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Is the Future of Music Events Hybrid?

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当世界在2020年关闭时,将活动放到网上成为唯一的选择. 对高质量解决方案的需求,将平滑必要的过渡暴涨. Soon enough, 只在网上举行的活动的主持人和与会者哀叹这种经历,这变得很常见, reminisce of times when they could’ve seen each other in person, and, in a hopeful tone, 期待有一天能像往常一样体验这一盛事.


According to research by Markletic, just 57%的人倾向于亲自参加混合活动.

出于需要,在线和亲自参加的活动现在又向前迈进了一步. By being smart, utilizing the right resources, and developing a hybrid plan, organizers can reap the rewards by repurposing good content, driving better returns on investment.

Learning to love the live stream

Live streaming is nothing new; by now, 你几乎可以在任何社交媒体应用程序中找到这个功能. 那些接受直播可能性的人不仅可以对事件的记录和感知方式发表意见,还可以以自己的方式扩大受众.

Last year, 科切拉音乐节与YouTube合作,让观众可以在家里收看并在三个舞台中进行选择. Fans at home could see the shows they wanted, just as fans at the festival walked from stage to stage.

More recently, concert films are coming back stronger than ever. 以泰勒·斯威夫特的时代之旅为例:她的演出门票竞争激烈, it became clear the supply wasn’t meeting the demand. And, because the show was created for audiences in stadiums, with stunning visuals onscreen, cameras were already part of the production.

Recording and giving the film a cinema release gave fans an alternative opportunity to see the show; and although it’s not a live performance, the quality of the video and audio, 结合公共剧院的体验,让粉丝们有一个很好的体验. Just in presales, the concert film made millions, 今年对旅游门票的需求仍然是空前的高(但是现在, websites are ready).

但如果数字体验不同于现实体验, why does a hybrid model still work?

Facilitating seamless interactions anywhere

Essentially, it comes down to technology. 在体育场举行的音乐会通常依靠舞台设计和视觉效果来创造增强的粉丝体验, 这样即使是那些站在看台顶端的人也能从远处看到高处的表演. 这意味着艺术家们依靠伟大的技术来实时地看到他们的愿景.

录音和发行也取决于正确的技术——这样舞台上所做的一切都可以永远存在,并接触到更多的观众. Then, great content becomes more accessible, 允许有各种需求和限制的人成为其中的一部分. Not only because of the difference in environment, but through features such as translation in real-time, closed captions, and adaptive technologies.

庆祝艺术和创新的西南偏南音乐节(SXSW)去年仍然是混合的. Although it takes place in Austin, TX, 电影节的影响范围是全球性的,但与国际观众的重要联系需要考虑, and tech you can rely on.

在全市五个场馆举行,同时举行几场活动, SXSW依靠集成的现场制作系统与全球观众建立联系. With a live production system for each of the nine rooms, content was captured using open-source protocol SRT, moved to the cloud, and converted to NDI® 用TriCaster Vectar管理来自每个系统的所有流.


Scalable, reliable, adaptable

As hybrid events remain popular, 解决方案的可扩展性是至关重要的:它使创造性的愿景从纸上走向大屏幕, regardless of being physically present or at home. 实时和虚拟体验的无缝集成确保了不同的受众仍然可以访问优秀的内容, 打破障碍,培养全球联系感.

合适的技术可以让制作人员充分利用他们的演出——无论是现场演出还是录音演出, 为创作者和消费者提供灵活性和适应性.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Vizrt. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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