The Innovation Track at Streaming Media East

Innovation Track sessions, presented by sponsors, 教育性的和典型的产品和客户案例研究是否提供了学习更多关于特定技术或供应商的机会. Plus, attend and be entered to win prizes!


Thursday, May 18

Track INN: Innovation Track

Open to all Streaming Media East 2023 conference attendees and Keynote & Networking Pass holders, 创新跟踪会议由流媒体杂志编辑主持,由会议赞助商主持. 会议是教育性的,演讲通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究,为了解更多特定技术或供应商提供了很好的机会. As an added bonus, 我们的许多创新赛道赞助商将在他们的会议结束时抽奖奖品.

Located in Showcase

INN101. Innovation Track Session

11:30 AM2023-05-182023-05-18

Thursday, May 18: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

What the Data Shows: The State of Broadcast Transformation
11:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Each year, 海视界调查了来自世界各地的广播专业人士,他们分享了他们对行业现状的看法, current challenges they face, 以及他们认为哪些创新会对未来产生最大的影响. Haivision’s SVP, Colin Coyle, shares insights from our 2023 Broadcast Transformation Report, 涵盖从IP和云采用到5G技术和趋势预测的主题. 与会者对直播工作流程的发展趋势有了更清晰的了解. Attend this session for your chance to win a $100 mystery gift voucher.


, SVP, Sales, Haivision

Innovative OTT ROIs
11:55 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Think outside the box—think beyond traditional monetization strategies. OTT provides a platform for business innovation. No need to be a copyc然而,OTT有很多ROI模型和新的商业机会. This presentation explores 为企业和内容创作者提供创新的业务应用程序和收入模式, based on real-life use cases. Discover the best OTT strategy for your business. Attend this session for your chance to win a FireTV Cube.


, CEO,

Micropayments: Revolutionizing the Streaming Media Revenue Model
12:20 p.m. - 12:40 p.m.

In this presentation, Sushil Prabhu explores 微支付如何改变流媒体收入模式. 微支付是一种小额交易,允许消费者为个人内容付费,而不是订阅整个服务. Sushil examines 这种基于Web3和银行的替代支付模式如何帮助流媒体服务增加收入, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. He discusses the technological and business considerations involved. The presentation concludes 讨论了微支付对流媒体行业及其未来的潜在影响. To learn about Dropp, visit


, Co-Founder & CEO, Dropp Micropayments


INN102. Innovation Track Session

01:30 PM2023-05-182023-05-18

Thursday, May 18: 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

The Future of Streaming: Latest Industry Benchmarks & Emerging Subscription Trends
1:30 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.

本次会议将深入分析最新的流媒体基准和新兴趋势,200 Recurly merchants, including Twitch, Paramount+, and more than 65M active subscribers. Join our industry expert Niraj Naik, vice president of product management at Recurly, 并配备必要的知识和工具,以保持领先地位. Plus, 深入了解流媒体行业增长的主要驱动因素, 以及通过订阅模式实现内容货币化的最新策略和最佳实践.


, Vice President of Product Management, Recurly

Breaking Down the Best: How to Evaluate Live-Streaming Solutions
1:55 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

As someone who spends every day working on topics such as quality, scalability, redundancy, and sync in live streaming solutions, Per提供了关于在评估不同供应商时应该寻找什么的有价值的见解. With a focus on ultra-low latency, Per还处理了许多正在提出的主张,并提供了如何选择获胜竞争者的专家分析. Don't miss this chance to learn from an industry leader and elevate your business.


, Chief Technology Officer, RealSprint


INN103. Innovation Track Session

02:30 PM2023-05-182023-05-18

Thursday, May 18: 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Make Live Easy with Norsk
2:30 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

直到现在,构建复杂的实时媒体应用程序并大规模地交付它们一直是一项艰巨的任务. Norsk gives you the power to create custom, dynamic live video workflows and deploy them at any scale, 而不必担心底层的视频技术或基础设施. In this session, you’ll learn how you can use Norsk to build a source switcher, create picture-in-picture, and add graphic overlays—each in less than 10 lines of simple code. Attend this session for a chance to win AirPods Pro (2nd generation).


, CTO, Norsk

2:55 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

作为下一代电视,高动态范围正在迅速取代传统的标准动态范围, streaming services, and broadcast technologies enter the market. Advanced HDR by Technicolor is a suite of HDR production, distribution, and display solutions, delivering true and vibrant creative intent.


, Vice President, Technology, InterDigital, Inc.


INN104. Innovation Track Session

03:45 PM2023-05-182023-05-18

Thursday, May 18: 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

A Multicast Video Delivery Case Study
3:45 p.m. - 4:05 p.m.

Multicast video delivery offers significant benefits over standard, 点对点单播流模型,但必须进行管理,以确保兼容性、安全性y, and visibility are preserved throughout the distribution process. 对于分发到远程设施和媒体企业来说,具有可扩展性、弹性, and secure solution over unmanaged networks is necessary. With Zixi, you can multicast outside of push mode, 这意味着在视频传送之前不需要确定多播地址, 在任何IP上实现更灵活和无缝的一对多或多对多传输解决方案. 电信和IPTV客户端分发利用多播传送流行频道到连接的电视和机顶盒 are 除了显著的带宽效率外,还突出了遥测技术, and ability for quick root-cause analysis provided in minutes. Attend this session for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.


, Vice President, Solutions and Customer Success, Zixi

CTV Opportunities After a Decade of Existence
4:10 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

As central platforms for streaming content today, CTVs and smart TVs are the hubs for premium OTT services, AVOD, and FAST channels. As investments increase from device manufacturers, OTT brands, and technologists like Norigin Media, we are seeing a great evolution in designing UI/UX, audience engagement, and, most importantly, ad-monetization platforms. How can we push these boundaries? What more is possible? During this presentation, Norigin Media showcases rapid tech advancements within CTVs; opportunities for design, interactivity, and accessibility; ad analytics and monetization; and architecting the best Smart-TV UI/UX. 参加这次会议将获得一副太阳镜和一个网络摄像头保护器.


, CEO, Norigin Media


Happy Hour in the Streaming Media Showcase

04:30 PM2023-05-182023-05-18

Thursday, May 18: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Friday, May 19

Track INN: Innovation Track

Open to all Streaming Media East 2023 conference attendees and Keynote & Networking Pass holders, 创新跟踪会议由流媒体杂志编辑主持,由会议赞助商主持. 会议是教育性的,演讲通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究,为了解更多特定技术或供应商提供了很好的机会. As an added bonus, 我们的许多创新赛道赞助商将在他们的会议结束时抽奖奖品.

Located in Showcase

INN201. Innovation Track Session

10:30 AM2023-05-192023-05-19

Friday, May 19: 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

由于缺乏标准化和成长的烦恼,流媒体行业在新兴市场面临挑战. Real-time data is a game-changer, 使企业能够自动化操作决策并提高性能, stability, and customer experience. 它正成为寻求在这些市场取得成功的公司的关键工具. Attend this session for your chance to win a travel kit—co电脑背包、棒球帽、旅行转换器、t恤及PoP插座(总值$100).


, Sr. Director, Solution Architects, EdgeNext

, Chief Technology Officer, System73

Is Live Streaming Just a Matter of Capacity?
10:55 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Streaming has become the preferred way of consuming content, so a seamless and broadcast-grade quality is a must to retain audiences. High-speed access to networks and capacity is required. However, to guarantee a high-quality experience for viewers, a unique architecture independent from ISP networks, 这允许在整个供应链和流交付中进行端到端控制, is essential. 参加本次会议,您将有机会获得国际主流充电器.


, Chief Innovation Officer, MainStreaming


INN202. Innovation Track Session

11:30 AM2023-05-192023-05-19

Friday, May 19: 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Smart Channel Surfing in Linear TV
11:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

这次演讲介绍了一种新的技术,可以实现基于队列的线性电视频道实时导航. The innovation includes the use of two queues. A history queue tracks recently visited channels, 未来的队列中会加载基于个性化排名的推荐频道. 新技术通过提供一个简单的界面,并以预先考虑频道内容的方式推荐频道,解决了繁琐的频道浏览问题. 未来频道的队列将基于内置的智能推荐和预测进行动态更新. It therefore can be leveraged to enable fast channel zapping.


, VP, Advanced R&D, Media Technology, Adeia

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