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SMNYC 2024: Tastemade的Evan Bregman谈论独立流媒体联盟和标准化测量

At Streaming Media NYC, Tim Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream Research Foundation, and Contributing Editor, Streaming Media, sits down for an interview with Evan Bregman, General Manager, Streaming, Tastemade, and Founding Member, Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA). 他们讨论了Tastemade的流媒体服务的快速增长,以及ISA的目标,即通过协作和在碎片化的生态系统中标准化测量来定义标准并克服流媒体行业的障碍.

Siglin says to Bregman, “Tell me a little bit about yourself. Let's talk about Tastemade and then about the Independent Streaming Alliance.”

Bregman tells Siglin that he leads streaming at Tastemade, which has been around for about 12 years, with streaming beginning as a business for them in 2018. 他说:“我在不到两年前加入公司,目的是集中管理这个团队. “It's now the fastest growing part of our company. We reach 13 million viewers worldwide every month. Four channels in the US are focused on food, travel, and home design, and then there is Tastemade in Español. Then we have an international presence, 包括我们在圣保罗工作室制作的巴西本地语言频道和一个国际英语频道.”

“美国的有线电视和流媒体频道也是如此?” Siglin asks.

“Just streaming,” Bregman says, “但我们在所有主要的虚拟多通道视频节目分销商(vMVPD)以及所有主要的快速平台上都有业务. We're the most distributed streaming lifestyle channel.”

The Independent Streaming Alliance and its aims

Siglin asks Bregman to describe the Independent Streaming Alliance.

“The ICA was founded about a year ago by a bunch of independent streamers,” Bregman says, “folks who had been in the streaming world longer than anybody who are, by our very definition, completely independent, not part of the major media corporations. 我们走到一起,是因为我们看到我们的生态系统正在接近一个我们需要合作的点. 我们需要开始定义标准,以便在任何类型的生态系统开发中克服非常可预测的障碍,如果我们要克服它们的话, we could really push the entire ecosystem forward. We all wanted a seat at the table, and together, we have a pretty broad reach. 我们的第一年非常成功,通过交换意见,我们试着了解如何与各种不同的大公司打交道,我们每天都在与这些公司打交道. 像The Trade Desk这样的人,以及我们所有不同的分销合作伙伴.”

Siglin asks, “What's the end goal with ISA, besides comparing notes? Are there economies of scale in terms of distribution or production?”

“这真的是关于寻找我们可以利用我们的集体力量推动行业发展的领域,” Bregman says. “有些商业决策完全超出了反垄断或类似的领域,我们只能说, ‘Hey, 这是我们都同意的标准,因为我们认为这是最好的标准. And if we all say that this is how it's going to happen, then we can probably move the industry in that direction, in areas like measurement and distribution, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), and demand.”

Standardizing measurement in a fragmented ecosystem

“I had a conversation earlier today where we were talking about Nielsen,” Siglin says. “你在这个行业呆的时间够长了,你应该知道,有人试图弄清楚如何对整个电缆进行总体测量, broadcast, and streaming. 许多这样的尝试都被公开拒绝了,因为一个简单的事实是,无论谁获得了收视率,他们都觉得自己没有处于正确的位置. How would you all, as smaller independents, look at analytics and ratings?”

布雷格曼说,在目前分散的媒体生态系统中,要进行有凝聚力的衡量是非常困难的,ISA主要关注的是制定衡量标准和透明度. “比如如何在流媒体环境中衡量品牌内容? On top of that, we've become pretty focused on transparency. So, 在我们与分销伙伴的保密协议范围内, 如果我们能对各种渠道之间发生的事情有更多的了解,这将真正提升竞争格局, 即使只是相对意义上的,即使是完全匿名的. 这就是数字娱乐集团(Digital Entertainment Group, DEG)为电子销售(EST)和交易视频点播(TVOD)世界所做的比较, 所有主要的媒体公司聚在一起,根据非常可预测的规则匿名化他们的数据.”

“听到较小的参与者能够联合起来并在这方面产生一些影响,这实际上是非常令人振奋的,” Siglin says.

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