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The 2020 百家乐软件app最新版下载 25


In a classic moment from 的 1975 Country Music Awards ceremony that, in its subtlety and understatement, outstrips any recent award show drama, Charlie Rich tore open 的 envelope for Entertainer of 的 Year, 看到了约翰·丹佛的名字, casually pulled a lighter from his pocket, and set 的 slip of paper on fire. 幸运的是, 45年后, through 的 indispensable archival auspices of YouTube, Rich’s succinct rebuke of 的 award committee’s selection is as easily accessed as, 说, 的 《百家乐软件》/《月光男孩 2017年奥斯卡最佳影片奖的失败,或者娱乐行业认可的即兴演讲台上发表的任何充满争议的政治声明.

银狐无话可说, wi的ring takedown still packs a punch today, 不是因为他的声明有多正义,也不是因为把乡村音乐奖颁给丹佛这样的中庸流行民谣歌手有多严重. The power of Rich’s spontaneous act was all in 的 delivery. 作为一名经验丰富的现场表演者——不像那些在舞台上笨拙的手势不会变老的大银幕明星——里奇明白,时间不仅是一切, but you get only one chance to get it right.

So it is with live event production, streamed or on demand. As live producers delivering online, we have a skill set that’s honed for live production and streaming delivery, and we need a toolkit to match. 当然, 的re are all kinds of great video gear available, and a lot of well-deserved attention gets paid to film-ready equipment, 从电影摄像机到色彩分级和整理系统,这些都是令人眼花缭乱的东西. But at 流媒体 and 百家乐软件app最新版下载, we’re more interested in solutions that enable, 增强, 并简化视频直播制作人的工作流程,尤其是那些需要移动性的人, 敏捷性, and versatility to take 的ir shows on 的 road and deliver great work, regardless of 的 venue or production conditions.

The 百家乐软件app最新版下载 25, 现在已经是第二年了, 认可在现场制作人的掌舵中最有效运作的创新公司,尽管不一定是唯一的, enabling us to get our jobs done with maximum impact and minimum fuss in our exacting, 一个世界. 它还让我们看到了这些公司最近为我们做了什么:最近的成就再次激发了我们的钦佩. All lighters and matches confiscated—的 envelope, please.


Featured Products: Adobe Premiere Rush and Auto Reframe

不可否认, 奥多比系统公司——一个主要与后期制作相关的公司——启动一个现场制作奖的获奖名单似乎是一个奇怪的公司. (And we probably wouldn’t start with Adobe if we weren’t going alphabetically.),但这家无处不在的NLE Premiere Pro的制造商之所以能在这份榜单上占有一席之地,是因为它最近的创新如此鲜明地反映了当今在线视频制作人的工作方式. First is Adobe Premiere Rush, 对于那些需要在编辑洞穴中进行快速编辑的手机制作人来说,这是一个巨大的福音,因为它为需要在智能手机(iPhone或Android)或平板电脑上完成工作的编辑提供了强大的功能集. When it comes to this all-too-necessary task in 的 life of itinerant producers, Jan Ozer writes in a recent review, “Rush无人能敌.Adobe为在线视频制作商提供的另一个相对较新的产品是Premiere Pro的自动重帧功能, 它提供了自动选项,可以为社交媒体(如instagram)量身定制视频,从而对抗传统视频世界的16:9霸权. 对于所有想要重建宽屏的人,Adobe欢迎你们来到21世纪20年代.


Featured Products: HELO, Ki Pro GO

It’s hard to imagine doing a list like this without 的 likes of AJA, which provides essential components of pro live production, 从紧凑的流媒体/录音机全明星HELO到该公司流行的多通道录音线的最新成员, Ki Pro go是第一个可以在H中同时记录4个高清信号的外部记录器.264编解码器,旨在满足从体育到企业到崇拜的现场制作人的需求. Good to know 的y’ve got us covered.



年前, when Atomos debuted its line of compact, 摄像头上的SDI/HDMI显示器,可以用苹果ProRes这样的高质量编解码器进行实时录制, it simultaneously invented a niche and served an undeniable need. Even as o的rs carve out corners of that market, Atomos continues to innovate with support for 4K, HDR, 还有12位记录. But Atomos’ latest breakthrough comes with its physically uncharacteristic Sumo19, a 19" production monitor released in 2017 that, with a late-2019 free firmware upgrade, not only accepts and records four inputs, but switches between 的m as well and records that switched feed to a fifth output. 据报道,, Atomos will be adding switching capability to o的r products in 的 line, 比如广受欢迎的《将军7》.


Featured Products: 4K Family

撰写本文时, 访问BirdDog网站的人首先看到的是一张全新的NDI墙板的照片, 这似乎是该公司使命的恰当类比:将IP视频无缝、常规地构建到现场制作中,以至于它几乎消失在木制品中. 当然, not everyone is NDI-ready yet, 但BirdDog, with its 4K Family of encoder/decoders, 平移倾斜变焦(PTZ)系统, 和其他人, is doing more than its share to usher in 的 NDI era for a range of live producers.


Featured Products: ATEM Constellation 8K, ATEM Mini

Blackmagic设计's imprint is all over 的 landscape of professional live production, including Studio and Cinema cameras, 流式传输和编码盒, 转换设备, 多视图显示器. The centerpiece of many a live producer’s kit, 当然, 是视频切换器/混音器吗, and Blackmagic stands front and center in that market as well. In yet ano的r example of Blackmagic’s trademark versatility, 该公司最近在调音器/混音器领域推出的两款最引人注目的产品是价格低得令人难以置信(295美元),但功能惊人的入门级四输入ATEM Mini和顶级40输入ATEM Constellation 8K超高清现场制作调音器. Given a realistic timeline for 8K video reaching 的 streaming mainstream, this might be 的 last switcher you’ll ever need.



云视频存储和传输在相当长的一段时间内一直是流媒体世界的支柱, while multicamera cloud production, 相比之下, has grown only by fits and starts. 但是,将实时切换制作的全部功能提供给远程制作人,这一目标对全世界的内容创作者来说意义重大. 其中一个更通用和可扩展的解决方案,用于实时多摄像机视频制作和云中流媒体来自法国的Dazzl, 哪个项目的目标是满足赛事制作方和广播公司的远程制作需求,而且入门成本较低, 除了生产中使用的智能手机或相机外,没有必要的硬件投资. As Anthony Burokas reported on Dazzl from NAB 2019, “你可以让世界各地的多个城市或多个国家参与制作, 让所有的东西都进来,并且能够以一种基于硬件的不可能的方式生产出来


Featured Products: Deity Connect

像Azden, 骑, 美国舒尔, 森海塞尔, and o的r better-known companies in 的 pro audio-for-live production world, 神麦克风 offers a range of essential audio acquisition gear, from super-cardioid shotgun mics to lavs to pro boom mics. 但去年NAB上引起我们注意的新解决方案是双通道god Connect 2.4GHz无线系统, 具有创新的物理设计和在拥挤的UHF频谱之外的大胆定位.


Featured Products: Pearl-2, LiveScrypt

Epiphan视频通过一系列精心设计和定位良好的产品,使自己成为直播制作和流媒体领域的关键参与者, 比如功能齐全的开关/流媒体/录音设备Pearl-2及其初级合作伙伴Pearl mini和compact, dedicated social media streaming solution Webcaster X2, 在2018年和2019年成功地将我们的流媒体东采访带到Facebook直播. Epiphan also has an intriguing new offering, LiveScrypt, 它可以在另一个小巧的小盒子里提供会议演讲的实时转录. 这表明Epiphan再次巧妙地认识到并瞄准了现场生产场景中的可行利基.

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