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New DASH-AVC/264 Guidelines Include Support for 1080p Video


版本2.DASH-AVC/264指南的第0条, with support for 1080p video and multichannel audio, 现在可以在 DASH行业论坛(IF)网站.

The new guidelines includes several promised extensions, including one on HD video that moves the recommended baseline from 720p to 1080p.

最初选择720p, according to the initial guidelines released in May, as a "tradeoff between content availability, support in existing devices and compression efficiency." At that time, the baseline video support used the Progressive High Profile Level 3.1 decoder and supported up to 1280x720p at 30 fps.

"The choice for HD extensions up to 1920x1080p and 30 fps is H.264 (AVC) Progressive High Profile Level 4.0 decoder," the new guidelines state, adding support for 4.0 decoders that was lacking in the previous set of guidelines.

In addition, the guidelines also provide a way to handle standard definition (SD) content.

"It is recognized that certain clients may only be capable to operate with H.264/AVC Main Profile," the guidelines state. "Therefore content authors may provide and signal a specific subset of DASH-AVC/264 by providing a dedicated interoperability identifier referring to a standard definition presentation. This interoperability point is defined as DASH-AVC/264 SD."

The new guidelines also cover several multichannel audio options.

“基线1”.0 version of DASH-AVC/264 only required support for HE-AACv2 stereo,威尔·劳说。, secretary of DASH IF and Chairman of its Promotions Working Group. “版本2.0 introduces multichannel Dolby, DTS and also Fraunhofer profiles."

Law also says that there will be a number of DASH-AVC demonstrations around the at IBC at Amsterdam's RAI Convention Centre on September 12, 2013. "These demonstrations will show the latest advancements in the DASH workflow, 从编码, 通过传送和回放, 包括4K视频, HEVC和多声道音频,Law说。. "You'll also see HbbTV and multi-screen applications as well as solutions for DASH use in the broadcast world."

这些示威活动将在 各种各样的展位, including Akamai—the company where Law works as a Principal Architect for Media—Ericsson, Haivision, Microsfot, Nagra, 还有很多其他的. 

For those interested in meeting all the players in one location at IBC, DASH IF将在下午6点举办一个招待会.m. CEST on Friday, September 13, 2013, in Ballroom IV at the Hotel Okura. As of the time of this writing, a limited number of registrations are 可用.

Gold sponsors include Connected 首页 Academy, DTS, 微软, Qualcomm, Verimatrix, 和Wowza媒体系统. These companies are joined by several Silver sponsors: BuyDRM, Digital Primates, and Dolby.

Digital Primates has been hosting a demonstration of a JavaScript version of a DASH-AVC/264 reference player. dash.Js也在审查1.0 release, according to Law, and release is planned just prior to IBC.

The official version will be launched soon at the 破折号网站 but until then the Digital Primates demo can be found on 他们的网站. The demo requires Chrome or Internet Explorer 11 (IE); PlayReady DRM playback is currently only 可用 with IE for this demo.

正如DASH IF指出的那样, DASH-AVC/264 "does not intend to specify a full end-to-end DRM system" but it does provide a framework for multiple DRMs to protect DASH content.  The guidelines allow the additional of "instructions or Protection System Specific, proprietary 信息 in predetermined locations to DASH content" that has previously been  encrypted with what's generally known as the Common Encryption Scheme (ISO/IEC 23001-7).

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Akamai, Google: Building an Open Source DASH-AVC/264 Player

An all-star 流媒体 West panel explains the architecture of the dash.js player, and shows how attendees can use it in their own projects.

Understanding DASH264 and Building a Client

DASH264为何起飞? A 流媒体 East presentation explained how it simplifies interoperability.

MPEG-DASH: Making Tracks Toward Widespread Adoption

Despite all the hype, the move to embrace MPEG-DASH and the DASH264 spec has been slow-going. We look at the history of DASH and the roadblocks it faces moving forward.

MPEG-DASH Industry Forum Releases Implementation Guidelines

The DASH-IF continues move toward interoperability points and even H.265集成. 该书将于7月中旬出版.


DASH-IF引入了一个更精简、更吝啬的H.264/fMP4 approach, officially called DASH-AVC/264
