

Given that traditional media measurement companies have 总是 underrepresented diverse audiences, 针对多元文化受众的少数族裔拥有的内容公司在追踪这些受众并利用数据将其渠道货币化方面面临着独特的挑战, as 阳狮集团媒体 EVP文化投资 & Innovation Stephen Paez explains in this candid discussion with media universe cartographer 埃文·夏皮罗 在纽约流媒体.

The advantages of FAST channels not being dependent on third-party data

夏皮罗说,他认为目前在免费广告支持电视(FAST)中可用的数据并没有达到应有的水平,因为还没有一个通用的跟踪来源, along with the use of monthly active as a measurement reference. 但是他对Paez说, “You feel like that you're able to target your audiences, track them through the lifecycle of the impression-based campaign, and then get real performance data on the other side of it. Do you mind talking about how that experience looks like from your end of things?”

“We know that traditional measurement companies have 总是 underrepresented diverse audiences,Paez说. “所以一开始,你就已经有赤字了. 如果你拥有多元文化, 你要么没有天平,’ and I put that in quotations because the traditional media measurement companies don't tend to it, or you have an opportunity to underdeliver because the panel isn't representative of an audience. 我认为机会在哪里, 从快速通道的角度来看, 是你吗?, 作为出版商, 你能诚实地告诉我你能提供什么吗. 你不再依赖第三方来告诉你,你的观众从100万增加到10万,因为没有两个人在看电视. So if you are honest with yourself 作为出版商 and say, “我可以提供X数量的印象, 你要以买家的身份把我全部交出来, 我会回到你身边,因为你有那种能力. 而, 传统上, what we see from minority-owned or minority-targeted platforms, there [has been] a significant amount of liability because it's dependent on a third party.”

Why data transparency is essential for FAST channels

Paez emphasizes transparency with media buyers is crucial for FAST channels with diverse audiences. “I think it's better you can deliver a hundred and deliver a hundred, rather than saying you can deliver a thousand and only deliver a hundred. So the onus is now on the media company to be able to be like, you know what? I'm going to deliver the audience that you want in the content that is relevant to them. 但这是我的存货量.”

The importance of media companies delivering relevant content to diverse audiences

夏皮罗说, “在我听来, at least based on what I am reading and talking to people about, 我们是否正在从“基于纯粹人口统计购买的印象”转向基于结果的印象, 可能的买家类型, and then tracking them through [to] last touch attribution, 但更重要的是, 一直穿过漏斗. 你正坐在一个大组织里. 你觉得这种趋势正在朝那个方向发展吗? 这是否反映在你转向像FAST这样的事情上,因为它给了你一个新的信息来源?”

Paez说追踪数据, 尤其是对于不同的观众, is becoming more difficult because of data privacy laws. “当你考虑到不同的受众时,kpi是非常重要的,因为他们可能与你的一般市场消费者处于不同的位置,因为你没有与他们交谈或没有与他们联系太久. So understanding that business challenge that you're trying to overcome, 那么将其与KPI结合起来就很关键了, 但无论如何, 总是, if you can get closer to that KPI in a very objective way, I think that that's where we're 总是 leaning towards from an innovation perspective.”

Paez进一步强调了媒体公司向目标受众提供相关内容的责任,以及了解个别受众独特挑战的重要性. “Because your KPI from a general market perspective can be conversion, 但从西班牙裔的角度来看, 他们甚至没有意识到, how will you measure them on the same playing field? 你无法测量相同的东西. So if you don't have a clear understanding of what your challenges are for the individual audience, 这就是问题所在.”



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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Contextual Advertising for CTV and FAST Raises the Bar on CPMs

FAST广告面临的挑战是,如何在有关消费者的第一方数据有限的情况下提供适当的广告. 上下文广告可以为这些无法追踪的FAST观众提供目标定位,增加观众正在观看的具体场景细节, Anoki和Amagi之间的新合作伙伴关系旨在将内容与广告的匹配提升到一个新的水平.


由IAB技术实验室的高级电视系统委员会发起,旨在通过元数据“为广告创意人员提供标准化的身份管理”, Ad-ID is designed to bring streaming ad insertion—particularly for live events—out of "the Wild West,派拉蒙的Jarred Wilichinsky说, 为了停止, 除此之外, the mindless repetition of ads that drags down so many streaming experiences. Wilichinsky, Roku's Charlie Goodman, JWP's David Palomento, Akamai's Peter Chave, and Infinitive's C.J. Leonard在纽约流媒体大会上与Reality Software的Nadine Krefetz讨论了Ad-ID的进展及其对流媒体生态系统的潜在影响.

流媒体连接预览:在对冲-货币化CTV和快速频道与三星, Roku, TVREV, 和IAB技术实验室

周三, 8月21日, 广告技术专家Tim Ware将主持“越过篱笆:随着围墙花园的激增,CTV和FAST频道的货币化”小组讨论.“智能电视OEM的出现为平台分销商创造了越来越多的机会,也为内容提供商带来了挑战,因为分销商在库存和收入分成中所占的比例越来越大,从而通过销售硬件产生更大的收入. 在智能电视oem的下一代围墙花园中,程序员如何应对需要广告支持的高编程成本? A panel of industry experts from Samsung, Roku, TVREV, and IAB will discuss these issues in-depth.

Multicurrency, Personalization, and Consumer Privacy in the CTV Ecosystem

As CTV is pulling in more advertising dollars and viewers than ever before, 对于广告商来说,确保他们使用最具针对性的数据来优化他们的覆盖范围,以代表受众和结果,这一点至关重要, all while respecting data privacy laws and individual rights. 在今天的CTV广告生态系统中,围绕数据身份和隐私经济的最大挑战是什么? 内容所有者和平台提供商如何向广告商提供用户数据,在不违反个人隐私或隐私法的情况下实现增长最大化? 在一个多屏幕使用在客厅之外如此普遍的时代,“电视”这个概念本身将如何被重新定义?

FAST Company: How to Compete in a Crowded FAST Landscape

随着越来越多的优质内容工作室开始认真对待FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视), 频道的数量也在持续增长, how can independent streamers compete with their more limited budgets and content offerings? 它不仅仅是寻找和专注于一个利基市场吗? Independent Streaming Alliance co-founders Floris Bauer from Gunpowder & 来自Crackle Connex的Sky和Tim Ware讨论了他们的个人和集体生存策略, 蓬勃发展的, and monetizing with Streaming Made Easy's Marion Ranchet in this clip from 纽约流媒体.

流媒体连接 Sneak Preview: Ad Counsel - Delivering Streaming Ads That Convert, Estrella Media, Vevo, TVREV, 倡议, 与广告主的认知

周二, 8月20日, 在流媒体连接, 艾伦Wolk, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV, will moderate the panel "Ad Counsel: Delivering Streaming Ads That Convert,面对当前的挑战(或, 有人会说, 失败)可靠地向观众提供正确的广告,并为品牌提供可衡量的结果,并讨论了创新技术和策略,以使流媒体广告发挥作用. Confirmed panelists include Christina Chung of Estrella Media, Julie Triolo of Vevo, C.J. Leonard of Infinitive, and Erin Firneno of Advertiser Perceptions.

遵循数据或保持品牌? 专注于dei的数字战略家的困境

对于数字战略家来说,在回应数据告诉你的粉丝群的欲望和保持品牌身份之间取得平衡是一个长期存在的问题, in the FAST world as much as any other part of the media ecosystem. It can be especially difficult for a company like Fuse Media, with its stated mission of telling positive stories for diverse audiences, when the analytics say "more true crime" or "be more like TMZ.——Fuse Media副总裁, 数字战略Rashaun Hall解释了他是如何在纽约流媒体与媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗的讨论中走这条钢丝的.


从FAST的早期开始, 敏捷性和战略创新是初创公司和小众内容公司的标志,是FAST世界成功的关键. As the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) emerges to heighten the advocacy of niche FAST providers, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, TMB的卡梅伦·萨莱斯报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特在《百家乐app下载》的这段视频中讨论了FAST市场是如何开始的,以及围绕灵活的初创企业是如何成熟的.

How Revry Positioned a Niche OTT Vertical as the 'Global Face of Diversity'

Revry首席执行官 & 联合创始人Damian Pelliccione简要介绍了Revry作为领先的OTT垂直利基市场和全球最大的LGBTQ+内容聚合和分销商的演变和成长历程, 从一开始的订阅服务发展到主要靠广告支持的混合服务——与智能电视领域的主要合作伙伴以及麦当劳等全球品牌合作.