
LiveU Lends a Hand With The Ocean Cleanup's San Francisco Launch


LiveU’s involvement in The Ocean Cleanup’s launch started back in November. van der Kooy was well-acquainted with LiveU thanks to his previous job at Turner Sports, 与PGA合作.com, PGA巡回赛,NASCAR和NBA. His first experience with LiveU came when producing a live NASCAR show in 2009. 被称为 GarageCam, it offered hour-long live tours of garages at NASCAR tracks. These were places where live streaming should have been difficult, but LiveU made it simple. 在那之后, 特纳体育在许多其他项目上转向LiveU, 甚至还把CNN推到了这家公司.

对于这个项目, LiveU was the first vendor van der Kooy turned to and the only one he seriously considered. From the start, he found the team supportive and confident. Throughout the testing and the event itself, The Ocean Project didn’t experience any issues.

“我们提前一周测试了LiveU. I think it was even a little bit longer because LiveU wanted to also make sure that everything was okay throughout the day,范德库伊说. “Because we didn’t know exactly where we would be in the bay as we towed this out, 我们和蓝军团一起工作 & Gold Fleet, which also donated a lot to The Ocean Cleanup. They took us out on a trip throughout all parts of San Francisco Bay. 所有我知道我们会喝酒的地方, 我们对LiveU进行了测试, 测试结果非常清晰. 然后,我们知道这绝对是一条正确的道路.”

范德库伊曾与乔治·克里佩尔共事, LiveU北美渠道销售总监, 谁从一开始就对这个项目感到兴奋. It would take full advantage of LiveU’s Wireless At-首页 production workflow and, 不仅如此, 这是一个值得LiveU参与的项目.

“第一,这是为了一个伟大的事业,对吧? I think anything that can help our world get a lot cleaner or anything that has to do with cleaning the environment or something healthy like that is really positive and I wanted to be involved for that reason,克利佩尔说. “但这也是一个挑战,对吧? I mean the San Francisco Bay Area is a very challenging environment surrounded by big mountains out in the middle of the bay and what they were trying to do was going to leverage all the technology that we have. I really wanted to be involved with it from that angle just to see if our technology could pull it off and do what they wanted to do.”

LiveU worked on The Ocean Cleanup project with Key Code Media, a reseller based in Burbank, Calif.也是LiveU最大的经销商之一. LiveU provided its Wireless At-首页 production workflow and the hardware, 而Key Code负责编辑工作.

Field reporter Rachel Richardson watches as cameraman Brett Sims streams a live shot using a LiveU 600 during the launch of The Ocean Cleanup’s System 001. The Ocean Cleanup launched its first cleanup system toward the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from San Francisco Bay on Sept. 8, 2018. The entire launch was streamed live using seven different LiveU units from various locations around the bay on land, 海, 在空气中. 图片由海洋项目提供

如果清理工作能达到发射报道的一半效果, then the Pacific is as good as spotless: “I think it was one of the best productions I’ve ever been involved with. 基本上一切都完美无缺, and I think the LiveUs performed beyond what my expectations were,Klippel欢呼道. “这是一部令人惊叹的作品. 这些图片, 图像的质量, 还有人们在直播中说的话, 观看和亲眼所见都令人惊叹.”

The live coverage went so well that van der Kooy’s only regret is he didn’t record more. 他得到的无人机画面非常壮观, and he wishes he’d had a second unit showing a different perspective.

整个事件是2.5 hours long, essentially a full documentary played out in real-time. It provided an emotional experience that can’t be delivered in a 3-minute promotional clip. 它引起了全世界观众的兴趣, and perhaps it captured the imaginations of kids who might go on to make history themselves someday.

“It’s like when I was a kid watching the Space Shuttle take off. You’re watching something that is history in the making,范德库伊说. “I remember my dad waking me up at 3 in the morning and just sitting there for an hour, 站在那里看着这个东西, 等待它起飞. 我永远不会忘记那些画面. That’s what I think this was able to bring to kids, adults, anybody that’s interested in it.”

[This article appears in the November/December 2018 issue of 流媒体杂志 标题为“LiveU帮助清理海洋”."]

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