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Bertelsmann AG and America Online, Inc. (纽约证券交易所代码:美国在线)今天宣布了一项新的全球战略联盟,以扩大贝塔斯曼领先的媒体内容和电子商务资产在全球范围内对美国在线互动品牌的分销, 以及重组他们在美国在线欧洲和美国在线澳大利亚合资企业中的权益的协议.

Under the four-year alliance valued at $250 million, 贝塔斯曼将成为美国在线互动服务的2300多万会员和超过1.35亿网络品牌消费者的首选媒体内容和电子商务提供商.

贝塔斯曼的音乐, 杂志, 书, and other entertainment properties, its 书 and music clubs, and its e-commerce sites will be featured on the 美国在线, CompuServe and Netscape Online interactive services worldwide as well as 美国在线 Instant Messenger, ICQ, 美国在线.COM, Digital City, Spinner, Winamp and its other global Internet properties.

贝塔斯曼和美国在线还将在各自的服务和资产中相互推广对方的品牌, and Bertelsmann will provide broadband distribution for America Online and 美国在线 Europe brands.

两家公司还同意重组其在美国在线欧洲和美国在线澳大利亚的所有权. The transaction involves using put and call mechanisms resulting in a cost of $6.750亿美元到8亿美元.为了在未来几年最终买断贝塔斯曼的股份,他向美国在线支付了250亿美元, if the options are exercised. 付款, in either cash or stock at America Online's discretion, would be made after January 31, 2002.

With this new relationship, America Online will work even more closely with 美国在线 Europe's strong local management teams. 作为欧洲领先的互联网和电子商务服务公司,美国在线欧洲公司目前拥有超过3个分支机构.8 million households through its multiple brands, including more than 3.4 million paying members of 美国在线 and CompuServe, 超过400人,000 Netscape Online registered users. 除了, America Online is to take immediate ownership of Bertelsmann's 50% interest in 美国在线 Australia, subject to receipt of necessary regulatory approvals.

贝塔斯曼表示,将利用该协议带来的任何百家乐软件,打造现有的电子商务业务,并为新的电子商务和内容活动提供种子资金. 美国在线, as it pursues its worldwide growth strategy for all of its brands, this agreement positions the Company to more aggressively serve the global market. By 2004, there will be twice as many online consumers outside the US than inside, with the total in Europe expected to quadruple to 125 million. 和, over the next five years, international online advertising is forecast to expand by 80% annually.

Thomas Middelhoff, Bertelsmann's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said: "By forging this new global strategic alliance, Bertelsmann will have the largest worldwide distribution of any e-commerce company. 除了, by restructuring our joint venture relationships with America Online, 我们将获得大量的新百家乐软件,专注于我们的主要目标,即全面数字化贝塔斯曼的媒体资产,并建立我们作为世界领先的互联网内容和电子商务公司之一的地位."

史蒂夫•凯斯, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of America Online, 他说:“我们非常高兴通过这个新的全球战略联盟来延长我们与贝塔斯曼的长期合作关系,这将极大地造福我们的会员和世界各地的其他互联网消费者. 美国在线和贝塔斯曼已将美国在线欧洲公司打造成全球增长最快的市场之一的领先泛欧互联网提供商,并在澳大利亚推出了一项令人兴奋的新服务. We are fully committed to continuing to focus our resources, 支持和管理扩展这些业务的增长,使媒体在这些有前景的市场中对消费者的日常生活更加重要."

鲍勃·皮特曼, America Online's President and Chief Operating Officer, 他表示:“这些协议表明,我们对与贝塔斯曼的合作关系以及美国在线欧洲和美国在线澳大利亚的持续成功充满信心. 我们的新联盟将把贝塔斯曼世界级的内容和电子商务资产提供给我们全球多个品牌的数千万消费者. 我们将与优秀的当地管理团队密切合作,在欧洲和澳大利亚取得成功. 特别是, 我们很高兴能够通过将我们领先的互动品牌和服务扩展到新的欧洲市场,并通过无线等新平台实施我们的美国在线 Anywhere战略,加速美国在线欧洲的增长."

America Online and Bertelsmann also announced that Michael Lynton, President of 美国在线 International, will become acting Chief Executive Officer of 美国在线 Europe. 美国在线 Europe's current President and Chief Executive Officer, 安德烈亚斯•施密特, 在回归贝塔斯曼之前,你会在过渡期间继续为公司工作吗.Mr. Lynton said: "We thank 和reas for assembling a talented, 敬业、勤奋的欧洲员工将美国在线欧洲打造成了今天的互联网巨头. 在他的领导下, 美国在线欧洲现在比以往任何时候都更有能力充分利用摆在我们面前的巨大机遇."

Bertelsmann's global strategic alliance with America Online will include:

贝塔斯曼电子商务:合作伙伴计划扩展他们现有的电子商务协议, as well as enter into new agreements to provide carriage for getmusic.com, 和Sold, evenbetter.在美国在线和美国在线欧洲的服务和产品上,贝塔斯曼的音乐和图书俱乐部, including digital delivery of media content such as digital downloading of music.


Bertelsmann Preferred Interactive Services: Bertelsmann will designate 美国在线, CompuServe and Netscape Online as its "Preferred Interactive Services."

Cross-marketing: Bertelsmann, 美国在线欧洲和美国在线将建立一系列营销关系,包括捆绑交易,以交叉推广彼此的服务和产品,以推动美国在线欧洲和美国在线用户的增长, as well as Bertelsmann's 杂志s, music and 书 clubs, and e-commerce properties.

宽带和通信工具:贝塔斯曼将通过贝塔斯曼宽带集团平台和服务为美国在线和美国在线欧洲的互动服务提供宽带接入, 两家公司还将探讨让贝塔斯曼使用包括电子邮件在内的美国在线通讯工具, 美国在线 Instant Messenger, ICQ和聊天.

数字版权管理系统:美国在线和贝塔斯曼将在数字版权管理问题上合作, 包括评估Intertrust和Reciprocal对包括软件在内的所有数字内容的安全下载和财务清算. 除了, 贝塔斯曼将确保它使用的任何数字版权管理系统都能与美国在线媒体播放器兼容.

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