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It’s 2024, Do You Know Where Your Customers Are?

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Reaching the various viewers, 听众, and consumers of your media isn’t just about your main channels anymore, you have to find ways to engage them 在哪里 they are, no matter how they want to communicate. In 2024 that involves mobile apps, 网络应用程序, 网站, 流媒体应用, other streaming services, 和更多的. 它还包括提供访问你的内容的人——移动运营商, internet carriers, and cable 供应商.

这是多渠道甚至全渠道的客户体验,你的客户, 供应商, and partners live, 玩, and conduct business. You often don’t know the platform 在哪里 your viewers, 客户, and partners will log in, 商店, 或访问, 所以确保他们在你的所有渠道和平台上的体验是积极的,并且符合你的品牌是至关重要的.

Can You Collect Feedback in Context?

With the market growing so fast (an estimated 21.5%的复合年增长率 according to Grand View 研究), 流媒体面临的最大挑战之一是人们访问流媒体内容的不同方式和内容交付网络(CDN). 他们可能会使用不同的网络,通过手机的移动网络和智能电视的有线或互联网连接,在同一所房子里访问相同的流媒体内容.

This makes managing their experience challenging, as you cannot predict 在哪里 and how your 客户 will consume content, 单个用户可能同时在多个设备甚至多个网络上使用它. 当他们联系客户服务时,了解他们体验的背景是关键. 他们在手机上的带宽可能与智能电视甚至笔记本电脑的带宽大不相同.

想办法在人们最有可能回应的时间和地点找到他们, 不打断他们的体验会给你带来更好的对话, better ratings and reviews, and the best possible customer experience.

Can You Create Content that Resonates?

市场领导者已经开始依靠用户推荐来指导编程选择, but they’re doing that based on algorithms that say, “other 客户 who viewed this also watched this.“但如果你直接问人们他们最喜欢的娱乐体验呢?

直接听取客户的意见,而不是推断偏好,可以提供更准确的数据点. 这也给了你一个更深入挖掘的机会,找出为什么有人喜欢某种体验. 可能是因为他们喜欢某个演员,或者某种类型的娱乐. They might have had a pleasurable experience with it in the past. You can get to the kind of 信息 that inference algorithms miss.

然后你的“推荐给你”旋转木马可以根据次要问题(你为什么喜欢这个?). 和, when your recommendations don’t work, you can engage your consumers in a variety of other ways as well.

Can You Stand Out from the Crowd?

你需要一种从众多流媒体提供商中脱颖而出的方法. 增强互动性仍然是流媒体公司的首要价值主张 traditional cable TV viewing but is it enough? 你想成为首选的平台,这样你的内容就可以被更多的人看到和享受.

把你的互动提升到一个新的水平,让人们觉得你了解他们,关心他们. You can do this with surveys, 民意调查, 小测验, and games that people can 玩 between or during programs.

也, 通过询问人们喜欢某个节目的哪些方面,以及他们希望看到更多的哪些方面, allows you to plan ahead, meet their needs, and further customize your offerings to your audiences.

Can You Get to Know Your Different Audiences Better?

建立你的反馈解决方案,深入挖掘你的听众的个人喜好, 然后问一个后续问题可以让你以别人无法做到的方式了解你的听众.

一些反馈平台允许您自动收集和响应反馈. 例如, you can use skip-logic to ask follow-up questions based on responses, so that the next question is completely relevant to the answer provided. You might ask what they liked best about the content. 如果他们回答了这个表演,你可以问他们是否喜欢这个表演者的其他作品.

If they didn’t like the content, 有很多方法可以让你自动回复一个单独的调查,询问他们为什么不喜欢它,以及他们可能喜欢什么. You can even offer bonuses to keep 客户 coming back.

自动化调查和响应允许您与您的受众进行对话, without consuming valuable people resources. 另外, when you gather feedback in context of what, 在哪里, and how people are enjoying your content, you collect more accurate and useful data. 可以用来指导产品开发、编程和用户体验设计的数据.

当你让人们知道你听取了他们的意见并接受了他们的反馈, 它极大地增加了你的客户与你在一起的可能性.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Alchemer. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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