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动态图像、音频, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence: "A New Way to Make Money"


The video compression industry is ready to reinvent itself, and new standards-setting body 动态图像、音频 人工智能和数据编码(MPAI) 驱动它的机制是什么, 根据蒂埃里·福捷的说法, President-Chair of the Ultra HD Forum and an influential voice in the shifting sands of codec development.

在电视上讲话 iabm主办的未来趋势 影像网络研讨会 & 身临其境的, Fautier (who is also VP Video Strategy for Harmonic) was joined by MPAI founder and Leonardo Chiariglione, 谁在1988年发起了ISO/IEC的MPEG标准委员会 辞职 两个月前.

"The problem confronting our industry is the fragmentation of license pools," underlined Fautier.  “这阻碍了技术的发展."

Fautier详细阐述了MPEG目前的僵局. The media coding industry is trying to move from a position of "pulling their hair out,他说, about how to implement codecs like HEVC and potentially VVC commercially.

Rival AOM, meanwhile, is "only selecting the tools that will be patent-free. [This means that] at the end of the day nobody is making money in a process which is very friendly to big companies like Netflix, 亚马逊, 苹果和谷歌."

第三种方法是MPAI. The non-profit organisation plans to develop new technical specifications of data coding, using AI to bridge the gap between those tech specs and their practical use through Intellectual Property Rights Guidelines, 例如架构牌照.

“这是一个赚钱的机会,”福捷说. “将会有更多来自授权来源和被授权方的购买. 你需要对那些使用这项技术的人开诚布公. 我相信MPAI的做法是正确的. It's a very exciting time where the video industry is ready to reinvent itself."

Whereas Fautier insists the industry is ready to pay certain fees for using technology provided it has insurance for the amount they pay, Chiariglione说MPAI对开源持开放态度.

“在我漫长的MPEG岁月里, I fought hard to convince a significant number of members to think that MPEG shouldn't just be something that has only one business model. 我们不应该过于虔诚."


IABM的首席技术官Stan mote分享了最新的研究 行业报告 确定与新冠病毒相关的技术,包括虚拟化, cloud and remote production as the tech enablers at the top of media industry lists. 成像和沉浸式应用,如8K HDR, VR, 和MR稍微落后一些,但在人们的议程上仍然很重要.

"身临其境的 applications are pointless without practical compression techniques," Moot said. "What is at stake in the battle for video compression is what makes sense from a technical and business perspective."

碎片化只会越来越明显. This week the Chinese consortia behind AVS2 is on verge of releasing AVS3 targeting 8K content.

Fautier called AVS3 an alternative in case people are not satisfied with 'western' technology, 尽管我们不知道它是否会在中国以外取得成功."

与此同时, HEVC patent holder InterDigital has announced that it has developed software to simplify and accelerate AI-based video compression research. CompressAI allows researchers to quickly design, train, test, and evaluate AI-based codecs. 该公司表示,开源平台(可于 Github) is already being used to support the development of next generation image and video codecs.

The demand for more immersive content seems to have accelerated under COVID-19.

“虽然5.1是标准,我们看到它在扩大。 狂热的 在IABM小组. “没有立体声混音的要求. 现在的节目有一个很大的、主要的沉浸式元素."

在音频方面的最大份额是杜比全景声, but Chin said there was interest in every single areas of immersive sound, 包括双耳和双声技术.

劳尔·奥尔德雷,首席商务官 MediaKind, said that opportunities for implementing immersive applications were growing into 2020, and while there has been an enforced dip in the first half of the year, 这些计划并没有消失.

"We're seeing these things come back to the forefront of discussion,他说.

当前的一个例子是自行车的主要赛事环法自行车赛. 与骑行app合作 Zwift fans can join the race on their own bikes at home and compete head to head with the pros.

"There's a pressing need for live events to deliver an experience to fans at home in the absence of fans at the stadia,奥尔德雷说, predicting that there will be more and more of these immersive experiences crossing over into fan engagement.

Betting is also likely to merge into the mainstream of the live sports experience, enabled by real-time interaction and the growing number of states and countries where sports betting on TV is legal.

Peter Kirkup, group technical solutions manager at AR/MR solutions developer 伪装, said the pandemic has demonstrated that audiences are hungry for the immersion they would experience in a live context.

"I think the new normal we will all go into will benefit from the outcome of all of this innovation,他说. "There will be new capabilities and new technologies on top of new normal which will enable us to create new more amazing things. We've already seen extended reality use cases for viewers watching a live stream of an event at home. This will accelerate even after, partly because audience expectations are now set much higher."

Aldrey also predicted that 8K will be driven by the postponed Tokyo Games. “市场上(能够接收8K信号的)设备并不多, but the Olympics will be used to drive 8K and other immersive experiences into the mainstream. I would say we'll see a cascade of these experiences and events beginning next year."

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