller's Market

出版商在技术和内容上的投入比以往任何时候都多, while charging less per subscriber. 总有些东西要放弃!

2016 Online Video Predictions: An Introduction


成功者从不低头. 他们向上看.

2015年流媒体100强公司的高管们分享了他们如何超越行业的见解, in this year's View From The Top

IBC 2015鸡尾酒会

Roundup of cocktail parties on-site and off, during IBC 2015

How to Buy an OTT Solution: Is There One to Rule Them All?

The 2015 OTT Superguide Is Now Available


The 2015 Live Event Streaming Superguide Is Now Available

NAB 2015鸡尾酒会

Roundup of cocktail parties on-site and off, during NAB 2015


2015 Advance Encoding & Formats Superguide Is Now Available


现在是网络视频忍者推翻广播电视现有秩序的时候了. 流媒体的出版商提供了我们的年度百家乐软件手册的介绍.


流媒体正在对航拍视频进行初步研究. 请帮助我们完成这个3分钟的调查,我们会把你的名字输入一个非常酷的无人机你自己的图纸.

2015 Online Video Executive Predictions - An Introduction


Free Discovery Track Passes for SMWest/生产商 Live

Limited number to qualified attendees - while they last

View From the Top 2014 - Leading Online Video Execs



Take the Survey on CDN Usage and win a GoPro 3+

Broadcasters Need to Bring Their A Game to Online Video

现在有很多内容可供选择,而昨天的剩饭剩菜并不能解决问题. Make the good stuff available at a good price.


Online Video Industry Executive Palmistry 2014





Live-switched video is fast becoming live-switched webcasting, 随着视频制作人和他们的客户接受通过流媒体向全球目标受众直播内容的能力和即时性. 我们很高兴地宣布现场指南#2专注于网络直播制作解决方案.

Safety Instructions: Please Read Before Streaming

在线流媒体视频和驾驶飞机可能没有太多共同之处, 但这并不能阻止流媒体的出版商提供一些有用的飞行前提示.

2013 Online Video Industry Fortunes: An Introduction


Live-Switched Webcast Production Survey

Live-switched video is fast becoming live-switched webcasting, 随着生产商和他们的客户接受通过流媒体向全球目标受众直播内容的能力和即时性. Our survey will help identify trends in this fast-growing field, 对于参与, you can win a GoPro Hero3 camera.

Take Our Cellular 新闻gathering Survey

Small form-factor encoders and link aggregators (or cellmuxes, as we like to call them) are changing the way news is reported. Our survey will help identify trends in this fast-growing sector, 对于参与, you can win a Go Pro Hero 2 camera.

Publisher's Note: Don't Panic!


Online Video Industry Forecast 2012: An Introduction

Innovation with a Chance of Standards

Publisher's Note: 是什么 a Superhero, Anyway?

Introducing 流媒体's own specialist superhero, a champion to inspire readers to create great online video.

IBC 2010:回顾

从两个不同的角度对IBC今年发生的事情进行总结. Plus, a rogues' gallery of photos of familiar faces in Amsterdam

Publisher's Note: The Revenge of Online Video

Publisher's Note: Now's the Time

While the economy means bad news for most businesses, 流媒体行业的从业者应该为2009年的强劲增长做好准备.

编辑器的 & 《百家乐app下载》

As 流媒体 magazine expands into Europe, 它的编辑和出版人回顾它的过去,展望它的未来.

Publisher's Note—Mission 2008: Unite Pangaea

Unlike the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates, imperceptible to the human eye, 我们在这里看到的流媒体组织的变化是迅速而戏剧性的.

Publisher's Note: The Phoenix

The rise and fall and rise of streaming media