
Roland VR-1HD AV Streaming Mixer Review


Roland的VR-1HD(1美元),495) is an inexpensive video mixing appliance that’s an alternative to software-based mixers like Wirecast or vMix. 在这篇综述中, we’ll look first at the basic hardware mixing capabilities of the VR-1HD, and then look at some advanced audio mixing capabilities. We'll follow that with features available when you connect the VR-1HD to a computer, 包括记录, streaming and some additional mixing functions.

作为概述, the VR-1HD mixes audio and video 从 multiple sources and sends a configurable webcam-like USB stream to a computer to push to a live streaming service. The unit has features appropriate for a broad base of users, including gamers and musicians, though my focus will be on more prosaic interviews and webinar-type productions.

视频I / O

The unit has three video inputs, all HDMI. Input 3 is a no-latency input with a passthrough to an HDMI output, so if you’re a gamer you can route your monitor output through the board with zero delay. 除了Through输出, there’s a Main output which displays the live audio and video feed and a Monitor input you use to control the menu options and configure the outputs. You can probably live without the Main output if you’re space-constrained, but you should set it up the first few times you run the unit to get familiar with what it does and how it works.

You can input audio 从 any of the HDMI sources. 除此之外, there are two XLR/1/4" combo jacks with phantom power and a line input via RCA connectors. Plus, the unit can accept audio via USB input 从 a computer.

The onboard mixer contains volume controls for the two mics and line input, but not for audio coming in with the HDMI signals or USB, though you can set levels for these via menu commands. You can listen in via a headphone jack, and send audio out to any monitor, plus line out via two RCA jacks, plus audio with the live USB feed.


图1 shows the switching surface with the three video inputs on the bottom right. 运行时, the buttons for all live feeds are lit; red if the feed is currently live, white if available but not live. As you would expect, you switch through the feeds by clicking each button.


图1. VR-1HD切换面

To the left of the three inputs is the Auto-switch button, which lets you select one of the four auto-switch options discussed below. As with all configurable options, you choose and configure your options via the Setup box in the middle top, where the Menu button opens the menu and the Value knob lets you move through and select your options.

Above the video inputs is the Scene section, which lets you combine inputs via picture-in-picture or horizontal or vertical screen splits as shown below buttons A-E. The unit comes configured with the combinations shown below the buttons which you can customize to your liking by clicking the Scene Edit button and using the Value knob 从 the Setup section.

Configuring the Scene Settings

My basic test configuration was two input cameras and a PowerPoint presentation coming in 从 a computer. Though I didn’t need to configure any of the inputs, VR-1HD可以缩放, 规模, 位置, 然后调整亮度, 对比, 或任何输入的颜色值.

To combine the inputs into the picture-in-picture shown in 图2, you work with the buttons in the Scene box in the middle right of the switching surface (图1). Click the button to configure (I used Button A for 图2) and then Scene Edit, which exposes controls that you work through using the Value knob at the top of the unit. Here you choose the background and foreground videos and can adjust the size, 纵横比, 裁剪, 缩放比例, and 位置 of the smaller window.

图2. The Roland makes it easy to configure picture-in-picture shots like this one, with PowerPoint coming in via HDMI 从 a computer and the video coming in 从 a camera.

I configured Button A for the picture-in-picture shown in 图2 and Button C for a side-by-side shot of the two video feeds. 制作过程中, the configured Scene buttons act like individual inputs that you switch to by pressing them, as you do with the three input buttons on the bottom right. So, 如果主机输入1, 客人输入2, and a side-by-side combination that you’ve configured as input C, you would manually switch between the three shots by pressing input 1, 输入2, 或场景C, which transitions into the selected shot or scene. Very simple and very easy for a producer/performer to manage.

However, transitions were downright funky. 例如, when switching to a composited video, the two videos comprising the composited shot never appeared simultaneously. So, if you transition 从 a single shot to a side-by-side composite, the videos in the side-by-side video appear at slightly different times. You can minimize this by shortening the transition time but you can’t eliminate it; even with a zero transition time, one video in the composited shot will appear before the other.

除了, you have three transition options, either a mix fade (dissolve) or black fade (fade to and 从 black), or a cut if you set the transition time to zero. 但是只有过渡到, 从, and between composited scenes can be black fades; all others are mix fades or cuts. So, if you choose the black fade transition, when you switch 从 a camera input to a scene or scene to scene, 你会得到一个黑色的退色, but if you switch directly to and 从 camera inputs, 你会被溶解或割伤. You can configure a Scene to mimic a camera input and avoid this issue, but then you lose up to three scenes. Not a show stopper, but a bit unusual.


You can create a title in any image editor so long as you output the file in 24-bit uncompressed BMP format. You can key out either black or white so I created the title shown in 图3 as a 1920x1080 white image in Photoshop with the text and red background shown. You copy the title onto a USB stick, plug that into the back of the VR-1HD, 将图像加载到单元中, and display the title by pressing the Key button on the upper right of the unit.

图3. Inputting and displaying a title is simple enough.

This is simple enough in the hardware for a single title, but if you have to switch titles for the host and guest, you’ll have to work through the menu system to load the second title, which could be tough to do if you’re producing and performing. There is a software alternative discussed below.

To display images in the presentation you have to assign them to an input channel, bringing the HDMI inputs down 从 three to two. You can load two images into the unit, but there’s no easy way to switch between them; you have to enter the menu system which, 再一次。, would be cumbersome if you’re both producer and on camera.

整体, configuring and switching your video inputs will be simple for all users, even if you’re producing and performing. If your productions are image intensive you may wish to find a different alternative.

That’s most of the video side; now let’s look at audio.


The VR-1HD manages audio on the left side of the control surface (图4). Start by pressing the Level Setup button, which lets you set incoming dB levels for all inputs. You see the individual volume controls for Mic 1, 麦克风2, 和Line输入, plus output controls for the Main output, USB流, 和耳机.

图4. 音频混音控制

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