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Not So FAST? Spring 2023 State of Streaming Survey Says...

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As last week’s Streaming Media East 2023 wrapped up, Evan Shapiro treated his audience 流媒体领域的旋风之旅及其不断扩大的玩家阵容. The day prior, at the research keynote, the team behind the seventh State of Streaming survey did the same. Today it’s possible to watch both keynotes as well as download the State of Streaming Spring 2023 report.

The 24-page report covers topics ranging from private- versus public-cloud usage, the continued fluctuation of viewership and subscription numbers, 人们对玻璃到玻璃延迟的预期,以及在许多流媒体平台上继续推出免费广告支持电视(简称FAST).

Together the State of Streaming Spring 2023 report 描绘了一幅媒体创作和分发生态系统的图景——71%的受访者既创作又分发内容, 与我们最初的2020年春季调查的46%相比,这一比例有了显著增长——在观众和订户频谱的两端,这一比例都在继续多样化.

In addition, 该调查的全球受访者构成提供了对几乎每个大陆的市场增长的见解, 适合由三大洲代表组成的研究主题小组. As part of the presentation, George Bukochava, the CEO of Tulix, which sponsored the survey, 分享对分辨率和数据速率使用变化的见解, 例如,720p60的使用量增加,它允许旧的移动设备消费高帧率的内容,如全球体育赛事.


图利克斯带来了一位合作伙伴,古斯塔沃·德·梅代罗斯(Gustavo de Medeiros) FAST Alliance, 谁对FAST采用变化的见解是理解2023年春季版FAST数据的关键.

Crafted and analyzed by the Help Me Stream Research Foundation team, 当前的调查还深入研究了当今流媒体组织面临的一些业务和技术问题. For the first time in survey history, 同时对资本支出(CapEx)和运营支出(opex)的担忧,揭示了一个严重依赖公共云解决方案的行业可能面临的定价难题. While many large streamers are forging their own private clouds, 在生产成本上升的同时,普通的流媒体组织也面临着更高的每用户交付成本.

A final panelist, Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen最后一次担任流媒体会议主席, 他还重申了他在去年秋天的研究成果展示中提出的观点, 也就是说,在高端收入逐渐减少的时候,低端收入却在回升.

FAST was the talk of the conference, 在今天发布的报告中有更多关于FAST思维转变的细节. The team at Streaming Media magazine has prepared a special launch page for readers to download the State of Streaming Spring 2023 report, so get your copy today!

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