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NAB 2024: Blackmagic设计 Talks URSA Cine 12K, 达芬奇决心, 星座4K切换器和更多

Blackmagic设计 销售运营总监鲍勃·卡尼利亚 的主要特性 Blackmagic's new URSA Cine 12K, 达芬奇决心, 4K切换者,以及更多的采访 流媒体的马克·富兰克林 来自黑魔法设计摊位 NAB 2024.

Blackmagic设计 销售运营总监鲍勃·卡尼利亚 的主要特性 Blackmagic设计的新URSA Cine 12K, 达芬奇决心, 4K切换者,以及更多的采访 流媒体的马克·富兰克林 来自黑魔法设计摊位 NAB 2024.

马克·富兰克林: 流媒体 杂志 is now in Blackjmagic Design's booth and we have a lot of new and exciting announcements for this year's NAB. So I'm here with 鲍勃Caniglia, Director of Sales Operations, who's going to tell us all about it.

鲍勃Caniglia: 摄像机里有一些新消息. 我们有一台新的URSACine 12K摄像机. It has a new body design as well as a new sensor that we're using. 它具有16个动态范围. 它有多个镜头支架. 您可以有EF、PL或LPL挂载. We even have a new Media Module that we use to record that we're making on our own because it has 8TB of storage, 所以它可以记录4小时的12K. 所以密度非常大. And we have ether网 port as well as Wi-Fi or USB-C to tether in order to move the data from the camera through the Blackmagic Cloud service. So this way, you can actually pull the media off using the 10 gig Ether网. It's our biggest camera in terms of the sensor size and things. We're even also showing a new camera that'll come later and hopefully by the end of the year, 是17K 65毫米口径的吗.

So we are definitely showing that we want to be firmly implanted in the high-end cinema world. 除了那个相机, 我们还推出了新的PYXIS 6K相机, 是一种带6K全画幅传感器的盒式相机吗. So these are large-format sensors and the suitcase camera can be obviously rigged out any way people want. 我们甚至有一个可选的玫瑰花环放在它的一边. 那里有一个显示器, 你可以浏览一下菜单, 你可以用它作为一个信心监视器或摄像系统, 诸如此类的事情. And that camera is going to be available in three different mounts: an EF, PL, and an L mount.

马克·富兰克林: Now with that 8 TB media, is that just like an external flash drive?

鲍勃Caniglia: 正确的, so it's a custom module that has the data on it and it pulls in and out of the camera itself. And then we have a new media dock that you can use to mount it to your system.

马克·富兰克林: Do you need the dock for it to work or can you wire it like USB-C also?

鲍勃Caniglia: You'd either use the dock itself or from the camera directly. 你可以通过10g连接.

马克·富兰克林: So all you need is an ether网 cable and you can record directly to it.

鲍勃Caniglia: So you can use the ether网 cable to pull the data off of the camera.

马克·富兰克林: 它不能录制到它,但你可以转到它.

鲍勃Caniglia: 正确的. 你传输数据. 但你也可以使用Wi-Fi连接来移动文件, because it records Blackmagic RAW at the same time on both of the new cameras,

马克·富兰克林: Are there any similar updates of that functionality in your older cameras?

鲍勃Caniglia: We recently enabled the Pocket Cinema Cameras as well as the new Cinema 6K model, which is a handheld model of the 6K sensor to be able to do the proxy and Blackmagic RAW recording as well as being able to use the Pocket cameras as a webcam. 你可以把SPC拿出来,告诉我们那里有摄像头.

马克·富兰克林: 在摄像机外,还有其他有趣的事吗?

鲍勃Caniglia: Da Vinci Resolve 19 has a host of new features including some new AI tools, but also we're using it for replay with the ATEMs using a combination of the Hyperdecks and our cloud storage. So it's using Da Vinci Resolve software now to do multicam for replay. 这是一个重大的声明.

在人工智能方面, we have this new IntelliTrack AI that is actually across several of the tabs in the program. 所以Fusion Fairlight音频和Color页面,很明显. In the Fairlight page, one of the unique new tools is to pan sound by. 如果你有, 说, 一架穿越的飞机, you can track the plane and it'll automatically pan the audio to match. So that way you're not having the keyframe does it automatically and you can spend more time being creative rather than having a key frame thing. So that's one of those devices where the AI is helpful so it speeds up the process so you can spend more time doing more creative things.

马克·富兰克林: 还有别的事吗,到演播室去?

鲍勃Caniglia: 在ATEM区域, 对于现场生产切换者, 我们有新的ATEM 1 M/E和2 M/E 4K星座4K. So they mirror the HD versions from last year in terms of inputs and outputs, but now it's in 4K. We also came out with a ATEM Micro Panel that is a small switcher panel that has the same buttons as our larger panels, but it's designed to work with any of our switchers even up to the 4 M/E switcher. 正如我告诉人们的那样, 这对任何小切换器都是很好的, so you can at least direct punch instead of having to use the software. But even if you have a larger panel on an M/E switcher of ours, 你仍然可以使用小的, 比方说,把显示器从另一辆总线上关掉, 诸如此类.

So it's a cool little panel ($675) and I think that people are really going to like the idea of having that option. 非常低调, 但是我们也有一些新产品, SMPTE 2110产品即IP产品都有. 它的目的是建立我们的生态系统. 我们使用10g以太网传输4K. Now we have our own codec that conforms to the 2110 standard, but we're making it open source so everybody can implement it. 我们有几种产品, like a small 16-input app router that we have that works like a video router for IP. And then we have some other end-to-end products where you can mount one of them on the back of a TV and take a 10 gig signal in and turns it into HDMI. 所以你可以用标准的CAT6+运行. It's a great way to move images to long distances that obviously it would exceed SDI.

马克·富兰克林: 非常有趣的东西. 这是否涵盖了所有内容,或者还有更多内容?

鲍勃Caniglia: 总会有更多. The one thing that I will 说 is that in the Cintel scanner we have a new 8mm gate that we announced the check display and now it's officially released. 这很酷.

马克·富兰克林: 当你有17K相机的时候, do you actually think people are going to have displays that high resolution, or do you think it'll just be for cropping in and giving you that multi-camera option, 就像我们把4K变成1080一样?

鲍勃Caniglia: 正确的. So where the 17K really comes in is that a lot of the virtual production with the LED screen, 他们使用了非常高分辨率的图像, 所以他们会用16K的图像. 所以你会有一些框架. But I think it's one of those things where the 65 millimeter is where, 如果你想做imax类型的东西, 这也是我们可以使用它的地方. But people definitely overshoot to have the ability to reframe. 这是另一个例子,说明我们会怎么做.

马克·富兰克林: 17K每分钟是多少太字节?

鲍勃Caniglia: 网上会有一个计算器,就像我们为12公里赛跑准备的那样. 我还不知道这是怎么算的.

马克·富兰克林: 12公里赛跑是多少?

鲍勃Caniglia: Well, the 8TB module rather can record four hours of 4K, which is pretty good. 这就是我们所有的缩放微积分, 取决于分辨率之类的, it'll give you an accurate readout for how many terabytes per hour depending on the settings because you can still use an SSD drive to record on the Cine 12K.

马克·富兰克林: 这就是NAB 2024的Blackmagic设计.

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In this interview 来自黑魔法设计摊位 NAB 2024, Blackmagic设计's 鲍勃Caniglia and 流媒体's Shawn Lam discuss how Blackmagic is enabling producers to convert 4K and HD signals to SMPTE 2110 so they can move content across IP 网works, with their new open-source 2110 IP codec and new 10 gig port-equipped Blackmagic设计 cameras that support it like the PYXIS 6K and the URSA Cine 12K.