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AJA's Bryce Button Talks OpenGear Dante Integration and Bridge Live at NAB 2023

AJA的产品营销总监Bryce Button和流媒体的肖恩林在NAB 2023的采访中讨论了AJA的OpenGear卡与Dante Audinate和Dante A/V网络的集成以及AJA的其他新闻.

一项重要声明 AJA系统 在NAB 2023上,但丁AV 4K首次亮相, a $2,495设备,提供12G-SDI和HDMI转换和从Dante AV IP视频/音频网络. AJA与Dante合作已经有几年了,可以追溯到 openGear Dante-12GAM嵌入/拆嵌入卡; the AV 4K itself leverages leverages the 但丁AV Ultra 该解决方案将网络视频与Dante音频-IP平台集成在1gige IP网络上. 

流媒体特约编辑 肖恩林 of SLVLive 在NAB的AJA展台上,我们采访了AJA的产品营销总监Bryce Button,讨论了Dante集成等问题.

“为什么但丁?林问道。. “但丁不是一个音频协议吗??"

"We've been dealing with Audinate for a while," Button replies. “我们意识到他们的梦想是能够将视频与音频结合起来,并尽可能减少延迟, 特别是现场表演等等. So in terms of their protocols and the way they've integrated their system, 他们让所有人都能轻松上手,因为整个行业都在使用Dante Controller, 这几乎是一个类似电子表格的方式路由一个音频通道到另一个源目的地. 现在包括了OTT视频. 所以说到视频的选择, 他们主要有两种口味:"奥特拉", which is what we've gone with--that's JPEG2000--and they also have H, 哪个是他们的H/264. We've always had clients that have done really high-end productions, 无论是麦当娜的巡演还是今年夏天即将到来的拉姆斯泰因演唱会,这里的主要优势是你可以通过JPEG2000获得电影质量的视频. It can be compressed, but you're not losing actual video in terms of perception. 这可以通过1gige的流来完成, 这也很吸引人因为IP视频的高端往往是未压缩的SMPTE2110."


Button goes on to explain that with that uncompresssed video, 自然, “你需要很多硬件, 你需要很大的带宽. So this can work for most people, including churches and all sorts of scenarios. 真正关键的是,在这一点上,教堂环境与旅游没有什么不同. 你总是有乐队在表演, 这是生活, and people are really perceptive about when things are out of sync. 和舞台上的歌手一起, if you're close enough and you look up at the huge screens behind them, 你希望所有这些都是同步的. 这个平台给了我们这种能力. "
考虑到这些带宽需求的程度, 林问, "How many streams can you you utilize before you saturate that one gig 网work?"
"The great thing is you can actually adjust the compression anyway," Button replies. “我们给你这样做的能力. It basically goes from peanuts to 700, which some people want for the 4K signals. 如果你在做高清,你可能会放低一些. 所以会有一点变化. 在延迟方面, 这真的很关键, because with some of the other formats that are out there, 延迟非常适合编辑. 但在现实世界中, 你要的越少越好, and we're able to basically get sub-frame timings happening with Dante AV. So that's really key in terms of going from source to destination, 我们认为这里会有很多兴趣和吸收,因为你刚刚在这些现场环境中得到了非常好的图像和非常重要的视频音频同步的完美结合. 你可以用1gige的交换机. Now if you're going to do a ton of like 4K 60P-type stuff, the chances are we'll swap out the switch for 10 gig. And those larger environments certainly have the budgets to do that. 不太贵. 但你在这里有灵活性,然后大多数人会接受一个零工." 


“从硬件的角度来看,林问道。, "in terms of the actual products that you're bringing to market here, you've got the transmitter and you've got the receiver. 所以对于每一次发送,你需要一个发射器,然后你需要一个接收器来匹配每个发射器. 对吗??" 
“没错,”巴顿说. “在企业内部,你可以进行传播, receive; you can do what they call 'TR,这是一个收发器. 如果你做一个收发器, 要弄清楚带宽的实际情况比较困难,因为你可能同时在两个方向上运行. Secondly, it costs you more money to implement that. 我们也明白,在与人们交谈时,他们需要一种不同的平衡. 假设只有三个摄像头. 你可能会买三个发射机, but when it comes to the amount of displays around the facility, 可能有10个这样的人. In that case, you're going to want more receivers. So you've got the ability here to mix and match. It allows us to give you a really good price point at $2,495 US. So you can spend the money where you really want it to go. "


尽管目前关注的是但丁, AJA continues to support other protocols and workflows, 比如NDI. 
巴顿说:“我们致力于这一切. “我们为零售市场生产产品. 我们为OEM市场生产产品. 我们在瑞士. We've never really tried to favor one group over another. 我们对整个行业的利益更感兴趣,人们会有不同的需求, 不同的用例. And so our philosophy is to do what we can for everyone. So when it comes to video over IP in general, that means we're a founding member of 目标. 对于高端的广播内容——未压缩的视频——尤其是非常昂贵的体育赛事, 超级碗, 诸如此类, 我们需要做好准备. NDI做得很好, 几乎是以游击的方式, taking over a lot of the lower-end to mid-end video over IP needs. It's great for transporting stuff for post-production, all sorts of items."
Button points to the array of products AJA has developed that leverage NDI. "We've got stuff like the Bridge Live which is showing here,他说, "and in fact we've got a new codec that we announced for that which is JPEG XS. 在这样一个盒子里,你可以在MPEG-2, MPEG-4, HEVC, NDI之间进行转码. Obviously you can get two SDI signals in and out and now JPEG XS. So if you've been following what 目标 is trying to do, they've got the uncompressed version that broadcasters are using today, 但JPEG XS更有可能是用于AV业务的编解码器. 我们正在研究做这些不同类型的转码需要什么,并与一个很好的合作伙伴合作 Comprimato who've been doing this for years, we benefit, and our users benefit. 底线是,我们将与任何真正有兴趣帮助最终用户的人合作. 这是我们驾驶自己的方式."

本教程解释了如何使用AJA U-TAP系列设备捕获高达1920x108060fps的全高清信号,并突出了macOS和Windows Zoom的OBS摄取
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百家乐软件app最新版下载肖恩林和AJA的Bryce Button讨论AJA的新Ki Pro Go多通道H.264录音机/播放器在NAB 2019.
AJA HELO H.264 Encoder is an excellent entry into the existing AJA line of products. Don't let the small form factor fool you--this device packs advanced compression control, 流媒体, 记录, 和调度功能,以合理的价格.
AJA产品营销经理Bryce Button让肖恩林第一次看到AJA Ki Pro Ultra Plus 4通道Apple ProRes录音机.