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随着数字产品的消费者定位能力变得越来越复杂, 电视上可触及的观众群范围似乎越来越少. 公平地说,电视行业, 有相当多的技术, 操作, and commercial challenges to overcome in order to transition from broadcast targeting to buying specific audiences.

Today’s digital TV operators have the opportunity to collect return path data has transformed the ability of TV operators to understand their viewer behavior like never before. 这是超定向广告发展的基础. It enables operators to offer a very wide set of attributes that advertisers can use for targeting, expanding the options from two dozen broad demographic categories to literally hundreds of affinity groups.

That may sound great until you think about how you 操作ize it in a TV trading ecosystem that has run on a much simpler, 覆盖范围驱动的商业和运营基础. 我还记得当我们在Sky推出AdSmart时,媒体机构的反应. 一开始是“哇”, 在场的人都觉得这一刻太棒了, followed about three seconds later with a look of mild shock as the transformational implications sunk in.

The good news is that the breadth of TV behavioral targeting can be introduced at whatever speed suits the local market or 操作 constraints of the TV operator. 例如, ThinkAdvertising解决方案生成一个层次结构, which means affinity attributes can be rolled up into fewer – but still powerful – targeting variables, 比如汽车行业, 技术, 体育, 金融, 旅行, 等. 让我们从一个简单的开始. 随着操作成熟度和信心的提高, 这些群体可以在层次上扩展,以提供更具体的目标受众, e.g.,从运动到运动类型到俱乐部,甚至到球员.



除了准确测量广告效果, one of the biggest aspirations for advertisers – and their agencies - is to be able to design and deploy advertising campaigns to the same audience, 无论何种媒体渠道.

自然,广告商希望有效地购买观众. 目前, it is very difficult for an advertiser to plan and evaluate reach and frequency for any specified audience across a whole campaign that might, 例如, 包括电视, 在线, 打印, 和户外. 考虑到在电视和数字媒体上的巨额支出, it is especially frustrating that these two environments are not better integrated to facilitate advertising to people, 没有设备.

主题是, 当然, 这吸引了媒体所有者和广告技术供应商的大量关注. 多发行商计划,例如 OpenAP, are to be applauded and help lay a better foundation for de-duplication and simplified media buying.

然而, 这大大提高了消费者的认知度, the question of consistent audience definitions across both digital and TV remains unanswered. One of the major advances of digital advertising has been the ability to bid and buy for audiences defined by their behavioral affinities, 而不仅仅是人口或地理.

从历史上看, 数据供应商, 数据管理平台, and analytics providers have used custom taxonomies to describe and segment their audiences, 供应商之间几乎没有标准化. 这就导致了即使相似的数据有时也会出现截然不同的描述.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has attempted to fix this for internet advertising with the introduction of a common nomenclature for audience segment names to improve comparability of data across different providers. 促进全渠道广告, 这些观众的广度和标准化都需要在电视上实现.

As 我在之前的一篇文章中讨论过, 基于行为的亲和力现在可以从第一方观看数据中创建, which enable a far greater scale of targeted audience segments that can be used in addressable TV. ……很重要。, 虽然, that these audience definitions are aligned with those used in digital in order that omnichannel campaigns can truly work. These are important factors for TV operators to keep top of mind when building their addressable advertising offering.

当考虑转向电视行为定位时, 最重要的是要记住,未来不等人. That journey of a thousand miles may start with a simple step, but that step needs to be taken. The days of TV advertising attracting substantial advertising dollars by only offering broad demographic targeting are fast ending. The implementation of sophisticated TV targeting capability is something that can – and should - be done now and the release of scope and scale of targeting can be easily controlled to suit the 操作 readiness of the TV operator and the appetites of advertisers.

[编者注:这是来自 ThinkAnalytics. 流媒体 媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Netflix的下一步计划:通过广告重新构想流媒体 & 内容模型

Samba TV的Ashwin Navin讨论了Netflix的方式, 尽管最近出现了一些问题, has the legacy and the leverage to continue to reinvent the distribution model to find new ways to extend the value of its multi-billion dollar content investments.


现代电视广告正处于成长期. Advertisers face new challenges as the landscape shifts from broadcast and cable to a new world of AVOD and FAST. Waymark的Asrah Mohammed讨论了情境定位, 这一策略可以帮助我们驾驭这一新局面.


The first article in a series sponsored by Progress Partners and its Executive-in-Residence program addressing the big questions the streaming industry is grappling with regarding advertising metrics.


As streaming increasingly becomes the preferred consumption model for some of the world's most-watched content, 人们对高质量和出色的用户体验的期望越来越高.

啤酒,赌博,流媒体,我的天! 超级碗广告分析

超级碗广告, 虽然样本相对较小, 是整体广告需求趋势的良好指标吗. 来自AdImpact的John Link回顾了过去三年, 趋势很明显:加密货币和与新冠病毒相关的一些类别的公益广告正在减弱, 大部分被体育博彩和流媒体等新类别所取代, 在QSR和啤酒等老牌品类中,竞争更加激烈.

Compliance Challenges On The Horizon: How The Rise of Ad-Based 流媒体 Will Lead To New Tax Obligations

基于广告的流媒体的兴起会如何导致新的纳税义务? Avalara的Toby Bargar讨论了这些可能性.


深入研究视频流领域可能感觉就像在首字母缩略词汤中跋涉. Charles Mellilo of Endeavor 流媒体 provides a comprehensive breakdown of the various forms of streaming media, 以及每个人的具体利益和挑战.


内容所有者和服务提供商需要找到节省成本的方法, 创造额外收入, 并满足客户日益紧缩的预算. 在文章中, 玛丽亚英格尔德, Synamedia, 讨论了内容提供商如何通过非付费用户盈利来实现这一目标, 在订阅之外增加广告模式, 提高可持续性以减少能源消耗和节约成本.


Greg Morrow of Bitcentral looks at how publishers now need a "swiss army knife" of tools to realize their advertising potential. 内容以不同的形式传播到如此多的分发点, publishers now need to integrate a separate toolset for each one to thrive in today's market.


With Disney and Netflix becoming the latest providers to succumb to the inevitable commercial realities of the subscription-only TV business model, 这对客户体验和广告效果意味着什么?


由于电视观看通过OTT和点播已经成为主导的用户行为, 电视运营商面临着未来收入来源的几个挑战. 然而, 为了击退科技巨头, TV operators will have to deliver audience targeting on TV that matches the sophistication of 在线 media.


随着全球市场越来越依赖数字广告, how can digital advertisers reach audiences that have become increasingly tech-savvy over the past few years?
