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在流媒体会议上演讲的最好的事情之一是,与会者的专业水平是如此之高,以至于你很少会在你展示的会议中学不到东西. So it was during my HEVC session at Streaming Media West.

在会议前一周,我第一次能够用自己的测试剪辑来衡量HEVC的质量. 虽然我期望的带宽节省比H.264, 用MainConcept HEVC编解码器编码的rovi提供的剪辑不辜负帐单, 确认HEVC应该允许内容生产者大幅削减带宽成本.

The playback side also looked promising, 720p HEVC剪辑在所有测试计算机上有效播放, dating back to a circa 2007 2.93 Ghz Core 2 Extreme Dell Precision 390. I wasn’t able to test mobile playback on iOS devices, unfortunately, 不过Elemental借给了我一台带1的三星Nexus平板电脑.7 GHz A15处理器,轻松播放全帧率1080p HEVC视频. 

会议开始时,我分享了这些与质量和性能相关的发现, and then moved to the subject of royalties, which is one of the big unknowns about HEVC. Just before the show, MPEG LA, which manages the H.264专利小组报告说,他们希望很快宣布一个类似的HEVC小组. But since there is no patent group yet, we know nothing about royalties, though many policies are assumed.

For example, like H.264,大多数观察家期望对提供HEVC编码/解码功能的产品收取版税. 因为这些版税被认为是做生意的预期成本, 编码/解码领域的大多数供应商都在推进他们的开发和产品发布计划. On the content side, 大多数权威人士都希望通过订阅或按次付费的方式向HEVC支付货币化内容的版税, again like H.264.

One point of disagreement, at least in my mind, hevc编码视频的免费传输是否会有版税, 我觉得这很可能是基于一些专利持有人对H.264 royalty revenue. 由于大多数HEVC的早期采用者将从H.264 primarily to reduce their bandwidth costs, 我觉得这些版税的幽灵极大地减缓了内容生产者对HEVC的采用.

Fortunately, Bill Geary, 他是MPEG LA的副总裁,致力于帮助HEVC集团正规化, 并提出分享他对这件事的看法. He disagreed, 觉得专利组织不太可能试图对hevc编码的免费内容征收版税. After the session, Frost & 沙利文分析师Avni Rambhia分享了一些关于为什么会这样的见解.

Rambhia, who has spoken with many HEVC patent stakeholders, 与此相关的是,大多数HEVC IP所有者也构建HEVC编码器, decoders, and related products, 他们的大部分收入都来自这些产品的销售, not from royalties. Learning from their experiences with H.264 licensing, 他们想要一个尽可能促进HEVC使用的政策, 这不会给流行的商业模式带来麻烦. 出于这个原因,她也不希望HEVC的版税扩展到H.264 doesn’t currently cover.

Rambhia, who had also spoken with many content publishers, 还注意到流畅和节能的移动播放是他们短期关注的关键问题, not the potential for HEVC royalties. While tablets like the Nexus are one thing, 她指出,手机仍占视频设备出货量的一半以上. 尽管一些分析师报告称,有数十亿台支持hevc的播放设备, Rambhia calls this a "key myth,他补充道,“尽管HEVC向移动设备提供高清内容的能力令人信服。, 内容发布者需要确保端到端功能,包括在真正的无线场景中节省电池的播放.她最后建议,虽然视频产品供应商现在需要在HEVC上积极创新, “内容发行商在制定HEVC推出计划时,应该采取高度关注投资回报率的方法."

Watch the full video below and download a PDF of Ozer's presentation.


PRESENTATION: Understanding the Significance of HEVC/H.265
The most recent video compression standard, HEVC/H.265, 已于今年早些时候进入最终草案等待批准,并有望在未来十年成为首选的视频标准. 与之前的每一代视频压缩技术一样,H.265承诺降低交付和存储视频资产的总体成本,同时保持或提高交付给观众的体验质量. This session addresses what H.265是,它与前几代压缩技术(包括H.264; key barriers to widespread adoption; and thoughts on when H.265 is likely to be implemented.
Speaker: Jan Ozer, Principal, Doceo Publishing

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