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The challenge looming in the fall for schools that choose not to—or are ordered not to—reopen under the "old normal" conditions is to level up from emergency remote teaching (ERT), 我们在春天经历的即兴远程教学. Conducting an ERT course is akin to the terrifying thrill of building an airplane as you are flying it, while teaching an online course is analogous to the confident professionalism of flying and landing a plane you were able to thoughtfully design in advance. 

Reconceptualizing a course for online delivery—and for which you have expertise teaching in person—is often a reinvigorating exercise in deliberately adopting a student-centric approach to the material. 对于大多数学校来说,重新开学的计划将不那么具体 
than teachers and parents would prefer, but this wiggle room will be there for good reason. 一位明智的哲学家(迈克·泰森)曾经说过, “每个人都有一个计划,直到他们被打了一拳," and the coronavirus is likely to punch us in the mouth again before a 新常态形成. Epidemiology will ultimately have a say in how students come together to learn for the foreseeable future. A prudent contingency plan for teachers is to design their courses to run well fully online and enjoy whatever in-person interaction can be done at a tolerable risk to all participants.

A few teachers I've spoken with were deeply disappointed with the ERT experience, 对他们来说, I can only promise that teaching an intentionally prepared online course is a much better experience than what they went through and that there's significant value in teaching and learning online. 我的主要论点是 that most postgraduation learning for both career and personal growth is self-directed and online. Teaching online courses provides an opportunity for a teacher to coach students in how to be effective self-directed learners who are trained with the critical skills necessary to assess the reliability of online resources. 

为了帮助将其付诸行动,我有几个战斗口号. 第一个是提供严格而不僵化. This concept delivers enough structure and demands in online courses that students accomplish much more than they could have done without teachers' coaching. 然而, the structure and demands are flexible enough for students who are dealing with living situations that require more of their time and energy throughout the day than a normal school routine and environment would.

我的第二个战斗口号是减少痛苦. PAIN是PAraInstructional Nonsense的缩写, which is any source of frustrating meta-work that steals your time away from interacting with your students, 只要他们有空, to assess their understanding of the material and intervene as needed. A major part of PAIN during ERT was having to do the lecture part of teaching at the same time as trying to do the "facilitate learning" part of teaching. Those competing interests are much more difficult to balance when you aren't physically present with the students while you're lecturing and can't read their non-verbal cues.

我的解决方案是异步授课. It's called that because the teaching in the lecture content is out of sync with the learning or at least the consumption of it—the teachers' portion is done when they're on their A game, 当学生准备好集中注意力时,他们的部分就完成了. Asynchronous video is a personable and proven way to creatively present content. There will always be some PAIN when gathering materials to produce an educational video lecture, 但在夏天提前装好会更好. The non-interactive aspect of asynchronous content presentation is a feature, 不是bug, as it affords students more flexibility and imposes minimally on their privacy. 除了, most "interaction" during a lecture is actually a charitable label for premature interruptions. 如果老师不想出现在镜头前, 没时间出现了, 或者在一个有严重互联网接入问题的社区任教, he or she can instead rely on that most ancient form of asynchronous self-directed learning that made civilization possible: the reading assignment.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


一种学校常用的流媒体技术, 会议中心, and houses of worship is Dante (Digital Audio Network Through Ethernet). A Dante-enabled device can be plugged into a Dante network using a standard Category 5e or Category 6 network cable; the network connects devices using either 100Mbps or gigabit network switches, 通常具有以太网供电(PoE)功能.


The name of the game for designing a hybrid classroom or meeting space is balancing inclusivity of the remote and on-premise audiences that a colleague sometimes refers to as the "zoomers" and "roomers,”分别. 下面是一些可以帮助你达到平衡的工具.


Both student privacy and accessibility need to be considered by any school, 大学, 或者是使用视频教学的大学.


New data from Mux Video customers shows just how much video delivery has grown for B2B and niche markets during the COVID-19 crisis.


在高等教育中, 79%的机构使用视频讲座捕捉解决方案, letting students return to lectures as easily as they can return to text-based material.