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从广播向FAST(免费)过渡有哪些挑战, 广告支持的流媒体电视),以及推出和发展流媒体服务? 乔纳森·赫德,合伙人 奥特曼梭伦, kicks off the discussion by asking Christina Chung, VP Business Operations, 爱丝特雷娜媒体, “你遇到过哪些挑战?, and what are some of the ways that you've helped companies through that challenge from pay TV to streaming?”

Chung表示,爱丝特雷娜媒体的数字业务仍然很新. Its ability to transition from broadcast to digital was helped by having a recognizable brand that already resonated with a specific audience. “我们是通过FAST渠道做到这一点的, 在所有这些不同的平台上可用, 让我们的品牌进入千家万户, 让消费者认识到我们是谁以及我们提供的内容,” she says. “我们有非常以西班牙裔为中心的独特内容, and what we try to do is make sure that it's very culturally relevant for our audiences.”

“但这需要时间?” Hurd says.

“当然有,”钟说. She outlines the ways they have steadily unrolled their digital presence and engagement. 在FAST频道建立了一个存在之后, she says, “之后的一年,我在开发我们的Estrella电视应用, 这是我们一直在努力改进的吗. 因为我们的应用, what we're hoping to do in the future is really get more engagement with our audiences.” She emphasizes that Estrella is now focused on solidifying their fandom in their demographic sphere by creating a “whole viewership experience, 不仅仅是内容,” she says. “For us, that's important, and that's what is probably going to be the next play for 2023.”

赫德转向B.J. Elias,执行副总裁, 福克斯公司,因为他的见解. “你有传统的,也有 Tubi告诉我们那里发生了什么,”他说.

Elias notes that Fox has taken a more measured approach to streaming than some competitors. “You have not seen us out with a very wide broad-based subscription service,” he says. 我们对此非常高兴. You don't hear us on our earnings call talking about the billions of dollars of losses that are being piled into streaming services. 我们非常致力于付费电视生态系统, 但我们正在流媒体领域进行明智的投资. 所以当我们没有 Disney+ or a Peacock 他们损失了数十亿美元, we have made smart investments in the Advertising-Based Video on Demand (AVOD) space. Tubi为我们提供了非凡的服务. I think we just announced that it grew over 50% year-over-year in terms of total viewing time. 这是巨大的增长. 然后在订阅方面,我们有 Fox Nation streaming service, which is a subscription service focused on the Fox News audience. 所以我认为我们在流媒体领域下了明智的赌注, 这给我们带来了回报.”

赫德问收入高级副总裁克里斯·德雷克, Quickplay关于他的公司的经验.

Drake emphasizes the importance of a highly data-driven approach for successful streaming enterprises. “You can't really underscore how significant the shift in the transition has been from this 50-year-old pay TV model to a near-overnight transition not just to online, but [to] the recognition of how diverse audiences and consumers are and what the demands are to remain competitive,” he says. He notes that while having good user data is essential, knowing how to harness that data best is key. “大数据的挑战并不在于你没有数据, 而是它太大了, and it's in these silos and distributed formats and structures that can't really be captured and referenced in real-time,” he says. “And so a big part of what we are doing is…really bringing a data-centric approach and normalizing data structures, 交叉参考驾驶见解, providing the data to influence the decisions that you're making in real-time about your business. And so I think it's forcing a lot of media companies to start thinking about retraining some new muscles as well.”

Drake says that a “hits-oriented” content approach is now less viable because what will be popular is becoming increasingly relative to specific audiences in a diverse viewing population. “Our focus is really how do we bring real-time insights and data that influences and provides the blueprint of what you need to do as a media company and an organization around content, 在经验, 围绕商业模式,创造性地思考这些模式,” he says. “不仅仅是内容的创作过程, but really the creative process about what it means to provide a digital service for today's consumers.”

了解更多关于从付费电视过渡到流媒体的信息 流媒体东部2023.



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