
id3as首席执行官Adrian Roe介绍了Norsk低码实时视频SDK

Adrian Roe, Ph.D., CEO, Norsk,采访了创始执行董事蒂姆·西格林(Tim Siglin), 帮助我流研究基金会, and 特约编辑,流媒体, to introduce Norsk low code live video SDK in this interview from Streaming Media East 2023.


“Id3as is the company behind Norsk, and I’m the Chief Executive of Ideas,” Roe says. “And for a dozen or so years, 我们一直在打造高度定制的产品, 为我们的客户提供大规模的实时视频工作流程. What we've been doing for the last three or more years is to package that up in a way that our customers and partners can start to build these sophisticated live workflows themselves without needing really in-depth skills that know exactly how one particular media format or codec or container works.”

“你今天早上做了一个类比,显示了一个四输入, essentially video conference, so to speak, with 110 lines of code,” Siglin says. 但你指出,其中大约有90行是业务逻辑. 剩下的20个左右可以说是实际的编程. 这是一个软件开发工具包?”

“Exactly,” Roe says. “所以挪威语有两部分. 我们已经花了大部分时间讨论媒体的一半. There's also a management half that will create in-cloud infrastructure for you and sort of get to the business of delivering that infrastructure so you can turn the application into live running events. 讨论的焦点大多集中在媒体方面. And what we feel very strongly is that you typically live in one of two worlds at the moment. You're using something kind of off the shelf…there's some great off the shelf tools…but your business is then constrained to do what that tool does for you. 在光谱的另一端, you have basically a roll your own strategy where you go and write a whole bunch of code and you can then deliver whatever media workflow it is that you might want.

“但后者需要付出巨大的努力,”罗伊继续说道. “数十万行代码——非常专业的技能. And what we see as being the issue with that strategy is you then end up with hundreds of thousands of lines of code and a few thousand lines of business code. 我们认为这是错误的. The value that one of our customers can bring to the market is fantastic workflow, 这是一个很棒的消费者体验, 这里的信息使它具有相关性,并创造了一种社区感, 在我的听众中有一种参与感, and that's what's important, not how I package up. Web RTC内容vs . dash内容vs .其他内容.”

Siglin使用了一个类比来进一步阐明这些方法. “You have the car parts that you could assemble, but you're a sports broadcaster,” he says. “你真的需要去组装汽车吗?, 而不是尽你所能成为最好的体育广播员?”

He then asks Roe, “So will this limit the size of the technology teams that are needed inside the organization?”

“Potentially,” Roe says. “我更多地认为这改变了这些球队的性质, because at that point you're probably using tools that your teams are already familiar with, 一种高度表达的面向业务的语言. Like TypeScript or Go or Java所以与其处理细节问题, you're saying, “这就是我想要的东西.’ And really importantly, it's tools that you probably have within your organization anyway to build your website, to build your CRM, and so on. For the very, very biggest companies, 我能看出从头开始制定自己的策略是有道理的, it gives you control. 但这是一个非常昂贵和具有挑战性的爱好,需要很长时间. For everybody else, actually being able to get that same value where your team is using standard skills, 使用他们可能已经很熟悉的工具, can deliver that same value. 这就是我们看到与挪威的区别所在.”

“And now you've launched 1.0,” Siglin says. “我想另一个问题是, 正如你在市场上看到的那样, and you think back even to things like Flash…you had Flash evangelists who went out to say, 你这样做的原因是,这比你自己做要容易. 你是否需要对市场进行教育和宣传? 或者你认为市场已经接受了痛苦的教育, 他们只需要了解如何做得更容易?”

“我认为人们对这种痛苦有相当广泛的理解, 尤其是因为疼痛相当严重,” Roe says. “我认为我过去工作过的市场有一些很好的类比. So for example, 我的职业生涯是从零售IT开始的, and back then, 以成为零售IT领域的大型软件提供商, you had to basically write proprietary databases…the cost of entry into that retail space was extremely high because you had to basically employ people comfortable with building databases.”

Siglin notes, “And like you said, 你不需要找懂相似的人, lower down. You essentially need somebody who's similar to your website developer with the tool set.”

“Exactly,” Roe says. “And that's the important bit. 这就是体育转播的意义所在, 这是因为他们了解他们所面对的群体. They create a sense of conversation, they create a sense of community within that. We think that's what's there. And they give you the other thing that I think again speaks to a large extent against ‘roll your own’ is what's important is the capability you have and the user experience…to your clients. Your clients aren't in the least bit interested in whether you use this codec or that or DASH or any of those things. They want a compelling user experience, and the less they see the technology, the better.”

“最后一个问题,”西格林说. “我只是通过SDK构建了这个解决方案. 现在我想复制一千次, 因为我有一千件非常相似的事, 但我还需要对每一个都做一些调整. How difficult is that process?”

“Well, again, 它直截了当,可以说是挪威人的精髓, because it's your code,” Roe says. “你有一条商业规则说, “我需要这个标志, so I'm going to go reach out to my asset management system and pull that right one in. 挪威航运公司自己会处理, ‘I've got one now, 我想要一千个,我想再回到一个.“这确实让这个过程变得非常简单. But you just described the client's business rule: ‘I need to be able to tailor all of these differently.这就是最重要的准则. Go ahead. Write lots and lots of that. 因为这就是价值所在.”

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