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确保内容和广告不针对虚假客户,需要明智地使用数据. 个性化承诺的内容和广告的相关性越高, the better things are for everyone. 观众会看得更多,广告商会得到更好的效果,使用广告拦截软件的人会更少. 要做到这一点,媒体公司和品牌需要大量好的数据.

Bringing Data to the Party

When first-party data—which includes login identities, email addresses, and phone numbers, plus maybe address, 就业, 收入, content consumption 信息, website navigation details, details on playback environments, 设备类型, 和IP地址——是由另一家公司授权的,它被称为第二方数据. The benefit is the exact source for this data is known.

发行商或品牌可能拥有一定数量的第一方数据 "Using First-Party Data to Build a Personalized Media Company"),并达到规模之前可能会补充第三方数据. 问题是第三方数据的来源是未知的,任何人都可以购买, so there's less competitive advantage. This is where second-party data brings value.

找到合适的第二方数据可以为媒体买家创造更高价值的观众群体, 也 as create revenue for the seller.

"(If) your data is performing so great, maybe others would pay you $2 CPM to use it," says Jay Prasad, chief strategy officer for VideoAmp, 跨平台广告集成电视操作系统. “这可能是一个从你的数字资产中赚更多钱的好方法."

A recent Forrester study 发现54%的零售公司和48%的耐用品公司采用了第二方数据策略, 34 percent will develop one next year, and 12 percent will in 2 years. 除了少数公司外,所有公司都将在两年内制定这样的战略. The largest use (67 percent) is for digital advertising. 超过一半的零售商实现了产品销售的增长. 品牌在营销或广告活动上的效率提高了52%,48%的品牌销售额有所提高.

How Does Second-Party Data Work?

“假设我是一个医疗网站,我想在NBA总决赛进行时出去投球," says Tyler Blot, 数据管理公司Lotame的高级战略客户参与. “我不一定仅仅因为我的医学属性就有观众. 我可以去寻找NBA爱好者级别的数据,这些数据将符合目标受众,我可以去找他们说, I have access to all these users 也, who have a nice overlap with my site, let's run a campaign."


为了让品牌和媒体公司进行第二方数据交易,他们的数据首先需要采用结构化格式. 这通常采取数据管理平台(DMP)的形式,其中客户, 销售, marketing other corporate 信息 is categorized. 一旦数据存储在DMP中,就可以安全地对其进行切片和切块,以识别复杂的受众群体.

Black Enterprise: A Case Study

Black Enterprise (BE)是一家拥有47年历史的媒体公司,致力于为非洲裔美国人提供服务,帮助他们积累财富, say Shelly Jones Jennings, vice president and director of digital for Black Enterprise. 它有两个联合电视节目,覆盖了90%的非洲裔美国家庭, plus 6 million readers, a 500,000 paid circulation, 10%的读者与其他金融出版物重叠. Jones is starting to plan her strategy, and is interested in both buying and selling second-party data.

“我们能否与一个与我们基本业务完全不同的品牌合作?" Jones wonders. “我们可以走出去,与一个美容品牌合作,把它带到我们的广告商那里,说, 这是收入超过75美元的非裔美国专业观众,000, $100,000 and combine that with that beauty content." Would L'Oréal or P&G see worth值得?

What should Jones plan for? “一开始你需要考虑你想和谁合作," says Blot "[The audience] could be very valuable, 所以我鼓励发行商去弄清楚这些数据在公开市场上的价值."

"Run a few test campaigns with trusted partners. 我建议在私人市场类型的环境中这样做," suggests Gustavo Morales, senior strategic client engagement at Lotame. In private direct deals sellers select who can offer bids. 他看到这类交易在去年变得越来越普遍.

Black Enterprise Planning Advice

  • Identify the best potential partners: Should it partner with beauty companies or other media groups? What does the perfect match look like?

  • Determine intended viewer actions: BE wants more viewers and for them to spend more time on-site. 找到与当前客户相似的人口统计、心理、年龄、兴趣和意图细节.

  • Identify license terms: How often will data be used, on which platforms (mobile, 社会, 桌面, 应用程序), 要多久?, and can it changed?

  • Respect privacy - 如果BE出售第三方数据,它需要更新消费者隐私政策. 确保用户同意将其数据用于第二方. Provide a seamless opt-out opportunity.

DMP Vendor Questions

“对于品牌营销人员或直接回应营销人员来说,要想真正做到这一点,就需要有一定的规模,普拉萨德说。. 问:

  • 是否有其他的第三方数据,可用的数据集的典型大小是多少?

  • What data can be automatically ingested (by API) into the DMP? Is data format agnostic—can it go out to any DSP or SSP? What is the margin for error if data is in two different DMPs?

  • 是否有可能进行受众建模——以识别高终身客户价值或高交易频率之类的东西?

  • Is machine learning an option to find trends and opportunities?

  • How are privacy requirements met? 有什么保证数据不会被存储或捕获用于提供的许可证以外的任何其他用途呢.

  • How is billing and reconciliations for data done?


Forrester研究中的几乎所有人都表示,他们将在两年内制定第二方数据战略,这意味着媒体公司需要确保他们将第二方数据战略结合在一起, 也. No one wants fake customers. 找到正确的第二方数据将使更多的参与和更好的前景,这是每个人都在寻找.

Nadine Krefetz's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.网

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