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沃尔玛最近收购了什么 Vizio 还有传言说 Amazon Prime 吸收 免费的vee 告诉我们FAST生态系统的状态? How can companies like Tubi and 弗里曼特尔 optimize their FAST offerings in a shifting media landscape? 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP, discusses this topic with Sam Harowitz, Head of Content Acquisitions & 合作伙伴关系, TubiLaura Florence,全球FAST频道高级副总裁, 弗里曼特尔,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2024.

Shapiro asks the panel about their thoughts on the impacts on the industry concerning Walmart’s Vizio acquisition and the rumors (at the time that this panel was conducted) that Amazon would fully absorb 免费的vee to focus on its new Prime Video service with ads.

“I think the interesting thing about both of those stories, 对我来说, is that it demonstrates a shift and an addressable audience that is clearly yearning for a more comprehensive experience,哈罗维茨说. He also believes that this predicts a continued acceleration of ad dollars moving from traditional methods to streaming video. 对于Tubi, 特别是, 他说, “It will allow us to reach deeper into catalogs with partners and access better, 更多优质内容. It will also cause distributors to think about how they window content differently. 在Tubi, 我们有超过455个内容合作伙伴,带来了240,000小时的电影和电视剧到该服务. What we've been thinking about over the last six months is the optimal content mix. W在这里 are we seeing the highest level of engagement? And we've started to experiment with new content types and new content categories, 所以我真的很兴奋.”

Shapiro asks Harowitz to clarify how Tubi precisely measures “engagement,尤其是针对广告商的数据.

“我们在内部查看了许多数据点, and they vary from session viewing time to habitual behavior, 人们多久会回到站台,哈罗维茨说. “We offer quite a depth and breadth of data points to [partners] in real-time. You can access real-time 信息 on the Tubi platform, including impressions and CPMs. 最终, we believe that transparency with the content provider taking a risk in availing their content will benefit both the platform and the consumer when they think about coming to Tubi and engaging with content.”

Shapiro asks Florence, “As an IP owner, what's your take on this? 你如何衡量成功?”

“We, as a partner, can be the biggest and the best advocate for our properties,” Florence says. “When we're given the tools to understand if the methods that we're using, 数以亿计的 脸谱网 impressions that we can do for free just with the post, t在这里's also targeted marketing things we can do with the spend.和Tubi在一起, 她说, “I can actually track the marketing spend in real-time with the spend happening on 脸谱网 driving into Tubi, 我可以确保我的投资回报率是正的. 我要最大化它. 我知道他们会把广告卖光. 这是我们成功的典范. We can control it, and we can do it the best because we know the IP. 我们成功了, and I think that's w在这里 t在这里 are multiple different ways [w在这里] we can start to enhance that, with QR code integration and first-party apps that we can actually put in for all of our gamification content. 坚持这个主题, I think the data helps us be better and to help both parties maximize.”

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How FAST Strategy Is Changing as the Ecosystem Matures

随着我们顺利进入FAST 2时代.0, will the strategies that brought FAST success in its early days still pay off and ensure continued growth? 现在是FAST先锋们重新创新的时候了吗? And what can the success of primetime YouTube channels teach FAST brands about evolving their strategic roadmap in a mature, 少了狂野西部式的FAST生态系统? 来自Tastemade的Evan Bregman, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特报道, and TMB's Cameron Saless discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

快速市场的现状:欧洲vs .美国. US

It's well-established that the FAST market matured in the US years earlier than in Europe and other parts of the world. 但随着欧洲市场的增长, is it evolving along the same lines as the US market, and are t在这里 lessons in w在这里 the US market stumbled that inform FAST strategy in Europe? Streaming Made Easy newsletter author Marion Ranchet and ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道 discuss the state of the FAST ecosystem in Europe in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Is Producing Original Content Table Stakes for FAST Brands?

In the absence of subscription revenue that underwrites SVOD services, what's the ideal balance of original and licensed programming for FAST brands, and how does it differ for smaller and larger providers? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 来自TasteMade的Evan Bregman, and Chicken Soup for the Soul's Philippe Guelton dissect the intricacies of FAST monetization-particularly for niche outfits-in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.