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LiveU的Mike Savello报道 Talks Going Mobile with Hybrid, REMI, and Cloud Workflows

Learn more about mobile streaming workflows at 流媒体西部2022.

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2022. 今天请到了LiveU的迈克·萨维罗. I've known Mike for longer than I care to say, 但我们在媒体100一起工作过, 我咨询的地方, 然后是On2, 后来成为了谷歌的一部分. 然后迈克和 LiveU 11年来. So, Mike, for audience members who may not know what LiveU is, just give us a brief overview.

Mike Savello: 长话短说, 本质上 what we do is we do live video acquisition over the public internet. And we've actually used mostly cellular devices since the inception of the company. And we 本质上 combine multiple cellular devices together and make what is inherently an unreliable technology cellular reliable for video acquisition.

蒂姆Siglin: 蜂窝键合和多路复用. 据我所知, 如果我没记错的话, you not just use one cellular companies like say Verizon, 你可以使用AT & T也一样.

Mike Savello: 我们都用上了. 事实上, 人越多越好, 诚实, because of our heritage--we started off really as a cellular-based company. The technologies that we've developed--especially the transport and bonding technologies--become very applicable to even just the standard internet. 今天, 如果你想要最可靠的连接, even over just a hardwired public internet connection, our LiveU Reliable Transport (LRT) for short is really one of the best transports that's out there.

蒂姆Siglin: So, 轻轨与SRT和紫溪有竞争吗, and some of the other sort of forward error corrections, 还是与它们协同工作?

Mike Savello: 它是协同工作的. 我是说,这是我们自己的专利. We keep it for ourselves because we were a closed system, 本质上 because we have an encoder talking to a decoder. 所以我们并没有和SRT竞争. 事实上, we actually embrace SRT in our system today. 我们支持它作为输出协议, if you want to be able to have a transport into another system, 本质上.

蒂姆Siglin: And I know in the early days there were stories about being able to use your backpack-type systems in news environments that maybe were not attuned to somebody rolling a truck in, you just want to carry a backpack into a square. I think during the Arab Spring, that was one of the things that we heard stories about. Is that still the case for mobile production?

Mike Savello: I'd say mobile production has advanced a little bit beyond there. 当然, having the mobility something that's clipped to a belt or on your backpack really makes it easy to go into those sorts of environments, 当然, 移动做报道, you're not tethered to a truck or whatever. 所以你会从中得到很多好处, 但我想说最大的好处是, 如果你看看体育界, 例如, being able to go into a venue now that has no connectivity, 没有无线网络, 没有固定电话, and being able to produce that event and broadcast that event without the need for any connectivity at all really kind of opens up the the opportunities for the technology.

蒂姆Siglin: And those early systems were sort of single-camera connected to a backpack. When you're talking about going into a venue with no connectivity, 比如高中体育馆, do you have the ability to synchronize multiple cameras together as well?

Mike Savello: 我们所做的. We have a product that we introduced in 2020 called the L800, which actually has the ability now to connect four HD cameras to it. They're all fully frame-synced to each other. and they can transmit over one connection, 本质上, up to 70 megabits per second.

蒂姆Siglin: So what session were you on today here at 流媒体?

Mike Savello: 我做了一些. I gave a presentation on on Remiin general, And then we we had an interesting panel later this afternoon on remote hybrid models really combining on-prem with remote production.We're talking to more and more customers that are building virtual environments in the cloud, and that's their main design point for their workflow. And so they'll put other things that aren't available in the cloud, 'cause the cloud can't do everything yet from a video production point of view. Everything else will sit in rack someplace in your physical environment. So that's why we talk about hybrid workflows. But there's lots of workflows or lots of projects where you just need to do clipping for highlights or whatever. You can send that into the cloud, do that from there, and just send it straight to social. So you never even have to leave the cloud in in that scenario.

蒂姆Siglin: 公平点.

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