Video Marketing Power Summit

Online video viewing is surging, 在线视频广告正在触及那些不看传统电视的“断线者”和“从不断线者”. 第一次,给你带来流媒体东部和在线视频的人.net have an event just for video marketers. 无论您是在指导中小企业的首次尝试,还是在指导财富500强企业的全球跨平台战略,您都需要在场.

In this one-day conference, 我们将着眼于广告商和发行商所面临的障碍, offering strategies for reaching consumers where they live, work, and shop. 我们将邀请视频营销领域最知名的人士提供课程,并从他们自己的经验中发言. 因为我们要辜负流媒体东方的声誉, 我们将提供其他会议无法比拟的详细深入报道. And did we mention there will be plenty of time for networking?

Does your marketing team need to be here? You know it.

What to sponsor Video Marketing Power Summit? Find out more here.

Who Should Attend

CMOs, ad agencies, publishers, buyers, sellers, marketers, advertisers, creatives, storytellers, thinkers, visionaries, the brave and the bold.

Video Marketing Power Summit Registration Includes


  • Access to Video Marketing Power Summit
  • Access to the Streaming Media East keynotes
  • Access to the Discovery Track
  • Light continental breakfast and morning and afternoon breaks
  • 流媒体东博会入场券,包括周二招待会

Wednesday, May 9

Track VM: Video Marketing Power Summit


VM Kickoff Session: Pivot Point

Wednesday, May 9: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

2018年对视频营销人员来说是至关重要的一年:凭借多年的经验, we know what works and what doesn’t. 随着新技术的发展,我们知道这个行业的发展方向. 现在是时候出发了,迈出通往伟大的关键一步. 本课程包括两位主要参与者的演讲,旨在让您为未来充满活力. 


, CRO, Alphonso

, Global President, Teads


VM201. 克服障碍:掌握品牌安全、可见性等

Wednesday, May 9: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

2017 was a hell of a year, wasn't it? With ad fraud rampant, well-publicized brand safety debacles, and too little transparency, it's a wonder anyone uses online video advertising at all. 但也有好消息:更好的系统正在被创造,生态系统比以往任何时候都更健康. 本次会议将以可信问责小组(TAG)关于TAG反欺诈认证计划的最新研究为开端,该计划旨在减少数字广告供应链中的欺诈行为, then offer a panel discussion on Ads.文本、区块链和其他将塑造未来的技术.


, Deputy Director, IAB Video Center of Excellence


, Senior Vice President of Operations and Public Policy, Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG)

, SVP, Head of Digital Ad Sales & Solutions, Discovery Communications

, Managing Partner, Brand Safety Americas, Groupm

, VP of Partnerships & Platform Operations, MadHive


VM202. Go Too Far: Pushing the Envelope in Brand Storytelling

Wednesday, May 9: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

你怎么知道你已经把极限推到了极限,除非你把极限推得有点过了? In this panel discussion, 领先品牌的视频讲述者展示了他们最勇敢和最大胆的工作片段, then tell you how to experiment in form, voice, subject, and technology to surprise and delight prospective customers. 观众已经厌倦了千篇一律的老一套,所以抓住他们的注意力,不要放手.


, Marketing Reporter, Digiday


, Chief Business Officer, RYOT Studio

, Founder, Epic Signal

, Branded Content, Creative Director, Mashable


VM203. The Future Is Cross-Screen: Running a Cross-Screen Campaign

Wednesday, May 9: 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

视频营销就是在消费者拥有的每一个屏幕上与他们接触. Broadcast TV, connected TV, mobile, desktop, tablets: They all have a role to play, and the trick is to use them in the right combination. This session starts with a presentation by Nielsen called, 《百家乐软件》," which will present fresh research from Nielsen. 然后,它提供了一个与品牌和代理商的小组讨论,解释如何以正确的方式进行跨屏幕营销.


, Senior Editor,


, Vice President, Media Analytics, Nielsen

, Vice President, Client Services, The Trade Desk

, VP of Emerging Technology, YuMe

, CMO, Vimeo


VM204. See It First

Wednesday, May 9: 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The screen is no longer a flat panel, as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 360° video, 而其他混合系统则为营销人员提供了新的玩法和接触观众的新平台. 但其中有多少是炒作,又有多少是真实的(而非虚拟的)现实? 在这个小组讨论中,专家们解释了这些领域将如何起飞,以及如何吸引连接的观众.


, Reporter, Quartz


, Chief Commercialization Officer, Envrmnt AR/VR, Oath

, Founder and CEO, Dig Down Media

, Editorial Director, Enterprise and Immersive Experiences, TIME Magazine, Meredith Corporation

, Founder & CEO, InspireVR

Wednesday, May 9




Wednesday, May 9: 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

人们越来越多地通过新渠道消费新形式的内容. 加入谷歌的Rachel Berk,了解谷歌在提供娱乐新体验方面的更多努力,并深入了解视频的下一步发展方向. 

所有与会者注意:参加闭幕主题演讲,有机会赢得价值超过3美元的LiveU Solo和SlingStudio奖品包,500, courtesy of LiveU. Must be present to win! Learn more.


, Business Development Manager, Android/Play, Google

Tracks & Special Events

Business and Strategy Track

Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, 和业务开发主管:这是您在流媒体东部的家. 这个前瞻性的轨道提供高层次的战略讨论,你可以学习最好的在线视频经济的发展方向.

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Technology and How-to Track

专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. 视频生态系统是平台和设备的碎片化组合:向专业人士学习如何消除瓶颈并交付结果.

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AI, Machine Learning, and the Future of Everything Track

本课程将探讨这个美丽新世界的技术、金融和伦理含义. Don’t get left behind! 你会对如何使你的整个操作更聪明有更深的理解, faster, and more profitable.

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Discovery Track

在这方面的会议是教育和演讲,通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究, 提供一个很好的机会来了解更多关于特定技术或供应商的信息. Open to all conference attendees and Discovery Pass holders.

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Video Marketing Power Summit

视频营销力量峰会是一个为期一天的会议,我们将探讨广告商和出版商面临的障碍, offering strategies for reaching consumers where they live, work, and shop. 

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Content Delivery Summit Logo

内容交付峰会是一个为期一天的会议,汇集了运营商, telcos, ISPs, 以及高级内容所有者,详细了解用于交付和加速web内容的技术和平台.

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Live Streaming Summit Logo

直播峰会专注于在多屏幕上提供大型直播活动和直播线性渠道所固有的挑战和机遇. Sessions will address every step of the live video workflow, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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Streaming Media University Logo

流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. 流媒体东2018系列研讨会为与会者提供了深入了解在线视频和流媒体技术的机会,并提供了良好的理论和实践技术,成为在线视频领域的佼佼者.

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