

交互性对企业流有多重要,在哪些方面它可以保持吸引力并得到改进? 西蒙球, Independent Digital Communications Consultant and Program Manager, Olga Kornienko, COO & 创始人之一, EZDRMJoel Fajardo, Digital Workplace副主任, 毕马威(KPMG),在他们的小组中提供他们的看法 流媒体东部2023.

安迪·霍华德,创始人 & 董事总经理Howard & 的同事, 先问专家组, “Do we think that interactive video is really considered part of enterprise streaming? 或者我们认为市场会走向何方?”

西蒙球 says that interactivity remains essential to enterprise streaming due to user expectations. “Employee engagement is driven by the feedback and the interactivity that you get from your employee base,他说 and emphasizes that this has remained unchanged from the earliest years of webcasting. 交互性, 他说, “在企业通信方面都处于最前沿, 在教育方面也是如此. 例如,持续专业教育(CPE).在这些情况下, 他说, “Now I've been checked that I'm watching the stream and have to confirm that I'm there and I'm having to answer questions in order to qualify that I've gone through [the] course.”

最近的一个问题是, 球说, 是无处不在的直播会议吗, 特别是在流感大流行之后. “那么,你如何保持人们的注意力呢?他说. “你如何让他们更容易地快速消化这些内容? 像 微软的副驾驶 that's coming out are very much like, ‘I'm gonna get my summary in five minutes.’ I'm attending the meeting because I want to register or I want to be seen. 我希望他们最后点名的时候我的名字也在上面. 我可以打勾说我是一个与会者,但实际上我在同时处理多个任务. 我在做完全不同的事情. 也许是想听听有没有跟我有关的东西. 因此,我并没有真正消费内容. 所以我认为接下来要做的是如何引起人们的注意, 或者我没有得到关注, 我怎样才能听懂他们说的话呢?”

Olga Kornienko说, 我完全同意, 互动性的一部分是让消费变得有趣. If we all sit here and lecture people, it's going to be one very boring panel. 这就是为什么我们会问人们问题. Then that obviously translates into any sort of corporate world and any sort of educational streaming that one does. Because outside of that, it becomes monotonous and boring, and you lose attention.”

科尔尼延科说,注意力的持续时间, 在一般情况下, have been tested due to the overload of content and the many opportunities for digital distractions. 这是, 她说, “很明显,当你在网上看一些东西时,它说, 这是一段三分钟的阅读或两分钟的视频,’你会说, “我还有时间吗??然后就变得悲伤起来, 但是如果你没有任何反馈, 你只是在对着一片虚无的空白屏幕说话.”

Joel Fajardo notes that these days there is not just an expectation of engaging content but also a high degree of technical seamlessness. 大流行的, 他说, 促进了对在线小组会议的快速适应, but now the challenge is fully integrating those meeting platforms back into offices as workers return to them.

“Now everybody knows what is capable with those tools and now that folks are starting to get back to their offices, whether it be hybrid or mandatory work from the office on certain days a week…going back to those conferencing centers, those multi-divisible rooms where the tech didn't really change because it didn't have to,法哈多说. During the pandemic, “Everyone was focusing on getting the virtual side of the house up and running. So now that they're in there and they [want to] do a hybrid meeting with 微软团队 or 变焦 or whatever the case may be, I'm like, ‘Well, that's not what this room was designed for.’ So now the big challenge is how are we going to be augmenting those spaces to accommodate those use cases? We have to redesign all of our infrastructure with that modularity so that [when] you change from a 变焦 house to a Microsoft house, 这项技术仍然有效. And if you come in where you've got a guest speaker and they want to use 变焦 or whichever platform you're not using, 这不是问题. 你仍然可以让一切正常运转.”

Kornienko强调,随着混合会议的增加, the experiences for users who are online versus in-person users must be integrated in ways that do not leave out any one set of users. “How do you organize all those meetings and keep it so that there are no misunderstandings, 房间里的人和虚拟人有着相同的体验?她说。. “Some of the things that people don't think about until they run into a problem [is] how do you make sure that if something is said, 显然是写给房间里的人或者是变焦的观众的, 在那里,每个人看到的和感觉的都是一样的? And I think that is a whole other human aspect of what we have to figure out as well.”

了解更多关于交互式流媒体的信息 流媒体连接2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


An inevitable question for any streaming strategy or workflow is "Will it scale?“当涉及到整合交互性时, 促进它, and delivering interactive experiences that are satisfying both for large-scale streaming audiences and the brands behind them, 这个问题比以往任何时候都更加关键. 在流媒体连接2023最近的一个小组中, B我是杰伊·科佩尔曼, 斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli, and LiveX's Corey Behnke break down the problem and the challenges facing streamers and brands when it comes to making streaming interactivity is popular and profitable for all its stakeholders.


It seems like virtual world creation has become ubiquitous in today's streaming multiverse, but what are the obstacles to make it accessible and seamless to all those who want to deploy Unreal Engine and other augmented reality solutions to realize their visions? AMD's Sean Gardner and Chris Pfaff of Chris Pfaff Tech Media break down the current challenges in this clip from their panel at 流媒体东部2023.


什么样的互动流媒体功能能引起现场观众的共鸣? 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道, 纳米宇宙的奥利弗·利茨, and Brian Miller of LG discuss with 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


是什么让流具有互动性? What are the elements of interactive streams that audiences respond to most, 创造最吸引人的前倾体验? Parks 的同事的Jennifer Kent, 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道, 纳米宇宙的奥利弗·列茨说, and LG's Brian Miller explain what makes streams interactive to them and streaming consumers.


企业流如何有效地利用交互性? Erdal Kilinc discusses the ways his company Deal Room Events has discovered that interactivity has benefited its clients in dynamic and unexpected forms that incorporate marketing, 媒体, 以及客户参与.
