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Compact Upload Solutions Create a Live Video Revolution

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“传统上, 大型直播制作发生在需要连接的地方——无论是通过外部广播卡车还是通过VSAT——这都是昂贵的," said Dom Robinson, 负责人 D2咨询他打开了 The 在线直播 Revolution session at the 2011 流媒体 Europe. 会议目前在伦敦奥林匹亚会议中心举行

在Global Mix, we had a broadcast truck that was costly," continued Robinson, “但有了这些舞台上的绅士们的一些技术,就有办法以比我们货车上的座位更低的成本设置室外广播."

The companies represented -- Bambuser, LiveU, 汤森路透(Thomson Reuters), MiniCaster -代表现场新闻和娱乐制作和分销链的各个部分.

"Our tools really took off during the Egyptian election day," said 汉斯·埃里克森, executive chairman for Bambuser. “我们看到了10个。,000 videos come up on a single day, 当时没有任何外部新闻团队的卡车被允许进入该国. 我们主要是一家面向消费者的公司,让消费者能够在多个地点制作直播内容."

LiveU has a compact backpack solution:

“几年前,LiveU推出了卫星上行链路卡车背包," said 爱丽儿加林斯基, LiveU商业和企业发展副总裁. “但我们不使用卡车,我们使用背包中的蜂窝数据连接. We support newspapers as well as major broadcasters."

"In the Egyptian revolution,加林斯基补充道, “我们在解放广场被用来进行广播,当时不允许广播卡车进入. Our units see 20 to 25 antennas around, allowing it to hop over the more congested ones, so as to be able to deliver from less-used antennas. In a cellular crisis situation, 我们承认我们还没有达到卫星的质量水平, 但在很多地方,我们可以通过背包传送1080p的视频内容."

A representative from MiniCaster said the TV.1UE/MiniCaster作为直播革命的一部分推出.

"We can connect to Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 和卫星," said Michael Westphal首席执行官 and co-founder of MiniCaster, "using SD-SDI or HD-SDI, at a price of €2,600. 我们相信,在不久的将来,视频直播将出现长尾效应,像我们这样的产品将用于从偏远地区进行直播."


"Even if it's shaky or amateur, 我们把来自偏远地区的移动影像的价值看作是一个销售机会," said Andreas Heidoetting, global head of webcast technology for 汤森路透(Thomson Reuters). "Everyone remembers the pictures from the Arab Spring, even if they don't remember the words of the headline, 在埃及示威期间拍摄的视频令人信服."


"The issue is no longer quality, we prioritize the voice over the video," said Bambuser's Eriksson, 因此,即使是最薄的连接也可以提供实时中断覆盖. To compensate for the limited connectivity, 我们将所有的帧存储在手机上,然后上传这些帧以与音频同步. 我们不认为自己是广播公司的替代品,而是一种补充. 在解放广场, we had video coming from windows around the square, 许多内容发布商和新闻机构都要求我们的内容具有独特性."

Heidoetting, from Reuters, said It depends on the content.

"For news content, quality is not the key," said Heidoetting, "but for sports the quality is much more important. Context plays a big role: is the content unique, 在质量和价格上都能让人接受吗, 作为一名记者,我能证实它是真实的内容吗? 如果没有熟悉相关地理的编辑或经验丰富的记者,后者就是自助出版方法的一个问题."

埃里克森总结了市场向众包内容的潜在转变, driven by the technology:

他说:“我认为,我们即将看到如何从重大新闻中获取众包内容。. “越来越多, 这将成为如何与现场人员联系和签订合同的问题,埃里克森说.


“你仍然需要策展人和编辑来确定内容的合法性,”韦斯特法尔说. "It's not only the device itself, it's the entire team for news gathering that's needed, both in the field and back at the central newsroom."

"Pull back the lens," added Heidoetting. "We all know that automation is key in all processes. 在过去的15年里,我们的新闻采访组从8个人变成了2个人. We don't really care how it's being done, in terms of the technology, but we do want to reduce it down to one person."

"In another 15 years, 它可能不是一个全职的人,而是一个可信来源的组合,他补充道.


“在传统媒体中,他们喜欢降低成本,”韦斯特法尔说. “但是,我认为我们需要专家在可能的情况下捕捉高质量的内容. 这就是专家和普通人的区别."

To view the entire session, scroll down:

The 在线直播 Revolution

Moderator: Dom Robinson, Principal, D2Consulting
汉斯·埃里克森, Executive Chairman, Bambuser
爱丽儿加林斯基, VP for Business and Corporate Development, LiveU
利珀Oosterhof首席执行官, Livestation
Michael Westphal首席执行官 & 创始人之一,电视.1欧盟/ miniCASTER
大多数观众不是通过传统的广播技术,而是通过智能手机看到了阿拉伯之春, 越来越多的工具出现在市场上,允许通过3G网络播放广播质量的流媒体. 那么,在一个只需要接入蜂窝数据网络就能传递新闻的世界里,技术和市场的影响是什么呢? Our panellists will discuss and debate the topic.  

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