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Special Sponsored Section: 执行预测

Making predictions about the future isn’t easy in any industry, 但考虑到去年的经济低迷,情况就更加艰难了. In 2008, 我预测经济对我们的行业来说更多的是机遇而不是问题. 回顾我们2009年的三场演出(流媒体东部), 流媒体欧洲, and 流媒体 West) we saw record attendance, and I don’t think there are too many shows that can say the same. The point isn’t that I’m such a fabulous prognosticator; it’s that online video is on everyone’s mind 现在. 它不再是,“哦,是的,我们也应该这样做,”而是“让我们完成它。...现在.“为什么 ? 好吧, 我可以继续说下去, 但我更愿意在这个特别的年度部分向你们介绍我们行业的思想领袖, 执行预测.

——joel Unickow(出版商

杰里米·阿莱尔, Founder, Chairman, CEO, Brightcove Inc.
2010 will be another exciting year for online video. Consumer demand for high-quality online video across desktops and devices has sparked a number of industry trends that will crystallize in the New Year.

Organizations and businesses from nearly every sector of industry and society have made online video a central part of the marketing mix. 随着这种扩散,对发布产生了一系列复杂的要求, 交付和分配. 为了应对这一趋势, 在线视频平台, 或“ovp," will become an increasingly common addition to the suite of software and 服务 website publishers rely on day-to-day.

In 2010, OVPs will become even more sophisticated, 开放, 和可扩展的, spawning further growth of the global ecosystem of technologies and 服务 that interface with this fast-growing industry sector, adding value and generating business opportunities for partners, OVP供应商和客户.

在宽阔的中间, 在线视频的横向采用正在改变企业和组织的沟通方式, we will also see a raft of changes in the media industry, 最值得注意的是混合盈利策略的广泛采用. Media businesses will roll out a number of initiatives in 2010 that augment ad-supported content with premium access to online video based on subscriptions, micro-payments and community membership.

In the television broadcast space, programmers will experiment with TV Everywhere initiatives, while at the same time bolstering direct-to-consumer online video offerings that offer direct control over advertising, 品牌体验, 还有粉丝社区.

 最后, connected televisions and smart phone devices will make significant strides in the quest to give consumers access to video content available on the 开放 Internet. While still lacking an 开放 industry standard that gives consumers true portability for online video across three screens, 新一代设备有望进一步推动对在线视频的需求和行业的增长.

斯科特Broomfield, CEO, Veeple
斯科特Broomfield Predictions are perilous, especially when involving the future. Then again, the brave often trod where the timid dare not go. 让我们一起跳进去吧. Three predictions and three aspirations:

Prediction 1: The recognition of scale. People will recognize the real magnitude of video: the pervasive, ubiquitous use of video for business. 想想看,思科相信无处不在的视频将推动他们从400亿美元增长到1000亿美元. 这是价值600亿美元的规模!

Prediction 2: Market structure asymmetry. Content owners make money and good margins, 内容制作者则不然, ovp会, cdn则不然, and the infrastructure players do. 这些不对称将成为2010年和2011年商业模式发生巨大变化的驱动力.

Prediction 3: Consolidation shall commence. There are too many CDNs and too many OVPs. 每一个新兴行业都有太多的进入者,但缺乏差异化. The game of musical chairs will begin.

Aspirational 1: Benefits, not features. 我希望人们能更好地解释视频的有益用途. 让我们超越速度和提要的讨论,转向更丰富的上下文讨论.

Aspirational 2: Video becomes center. 我希望html5和其他形式的富媒体的出现将有助于把视频推向舞台的中心. 视频将不再简单地嵌入到HTML中,而HTML将被放置在视频中. Creating video to be powerful mini sales kiosks.

Aspirational 3: The marketer’s dream: I am being heard. I hope marketers everywhere will begin to use advanced, 沉浸式视频分析,以确定视频作为一种强大的沟通媒介的有效性.

Rimas Buinevicius, Chairman and CEO, Sonic Foundry
斯科特BroomfieldMany analysts have questioned when exactly is streaming in the corporate and academic enterprise going to cross the chasm. Aside from the explosion of rich media for entertainment, we’ve felt for the last couple years that webcasting, 讲座捕获和混合事件在早期采用者之间仍然处于中间阶段, enthusiasts and visionaries and the pragmatic early majority.

为什么? Perhaps the market has needed this time to mature, but I’d also argue the economic challenges of today have been productive in building an even more solid base for streaming as a foundation for improved communications. Coupled with this increased awareness is growing recognition of the value of streaming for many aspects of learning and training in both the corporate and education markets.

When has the world been more 开放 to:
• Attending virtual conferences while avoiding the hassles 以及旅游经济学?
• Taking education to students and employees in new ways; making it possible for adult and returning students to further their education while working, giving students the flexibility to watch class (or watch again) and creating a larger stage for faculty to share k现在ledge they impart in the 每天的教室?
• Getting all the employees on the same page at the same time; removing the need to even leave their desks, keeping productivity up and company objectives aligned?

由于这些原因,我们从未像现在这样对未来如此乐观. And never more dedicated to creating the easiest to use, 市场上最可靠和支持最好的网络直播平台.

丹的城堡, CEO, Telestream
丹的城堡几个关键趋势正在塑造直播市场的未来. While the number of streaming distribution outlets, web viewers and video content itself are all going up, 制作高质量直播内容的成本正在下降. Lessons learned from traditional TV broadcasting and post-production are helping us develop products that make sense for today’s broader web and mobile markets.

It’s 现在 possible to create webcasts with the high production value of television broadcasts using software products running on standard computer platforms for a fraction of the cost of traditional hardware systems. These software tools control real-time switching between multiple live video cameras and include features such as chroma key, 3 d图形, 内置的标题, 视频覆盖, branding and lower-thirds – all for only hundreds, 而不是成千上万, 美元的.

These tools are enormously empowering and easy for anyone to use. 一个单一的企业传播者或百家乐软件app最新版下载现在可以承担所有的责任, 控制所有功能, 并取代对传统广播技术和制作人员的需求.

在基于按需文件的工作流方面,Telestream有着悠久的创新历史. 现在,我们的Wirecast产品让我们进入了基于直播的市场. We look forward to expanding our live video production solutions to serve the growing number of broadcasters, 公司, 大学和礼拜堂谁需要快速和负担得起的直播活动, 讲座, 服务, and town hall meetings to web, 手机和电视观众.

本Chodor, President, Stream57
本Chodor两年前,我们预测网络广播和在线视频行业将进入黄金时段. 去年, 经济衰退打开了流媒体的闸门,所有大公司都一拥而上. Some swam while others sank.

This year, we can keep them all afloat. In 2010, it’s about fine-tuning – broadband infrastructure is in place, 我们的软件可以交付货物-创新的视频项目正在等待推出. We can blow’em right out of the water if we do it right.

在Stream57, we don’t have to convince anyone that they need this technology anymore; webcasting is 现在 a must for every company. We 现在 build solutions to meet the specific needs of each client – we are the experts in reaching the audience they need to reach, and we can help them do it in the best possible ways.

去年我说过:“我们已经是必需品了,而我们的大部分市场甚至还没有意识到这一点.“嗯,说实话,这个行业一有立足之地就开始腾飞了. And our role has changed pretty drastically since just last year.

我们都曾经害怕缓慢的连接,劣质的产品,甚至客户不“懂”." These aren’t really obstacles anymore. In fact, they’re more or less gone completely.

我们一直以提供最优质的技术而自豪. Now it’s time to show’em what this stuff can really do.

彼得Csathy, CEO, Sorenson Media
彼得CsathyIn 2010, expect the business of professionally produced online video (and those 服务 enabling it) to expand dramatically. We will see accelerating use of video by businesses of all sizes to more effectively market and showcase their goods and 服务; communicate who they are in the marketplace; interact with customers and prospective customers; and ultimately grow their revenues and monetize their business. 换句话说,企业将越来越多地使用视频来推动他们的整体成功.
This accelerated realization of — and dependence on — the unique power of video will not just result from proactive foresight. Much of it initially also will happen reactively. Many businesses will see their competitors increasingly use video to give themselves significant advantages in the marketplace. 换句话说,他们最好在视频列车离开他们之前跳上它. 为什么? Because there is no more effective medium to communicate messaging than video - video is far more powerful than text or mere images. 我们是视觉动物,我们会被视频所吸引...

... So long as that video is done right. 在这种情况下,“正确”意味着高视频质量和整体过程简单, in addition to the actual video content itself. 这将在2010年视频世界中日益区分出赢家和输家. Those who enable 服务 that make it easy to publish the highest quality video over the Internet will realize this online video market opportunity. Quality is absolutely essential, because quality is credibility. 视频质量反映了企业的产品、服务和整体品牌.

砖Eksten, President, Digital Rapids
砖EkstenFrom content providers to solutions vendors, companies in the streaming media space have weathered the global economic storm far better as a whole than many of our counterparts in ‘traditional’ industries. 许多人甚至茁壮成长。, 随着2009年越来越多的观众和广告商转向网络, 而工业和机构用户也实现了流媒体的性价比优势, higher-impact internal and external communication. As the economic gloom gives way to recovery, attention among content owners and online destinations is again turning from ‘monetization for survival’ to ‘strategic monetization for sustainable growth’.

版权所有者和内容门户比以往任何时候都更加紧密地合作, 寻找新的方法,通过以新的方式利用现有的技术基础,将内容与机会联系起来. 内容识别技术,如指纹和水印, often thought of only for protection against unauthorized use, are enabling new monetization opportunities. Automatic recognition of ownership of uploaded clips on sites such as YouTube gives owners the option of allowing advertising to be run against the content rather than blocking it, letting them capitalize on additional revenue opportunities by leveraging the content’s grassroots popularity.

与此同时, the latest adaptive bit rate delivery (‘adaptive streaming’) technologies bring Web viewing experiences far closer to the quality and reliability expectations of ‘traditional’ television while wrapping them with rich interactive capabilities. We are closer than ever to a true, online television experience. 通过增加观众的参与度和延长平均观看时间, 这些技术增加了广告印象的机会, which directly translates to monetization potential.

The strength of the streaming media ‘industry’ through the economic crisis is a sign of how far we’ve all come in the past decade, and our community is even better positioned as we enter the next.

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