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如果你以前听过这个,请阻止我, but the hardest part of making do-ityourself educational videos is the “yourself” part. “Yourself” even makes the “do-it” part harder since there are no teammates to help keep you motivated and on schedule. 在2018年,我讨论了如何 教学是一种社会活动,是一种现场表演. Performing/teaching to a screen and webcam is an unnatural act and a difficult adjustment. While a good academic video production crew should mitigate that problem by eliciting a natural one-on-one teaching performance through playing the role of the students, they also have the rather banal job of keeping the teacher properly framed in the camera while moving around in the space chosen for the lesson.

直到最近, if a teacher wanted to produce a DIY instructional video untethered to a fixed point in front of a camera, they’d need to remotely control either a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) head or a multicamera switcher. With the arrival of competent and inexpensive facial recognition software, several consumer videoconferencing cameras now offer automatic framing to allow teachers or other presenters to move around a scene to better engage with viewers and interact with props and visual aids.

去年夏天,我 回顾了猫头鹰3, a camera typically used to capture multiple meeting participants at one site, but that also offers a follow-the presenter mode for following the primary speaker around the room. 与Owl 3的这种使用方式相当相似的一个摄像头是 HuddleCamHD职业. It is available for around $300 in two models: one offering an HDMI output and USB interface for use as a conventional webcam 和 other with an RJ45 jack for use with NDI workflows and with Power over Ethernet convenience. HuddleCamHD职业, 像猫头鹰一样, is ideal for use cases in which multiple people will be presenting or the presenter may be showing large visual aids, 比如投影、大黑板或白板.

Also 像猫头鹰一样, the HuddleCamHD职业 does not physically move to track the presenter. It punches in on the frame offered by its 4K sensor and 108° lens to track the presenter around the room. It can reframe when a second person begins speaking or if the scene appears to include a screen or board that the presenter is interacting with. 它在这些方面做得很好, although the transitions from one framing to another are rather abrupt and jarring, 至少在我测试过的固件版本上是这样. This camera is well-suited for recording panel discussions or seminar classrooms, 很多人都在发言,并且迅速地轮流发言.

Two very similar motorized PTZ cameras available at a little below the HuddleCamHD职业’s price point are the obbot微型4KInsta360链接. Both of these cameras offer gesture-based controls that are impressively functional once you get used to them. The primary gesture function commands the camera to lock onto you when you hold your hand up next to your face. Both cameras will show flashing lights on the  base to indicate that the command was received, 在灯光闪烁之后, 你可以把手放下, 摄像机会跟着你.

Neither camera uses a clock spring or comparable mechanism to allow the wiring to the camera to rotate more than 360°, so the camera cannot follow the presenter if they’re doing laps around it (the Owl 3 would be able to do this if an application genuinely demands it). Both cameras also have a zoom gesture command that you indicate with a “finger-gun up” gesture. OBSBOT Tiny只提供两个缩放位置, 所以一旦相机接收到手势指令并闪烁, 它将放大或缩小到另一个离散缩放位置. The Insta360链接 can zoom to any amount between its minimum and maximum zoom position, 当你移除你的手势时停止. 这是一个受益于信心监视器的功能.

Insta360链接提供了第三种令人印象深刻的手势. If you apply stickers to the four corners of an on-set whiteboard and make the V-for-victory hand gesture, the camera will zoom in to the whiteboard and even adjust keystone perspective to fill the frame with the contents contained within the four stickers.

整体, the Insta360链接 is a superior camera to the obbot微型4K for a fairly small price premium. 然而, 如果你是一名老师,只是想把自己从课桌上解放出来, 1080p版本的OBSBOT微型4K是一种廉价的解决方案.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


虽然目前还没有进入流行词汇, the term "emergency remote teaching" (ERT) is intended to avoid conflating what we'd now call "traditional" online education with the improvised adaptation of face-to-face lesson plans and classroom experiences to the synchronous videoconferen­c­ing platform available to any given school dur­ing the COVID-19 pandemic.


一种学校常用的流媒体技术, 会议中心, 和礼拜堂是但丁(通过以太网的数字音频网络). A Dante-enabled device can be plugged into a Dante network using a standard Category 5e or Category 6 network cable; the network connects devices using either 100Mbps or gigabit network switches, 通常具有以太网供电(PoE)功能.


The name of the game for designing a hybrid classroom or meeting space is balancing inclusivity of the remote and on-premise audiences that a colleague sometimes refers to as the "zoomers" and "roomers,”分别. 下面是一些可以帮助你达到平衡的工具.
