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SMNYC 2024: 液化石油气edu创始人和网飞公司全球教育校友Lori Greene谈论职业枢纽和找到你的目标

At 流媒体纽约2024, 蒂姆Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation, 特约编辑, 流媒体, sits down for an interview with Lori Greene, Founder, 液化石油气edu. Greene formerly ran global education at 网飞公司. 她讨论了在线教学的挑战和吸引学生的重要性. She also shares her insights on career development, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's purpose, 个人品牌, 网络, 成为一种积极的力量.

Greene's experience at 网飞公司 and how it helped her grow as an educator

格林说,她很幸运能在网飞公司工作四年半,负责全球教育. “I created an education strategy to enable us to scale, 我们在六大洲的20个国家进行培训,涉及许多不同的娱乐主题领域,因为网飞公司用当地的工作人员为当地的观众制作当地的内容她说。. “这些船员在全球最佳实践方面并不总是那么熟练,但他们都希望如此. So we went in, we would train them. 在那之后, I started my own education consulting company doing education strategy, 课程开发, 电子学习, 现场训练.”

Greene also discusses her university teaching work. “我在纽约大学任教15年 纽约大学她说。. “我在 福特汉姆. I taught another master's class at 寺庙. In fact, my 福特汉姆 dean is here today, so is my mentee. So I love the idea of teaching because it really helps with my purpose, which is to help people be the best that they can be.”

西格林提到,他的父母都是老师,他从未想过自己能站在一屋子学生面前,以有效的方式与他们交流. “就在上周, 在我经营的慈善机构, I had to go present for an hour to four seventh and eighth-grade classes,他说. “正如我所说的 Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, who used to run the 流媒体 shows, 这是我20年来最紧张的一次,因为七年级和八年级的学生都是真实的. 他们也给了我一些很好的反馈,关于他们在流媒体上的挫折, 包括音频, video, 以及延迟问题.”

Siglin问 Greene more about her time at 网飞公司. “Was part of that pre-covid and part of that post-covid?格林告诉他,她在疫情爆发前五六个月才到那里. “So, did anything change in the pedagogy and how you delivered it, or were you already using the Zoom equivalent of things?西格林说.

“I was already teaching online,格林说. “I've been teaching online for years and years. It's much harder in a lot of ways to teach online. 你必须有很大的精力,并确保你不断地改变你的幻灯片, getting them into breakout sessions, getting them to not just look at a ‘sage on the stage,’ but to really think about what they're learning.”

Greene's dynamic role at 纽约流媒体’s career track

Siglin问 Greene about her role in 纽约流媒体’s career track, a new element that Program Chair and Host 埃文·夏皮罗 introduced to the 流媒体 conferences.

“我认为把这一点纳入其中是非常明智的,因为有这么多人失业, 如果他们没有失业, they're worried about being out of work,格林说. 所以我们有 Jayzen原产地 谈谈如何打造自己的品牌. 之后, 我们讨论了如何利用你的品牌进行营销,我组织了一个名为“营销你”的小组讨论 & Networking For Keeps’], with [Andy Pondillo] from LinkedInDayo Harewood,来自 派拉蒙品牌工作室, a recruiter, Karen Morgan from 摩根搜索国际, Sara Demenkoff, an Entertainment Marketing Consultant from JustWatch. 这太神奇了! 我们无法让人们离开房间去参加鸡尾酒会,因为它太吸引人了. 我认为它非常有效,人们似乎真的很渴望它,想知道他们如何才能在他们的职业生涯中做得更好.”

Siglin说, “在某种程度上, you've got the perfect example yourself, having worked in a large corporation and then pivoting over to 液化石油气edu. 你是否发现人们想从一家大公司跳槽到另一家大公司, or do they want to go start their own thing?”

“I think it's hard for people to know right now,格林说. “找工作太难了. I'm helping a bunch of students get internships right now. I do people's resumes and LinkedIn profiles and I write bios for people. And really, I think what they want is just a job that satisfies them. It's so hard to get a job in a big company. 每个人都在裁员. 每个人都在重新思考. A lot of people I know that are looking for jobs just want a job.”

Siglin说, “我发现这很有趣, working with a number of startups, is that people were comfortable in the work-for-home model, 但后来授权下降了, they had to come back to the office, 他们说, ‘No, 我经历过那种自由. I'd rather go off and do my own thing.’ Maybe [they won’t] make quite as much, 首先, 但它保持了一种满足感,即不必经常回到办公室,在那里感觉工作很忙,也不必像小学那样坐在座位上.”

格林目前是这么说的, 经济已经足够困难,以至于人们会为了有一份工作而回到办公室全职工作. 仍然, 最终, 她认为混合模式是一种理想的混合模式,因为与人面对面的工作可以是充满活力和满足感的,这是完全的工作模式所没有的.


Siglin问, “从现在开始的六个月到一年后,人们应该考虑哪些好的职业建议??”

“Definitely understand your purpose,格林说. “不要为了赚钱而去做某事.” She also emphasizes thinking about who you are as a brand. “Jayzen原产地 spoke about whether you are coffee or Starbucks. 你是商品还是品牌? So I think that's really important. Then, on our panel, we talked a lot about the power of LinkedIn. 我认为它为我做了很多了不起的事情,我认为它为Evan (Shapiro)做了很多了不起的事情。. I think that's how many people discovered Evan and hired him. And for me, LinkedIn helped me get my job at 网飞公司. 我在BBC工作时认识的一个同事在LinkedIn上找到了我, 我说, ‘Why did you think of me for this job?’他说,‘因为我在领英(LinkedIn)上看到了你的帖子,我知道你会适应公司的文化.’”

格林还强调了志愿服务作为职业发展网络的另一种方式的重要性. “One of the reasons I started another business, 液化石油气公司, which is a marketing and content creation consultancy and 个人品牌, is because I was on the board of 纽约通信业女性, I had a lot of my client base from there. 所以志愿者! There are a lot of steps that you can do in the process. In the end, you have to really work at it, especially in this economy.”

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: 网飞公司 Engineer Sujana Sooreddy Talks Sustainability, 指导, 以及流媒体中的女性

流媒体特约编辑蒂姆·西格林在2024年纽约流媒体大会上采访了网飞公司的工程师苏嘉娜·苏雷迪. 她讨论了针对不同格式和设备对内容进行编码和转码的挑战, 她还强调了使用数据分析来了解特定流的计算使用情况和可见性的重要性. 她还谈到了该领域越来越多的女性以及社区内指导的价值.

Radically Reforming Public Education--and How Video Can Help

By the time stu­dents finish their sophomore year of high school, 他们应该知道自己在金融知识方面还有多少需要学习,甚至可能对自己想要做什么有一个很好的想法. 这就是流媒体的用武之地:在线视频和书籍可以为富人提供服务, specialized independent study to any community with motivated students.

The State of Education Video 2024

Is the state of education video in 2024 the quiet before or after the storm? With a pandemic in the rearview mirror, 在新常态下,企业规模的视频托管和管理服务能否以学校愿意承担的价格保持盈利,我们将面临一个十字路口. It's unlikely that we'll cross a point of no return this year, 但我建议密切关注一些迹象,这些迹象可能会减轻或加剧人们对学校在长期未来拥有一定程度的所有权和控制权所依赖的视频服务的担忧.


过去10年的革命性变化使教师甚至学生都能接触到生产技术. 四年前, 当然, 几乎每个人都被迫依靠教育视频来维持学校的正常运转. 今天, 我们可以确定几个特别有效的教师制作的教育视频用例.